#9 Big John Studd

Real Name: John Minton
Active years: 1972-1989
Height and Weight: 6'10" 360 lbs (Billed at Seven feet and 400 lbs.)
Signature Move: Reverse Bearhug, back breaker
John Minton was trained by the legendary Killer Kowalski, the same man who trained Triple H and Chyna. The towering Minton became a major draw in every promotion he wrestled in, based upon his massive size.
However, Minton wasn't just a big lug. He could wrestle a much more scientific style than many men half his size, and often performed moves more associated with luchadores like the Victory Roll. He joined the WWE in 1982 as a heel, and had a gimmick where he would bring $15000 US for any wrestler who could manage to body slam him. Famously, Andre the Giant was the one to finally get Studd off of his feet, and proceeded to distribute the money to fans at ringside.
Studd held over twenty titles in the course of his career, including the WWE World Tag Team titles and was a Royal Rumble winner. He was posthumously inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004.