Breakout Star - Ricochet

If you had seen Ricochet perform before he even signed with the WWE, you knew how special he was. His match with Will Ospreay in New Japan was an internet sensation, earning both praise and ridicule alike for the use of 'flippy stuff' or high-flying spots.
His debut in NXT was in the ladder match to crown the inaugural NXT North American Champion, and even though he didn't win, Ricochet showed his skills. Several moves from inside the ring to outside of it and off the ladder further proved he was the real deal.
If you needed further proof, just search for the spot in NXT when he basically flipped out of the ring and halfway up the ramp to confront Velveteen Dream. It was like out of a comic-book movie.
WWE wanted even more prospects to debut after they mishandled the first six they called up at the beginning of the year. While he debuted as a part of a tag team with Aleister Black, he still maintained his high-flying skills. The crowd took instantly to his fast-paced style. Through every match, he gained more and more cheers from the crowd.
His matches with Cesaro on Raw were among the best that show has put on lately. He further re-iterated that he's here to stay with the numerous spots and bumps he took in the MITB match.
WWE needs to capitalize on his current popularity, but he does have an eye-pleasing style. Perhaps that will always keep him over with the crowd even if he isn't booked the best.