WWE Mid-Year Awards for 2019 

Much of the beginning of 2019 led to these three Superstars claiming championships
Much of the beginning of 2019 led to these three Superstars claiming championships

2019 has had its shares of highs and lows. The storytelling for Superstars like Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston finally paid off with both capturing of gold at WrestleMania 35. Seth Rollins won the Royal Rumble and dethroned The Beast Incarnate as well.


Roman Reigns returned after a hiatus due to Leukemia. Several new stars like Ricochet, the Viking Raiders, Heavy Machinery and Lacey Evans all became official members of the main roster.

But with a lot of positives come many negatives as well. WWE couldn't remedy its ailing problem with falling ratings. They introduced a new title in the 24/7 belt and instituted the Wildcard Rule.

With many good, bad and strange things happening in the first half of 2019, some are worthy of recognition for good or bad reasons. Here is the first installment of the WWE Mid-Year Awards for 2019.


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article belong to the writer and doesn't necessarily represent Sportskeeda's stand.

Strangest Disappearing Act - Bray Wyatt

Wyatt departed last Summer but returned looking completely different.
Wyatt departed last Summer but returned looking completely different.

Last Summer, Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy were the Raw Tag Team Champions, the Deleters of Worlds. The duo had to relinquish the titles due to Hardy's injury, but he wasn't the only one who went away for a long time.


As Hardy took time off for recovery, Wyatt also disappeared from TV. He might have had an injury as well, but it wasn't as well-documented as Hardy's. Also while away from WWE, Wyatt had a child with fellow WWE personality, Jojo. Maybe he was taking personal time off due to the new birth.

Most wrestling fans were asking where he was because he wasn't the one who left due to injury.


But after several months, vignettes finally started to air for his return around WrestleMania 35. At first, they were merely 30 second pieces showing creepy toys laced with ominous background music.

It turned out to that those vignettes were hyping Wyatt's return, albeit in the form of a different character.

Through his Firefly Fun House segments, he has still maintained a mysterious and somewhat creepy aura albeit under the auspices of a PTSD children's show.


Wyatt left for a long time and when he did reappear, he was rebooted. How successful that long layoff will be for his character is still in question.

Best Storyline - Kofi Kingston's eventual triumph

Although it took some confusing curves, Kofi's title win proved to be the best story of early 2019.
Although it took some confusing curves, Kofi's title win proved to be the best story of early 2019.

Throughout his run to the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania, Kofi Kingston reminded us that it had been 11 years before he had received a title shot. During those 11 years, many Superstars came and went (Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio) with getting title shots. But not Kingston.


The first big chance came when he replaced Ali in the Elimination Chamber match. With that opportunity, he stole the hearts of the WWE Universe.

During the gauntlet match for the right to enter last, Kingston stole the show, proving that he had been overlooked for much of his career.

He continued to prove his mettle when he was forced to jump through hoop after hoop by Mr. McMahon, usually spewing the 'you're not good enough' diatribe used to get Daniel Bryan over.


But even though it started to seem just plain mean at points, after all of the tricks played on Kingston, he completed his 11-year journey.

At WrestleMania 35, he won the WWE Championship from Bryan, completing one of the best moments of 2019.

His teammates stood by his side throughout his entire journey and they were even forced to jump through hoops. It was a great showing of friendship and a well-deserved accolade.


Biggest Surprise - The Viking Experience and Mr. Beast in the Bank (TIe)

The former War Raiders had three different team names in the span of a week.
The former War Raiders had three different team names in the span of a week.

When the Superstar Shake-Up went down, one of the many shocks was that not only did the current NXT Tag Team Champs join the main roster, but they had their name changed. It made their debut memorable, albeit for the wrong reasons.


Previously known on the independent scene as War Machine, their name was changed to War Raiders once they joined NXT. When the decision was made to have them debut on RAW, they did so as 'the Viking Experience'. Twitter and other social media lost their minds and fans were left with their jaws on the floor.

It was so bad that WWE changed their name again for the following week, pushing the current NXT Champs as the Viking Raiders. While that name is exponentially better, it was such a strange time period due to the terrible original name given to the former Hanson and Rowe.


