The German Suplex has become Lesnar’s signature moveBy now, you obviously know about the Beast In The East tour WWE did in Japan. What it should be remembered for is Finn Balor’s homecoming and win in Japan. What it should be relevant for is that the baton for the future was passed on to the Demon Overlord.But there’s a reason why the tour was named as such.The Beast Brock Lesnar was there to terrorize his opponent.His opponent happened to be Kofi Kingston and he was taken down the road to a certain place named Suplex City. It’s fascinating how Lesnar has taken this simple move and turned it into such a destructive one- a signature move at that.Here are Kofi Kingston and the 5 best guys to take suplexes
#6 The first and the original- John Cena
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Let’s begin with a man who’s having probably the best time this year in pro wrestling- John Cena.
The origins and the discovery of Suplex City began at Summerslam when Brock Lesnar delivered 16 German Suplexes to the face who runs the place. In a single match he made the strongest statement ever by not only beating the champion clean and taking the title away from him but also decimating and totally dominating him in the process- the likes of which we have rarely, if ever, witnessed.
Cena has taken the most suplexes ever at the arms of Lesnar and that is no small feat.
#5 Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins made the heist of the century when he cashed in his MITB at Wrestlemania and won. In the process, he booked his ticket to Suplex City. Before all of this he did get a glimpse of this forlorn world at Royal Rumble when he was tossed around like a toy action figure.
But after taking away the Beast’s championship title without pinning him, he has been trying a way to escape all of this.
Rollins took a major amount of suplexes to the delight of the crowd a couple of weeks back.
He’s even taken it from the top rope by Daniel Bryan. What’s also amazing is the fact that Rollins sometimes manages to stay on his feet after being tossed in the air.
#4 Kofi Kingston
The latest victim to one of Lesnar’s signature moves is Kofi Kingston. Everybody knew that he was there to make Lesnar look really, really dominant. We knew that Lesnar will make quick work out of him. We also knew that all of the New
Lesnar was there to deliver a message to Seth Rollins and he did.
In the
#3 Dolph Ziggler
There isn’t a single move that Dolph Ziggler can’t sell. Not even a single, solitary one. He was the original great seller in the WWE before Seth Rollins came along and joined the party and while Rollins has been to Suplex City quite often, Ziggler is yet to visit it.
A suplex is just one of the many and he sells it like a boss. He’s never had to take one from Lesnar himself but if he ever does, it sure as heck will be something to watch and behold. But he's taken various suplexes from another master of the move - Daniel Bryan.
It’ll be interesting to see Bryan deliver a suplex to Lesnar though.
#2 Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle is one of the greatest pro wrestlers ever. His wrestling skills are arguably impeccable any given day. He’s in all essentiality a professional wrestler. The olympic gold medalist has had innumerable classic matches against Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar et al. But there was something utterly special when he faced Chris Benoit. Both of these superstars use the German Suplex effectively.
But when Benoit delivered a suplex to Angle, the Olympian sold it like no one else could. He went completely topsy turvy when the move was pulled off on him. It looked devastating and hence very effective
#1 Brock Lesnar
In pro wrestling, you learn a move simply by taking it yourself first. Pain may as well be your best teacher. One of the most defining rivalries of Lesnar’s career is the one he had with Kurt Angle. They main evented Wrestlemania together, And in that match you could see the Beast sell the German suplex by Angle like a pro.
It was one of the best Wrestlemanias ever with Chris Jericho facing HBK and Rock facing Austin for the last time but the main event stood out for its wrestling. It had a botched shooting star press attempt by Lesnar and an overall superior wrestling match between these two.
Angle delivered a German suplex to Lesnar which turned the beast inside out.