#8 Bam Bam Bigelow

Real Name: Scott Bigelow
Active years: 1986-2007
Height and Weight: 6' 3" 325 lbs (Billed at six foot six and 400 lbs.)
Signature Move: Greetings from Asbury Park; Nuclear Splash
The Beast from the East was a proud New Jersey native and a product of the world famous Monster Factory wrestling school. He feuded with such notables as Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett early in his career, before undergoing a gimmick change as Russian Crusher Yerkof.
He joined WWE and was christened Bam Bam Bigelow. With flames tattooed on his skull and on his tights, he certainly stood out. However, it was Bigelow's tremendous and surprising agility that truly made fans stand up and take notice.
He was a successful mid-card baby face in WWE, but also worked literally all over the world for a variety of promotions, including WCW and ECW. ECW is where he earned his only major world title belt.
Bigelow wrestled right up until his untimely death in 2007. Bigelow is remembered as being one of the best, most athletic big men to ever lace up a pair of boots.