The other huge surprise, also not for a good reason, was Brock Lesnar's return to WWE at Money in the Bank and winning the briefcase. He didn't participate in the match but simply showed up at the end and pulled down the briefcase.

It underscored all the hard work done by the other seven men in the match. It also meant that we were a cash in away from another Lesnar title reign. If you though we were finally done with a part-timer holding a major title hostage, think again.


Most Bittersweet Moment - The Shield's final run and Kurt Angle's retirement (Tie)

WWE really milked the Shield's last run together before Dean Ambrose left the company.
WWE really milked the Shield's last run together before Dean Ambrose left the company.

Since 2013, whether as a collective or as individuals, members of The Shield were atop the WWE. During the brand split, Dean Ambrose was a major player on SmackDown while Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns were among the top guys on Raw. They were three of the biggest stars in the company and industry.


Any time they reunited, it was saved for a special occasion. They had all gone off on their own and won titles. But once it was revealed that Ambrose would be departing, WWE set off on a farewell tour for the trio.

They fought together on RAW several times and had a final PPV match together at Fastlane before 'Mania. They even had The Shield's Final Chapter special on the WWE Network. But once all was said and done, the trio would be no more with Ambrose leaving the company.


Just as bittersweet (but also necessary) was the retirement of Kurt Angle. Long known as a strong technical worker, it was becoming apparent that he had lost some of the pep in his step. Because of that, he had his farewell tour and final match at WrestleMania 35.

While it was sad to see him complete the in-ring portion of his career, it was certainly time. He couldn't perform like he had been even five years ago.


You always want to go out on top but sometimes your body just tells you it's time. Even though pro wrestlers may want to keep going into their 50s, they really shouldn't if they have trouble sustaining a match of more than five minutes.

Worst Moment - Brock Lesnar wins MITB

The smug smile says it all
The smug smile says it all

Money in the Bank 2019 was shaping up to have one of the best starts and finishes in the history of the company.


Bayley won the opening match and would cash in later in the night in order to become SmackDown Women's Champion.

The men's match closed the show and was showcasing every performer equally. Some stars took huge bumps (Ricochet, Finn Balor) while the likes of Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton all provided memorable spots.

As the match was coming to a close, Ali was left alone atop the ladder with the briefcase just out of reach. For someone who had been injured and lost his spot in the Elimination Chamber match, it would have been a great story of redemption.


All that went down the drain, however, once that familiar music hit and Brock Lesnar entered the arena.

I was hoping he was just going to cause some chaos, but he actually climbed the ladder and grabbed the briefcase. It made the match seem pointless as he entered in the final few minutes.

Him winning the briefcase is one thing, but if he is booked to successfully cash-in, they will only restart the same problem they've rectified with Rollins as Universal Champ.


Neither show needs another part-time champion, especially with ratings continuing to suffer. It's WWE's playground and toys, so they can let whomever they want play with them. It doesn't mean that we have to like it though.

Most Convoluted Storyline - Build to Triple Threat Main Event of WrestleMania 35

While it was historic for many reasons, some of the routes taken to get to the match winded a little too much.
While it was historic for many reasons, some of the routes taken to get to the match winded a little too much.

The build to the main event of this year's Show of Shows started at SummerSlam 2018. Becky Lynch had earned a title shot at the show, but Charlotte Flair was given a chance right away after being away for a few months. Instead of winning a series of matches like Lynch, she won one bout.


After Flair won, it kicked off the anti-hero Lynch storyline. WWE wanted the fans to cheer Flair, but after already having so many reigns, the fans cheered for who they wanted to. Because of that, Lynch eventually won the title back and was slated to face Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series. She got hurt, however, and the match was postponed.

Once Lynch returned, she lost the title, won the Women's Royal Rumble and intended to challenge Rousey. But in between earning the right and actually getting to capitalize on it, WWE threw a lot of darts at a non-existent dart board. Lynch was suspended but reinstated for not trusting the McMahons.


She was then stripped of her title shot, and instead of earning it, Mr. McMahon simply put Flair in the match instead. Lynch had to re-earn her title shot by beating Flair at Fastlane, but The Man only won because Rousey interfered. Gotta keep Flair looking strong.

Even though she re-earned her shot at 'Mania, the ladies were still going to main event the show.

