#3 CM Punk

By mid-2011, Punk had become the hottest commodity in all of wrestling. His pipebomb promo on an episode of WWE Monday Night Raw triggered a chain of events that led to the dawn of The Reality Era, as wrestling fans used to call it.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Punk became obsessed with wrestling in the headline match of WrestleMania. By the time WrestleMania 30 rolled around, Punk had enough of Vince and Triple H's refusal to grant him his match. Punk was slated to face The Game at WrestleMania 30, but the match never came to fruition, as Punk left the company immediately after the Royal Rumble.
During the later years of his tenure, Punk never saw eye to eye with Vince McMahon and desperately wanted to become the top star of WWE, something Vince wasn't too keen on letting happen. Punk let it all out on an episode of Colt Cabana's podcast, which went on to become one of the most famous shoot interviews in wrestling history.
Also read: 3 times Vince screwed wrestlers at the last moment