#4 THAT Survivor Series...

Though the 1990s was packed with incidents, matches, storylines, and Superstars that generated emotion, highs, lows and unforgettable drama, there are few moments that can match this latest image and the story surrounding it for pure controversy.
It's the fall of 1997. Bret Hart is the WWF Champion but, owing to the company's relative financial difficulties, Hart is told that its unlikely they'll be able to meet the demands and commitments of a contract he'd recently penned with them and, as such, he was free to negotiate with and sign for their arch rival, WCW.
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While this is the very brief version of this long and sorry saga, the crux of the issue is that this is exactly what Bret went on to do. But, while Hart was Atlanta-bound, Vince had a problem - the Excellence of Execution was still his world champion. What to do, what to do? The circumstances were extremely difficult for all concerned. To get out of the sorry mess with a credible solution, Vince McMahon felt Bret needed to drop the title to Shawn Michaels.
That wouldn't have been an issue, save for the fact that the upcoming event, the Survivor Series, was in Bret's native Canada. In character or not, there was no way, Hart felt, The Hitman would ever be pinned or submit to Michaels in the Great White North. Hart, as the story goes, offered to lose the title to anybody but Michaels, and even offered to willingly vacate the championship the following night on RAW, which was also set to take place in Canada, this time in Ottawa. Michaels vs. Hart was the advertised match, so that's the match that had to happen. Bret expected a non-finish so there would be no winner, no loser, and specifically, no title change. As it turned out, Vince McMahon wasn't prepared to take the risk of Bret keeping his promise and not showing up for his company ever again after that November evening.
The result? The Montreal Screwjob. Bret didn't get his expected non-finish, instead going on to 'submit' to Michaels and lose the WWF Championship. Vince ordered the bell to be rung while Hart was in the Sharpshooter to make it look as if the submission was genuine. It wasn't, and the above photo perfectly encapsulates the emotions of the moment - it's taken just seconds after the bell rings. McMahon is sheepish, Michaels - who knew what was being planned all along - was embarrassed and looking to McMahon for guidance, and Hart was furious.