Two weeks before the Show of Shows, McMahon didn't think that the stakes were big enough so he had Flair randomly challenge and defeat Asuka for the SmackDown Women's title. It made the match Winner Takes All, but when all was said and done, Lynch won both titles.


The result was fine but the direction they took to get to the end point was too confusing. It killed Asuka's credibility and gave Flair another meaningless reign en route to breaking her father's record.

Had WWE just stuck with the initial plan of Rousey vs. Lynch then it would have been fine, but they overthought practically every unneeded detail.

Feel Good Moment - Roman Reigns' remission

'The Big Dog' won the biggest fight of his life
'The Big Dog' won the biggest fight of his life

Sometimes when real life bleeds over into WWE and its storylines, it reminds us that the performers are people too.


When Reigns announced that he had been battling Leukemia for over a decade and that it returned, no matter how you felt about him, all the fans felt terrible in that moment.

For that to be the reason why he had to relinquish his newly won Universal Championship was heart-breaking. He had spent four years chasing the title and getting booed more than cheered for his efforts.

Reigns would be absent from the company for a little over five months. When he returned in late February, he revealed that his treatment had worked and that he was again in remission. It was a blessing for him that things worked out and he resumed his spot in the company.


He returned in time to have a final and proper send-off for the Shield rather than missing out on the opportunity.

The emotions he had were real and not scripted like everything is in WWE. Once again, it was a reminder that the WWE Superstars are also real life human beings that have struggles just like we all do.

Breakout Star - Ricochet

'The One and Only' finally got to prove to the world why he is one of the most gifted performers today.
'The One and Only' finally got to prove to the world why he is one of the most gifted performers today.

If you had seen Ricochet perform before he even signed with the WWE, you knew how special he was. His match with Will Ospreay in New Japan was an internet sensation, earning both praise and ridicule alike for the use of 'flippy stuff' or high-flying spots.


His debut in NXT was in the ladder match to crown the inaugural NXT North American Champion, and even though he didn't win, Ricochet showed his skills. Several moves from inside the ring to outside of it and off the ladder further proved he was the real deal.

If you needed further proof, just search for the spot in NXT when he basically flipped out of the ring and halfway up the ramp to confront Velveteen Dream. It was like out of a comic-book movie.


WWE wanted even more prospects to debut after they mishandled the first six they called up at the beginning of the year. While he debuted as a part of a tag team with Aleister Black, he still maintained his high-flying skills. The crowd took instantly to his fast-paced style. Through every match, he gained more and more cheers from the crowd.

His matches with Cesaro on Raw were among the best that show has put on lately. He further re-iterated that he's here to stay with the numerous spots and bumps he took in the MITB match.


WWE needs to capitalize on his current popularity, but he does have an eye-pleasing style. Perhaps that will always keep him over with the crowd even if he isn't booked the best.

Underrated Performer of the half year - Buddy Murphy

Most of his title defenses went under the radar on pre-shows.
Most of his title defenses went under the radar on pre-shows.

In order to understand why Murphy wins this, I'll just start by asking - do you always watch the pre-shows of PPVs or do you ignore them?


I'll admit to watching them sometimes, but after an amazing match at Super ShowDown last year in which he won the title from Cedric Alexander, I made sure to watch his matches.

While most Cruiserweights are either high-flyers or strikers, Murphy was everything in a single package. He often looked bigger than his opponents, but with the limit being 205 lbs (I'm sure they don't always abide by that rule) he was eligible.


His defense in a Fatal Four Way at the Royal Rumble against Hideo Itami, Akira Tozawa and Kalisto was one of the best matches of the show. His match against Tozawa at Elimination Chamber was just as memorable, including a spot off of the top rope where he countered a move mid-air.

Although he lost to Tony Nese at WrestleMania 35, it was probably done because he was going to be moved to SmackDown Live. While he hasn't performed on SmackDown just yet, it's just a matter of time until he will likely stop being underrated.


Best Feud - Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston WWE Championship feud

Bryan and Kofi proved that they were both more than worthy to be WWE Champion.
Bryan and Kofi proved that they were both more than worthy to be WWE Champion.

This feud was great for many reasons. Daniel Bryan was doing some masterful heel work. To get the crowd to boo him was a herculean effort in itself because he has always been one of the most beloved Superstars in WWE history.


Compound that with the fact that the storyline that catapulted him into the record books was playing out again with his role being played by Kofi Kingston, and the recipe was complete.

Bryan played the antagonist this time around, not believing that Kingston was worthy or good enough for a title shot and was simply a B+ player.

Even though it had been done before, it worked so well because Kingston was never given title shots.


Kingston did the rest and jumped through every obstacle both Bryan and Mr. McMahon threw at him. It all culminated with one of the most satisfying title wins in recent memory.

The ladies who main-evented WrestleMania all did good work, but not on the level of Kingston and Bryan.

And Seth Rollins had to do almost all the work in his feud with Lesnar. Despite having some good moments in it, the feud between the Miz and Shane McMahon didn't have anything close to resembling amazing wrestling like Bryan and Kingston did.


Female Performer of the half year - Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch channeled her inner Stone Cold Steve Austin en route to WrestleMania 35.
Becky Lynch channeled her inner Stone Cold Steve Austin en route to WrestleMania 35.

Becky Lynch might have started off her historic run to the main event of WrestleMania late last year, but she kept it going in 2019. She was arguably the most popular wrestler in the company and the fans went nuts every time she came to the ring.


When she wasn't in the ring or a segment was bombing, the crowd would cheer for Lynch. Some of the storytelling didn't exactly make sense, like having to re-earn her title shot and being replaced by Flair in the match.

But when WrestleMania 35 concluded, Lynch was rewarded for all of her hard work to both sell the feud in the ring and on the mic.

The feud wouldn't have been as good had Lynch not owned both Flair and Rousey on the mic every time they talked.


She routinely burned both women on Twitter as well, adding more fuel to the fire. When Flair and Rousey often retorted, it didn't have the desired effect.

Had Lynch not walked out with both titles, it would have been one of the biggest mistakes the WWE had ever made.

She was hot during the build to the main event and the only acceptable outcome was her defeating both Flair and Rousey.


Male Performer of the half year - Kofi Kingston

Kofi's win at WrestleMania 35 was important for many reasons.
Kofi's win at WrestleMania 35 was important for many reasons.

Prior to Kingston's current run, the New Day was the most entertaining act in the company. They always delivered in tag matches but none were thought of as singles stars above the mid-card.


When it came time to show the world that those perceptions were wrong, Kingston ran with his opportunity and Big E and Xavier Woods supported him at every turn. They even won a gauntlet match in order for Kingston to receive his title shot at 'Mania.

The love affair started at the Elimination Chamber where Bryan started first and Kingston entered third, but they lasted until the final two.

Their showdown in that match lasted for almost 15 minutes and showcased not only what chemistry they had but that Kingston was more than ready for the next step.


With some good storytelling - but often strange - the crowd ate up every minute of his run to the title.

He paid everyone back by never giving up and pushing Bryan to the limit. Their match at 'Mania was almost 24 minutes long.

Matches of that length are the norm in New Japan but are usually saved for Triple H appearances. Kingston earned everything the right way and for that, he was the male performer of the first half of 2019.


Best Match - Universal Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs. AJ Styles at Money in the Bank 2019

Two of the best performers of this generation tore the house down at Money in the Bank.
Two of the best performers of this generation tore the house down at Money in the Bank.

Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston could have easily taken this accolade, but due to the fact that Styles vs. Rollins was a dream match, they get the nod.


While it's all well and good to consider a pairing a dream match, it only matters if the two performers meet the expectations that everyone has for the match. Rollins and Styles certainly delivered on those expectations at Money in the Bank.

After Rollins wrestled the Universal Championship away from Brock Lesnar, he was going to need an exciting first challenger.

As he did after Roman Reigns won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 32, Styles provided that challenge.


Styles earned the right after winning a Triple Threat and then a singles match with Baron Corbin for the right to face Rollins at MITB. Styles won and we all got the dream match we wanted.

The match was filled with counters, near falls, and several top-rope moves. In the end, Rollins was able to pick up the win with his signature curb stomp after Styles attempted a Styles clash.

It was a perfect example of two of the best wrestlers in the world simply wrestling. The storylines didn't matter because the match was, pardon the pun, phenomenal.

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Edited by Alan John
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