Live from the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio, Monday Night Raw tonight was an interesting show indeed. While the event kick-started with 2 title bouts, it would quickly become yet another by-the-numbers show. Sure, Raw was going up against the Presidential Debate between Trump and Clinton, and traditionally Raw has been known to phone it in when it knows that the viewership numbers will be low.
However, there were enough interesting segments to warrant another best and worst article, and with another interesting week approaching next week...let’s look at what worked and what did not work, this week.
THE GOOD: Here’s what we liked from today’s episode of Monday Night Raw
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
1: The Cruiserweights are the best kind of filler
Who would have imagined that the Cruiserweights would get two entire segments on the flagship show of WWE? While the crowd did not immediately take to the Cruiserweights, it is a slow build to the top...and we're sure that given enough time; this will be one of the highlights on Raw week after week. We’ll get to the annoying crowd later.
But these segments certainly beat Darren Young and Jinder Mahal segments.
2: JeriKO’s chemistry is off the charts
Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens are an unlikely pairing, but one that works well. As ‘best friends’ they cracked us up tonight during a show that was going south thanks to a rowdy crowd. The two of them not only resurrected the show, but (with Enzo and Cass) put on a show and a match that made us roll on the floor laughing.
We are told that Chris Jericho may retire from WWE after some time, at least temporarily to record an album. If so, we’ll be devastated to see him go. Please don’t leave.
3: Title matches on Raw
This week, we had two title matches on Raw, and while neither the US title nor the Tag Team titles changed hands, what we had were matches that felt important. A 3-hour show where every match is meaningless filler, is almost impossible to sit through. Thankfully two title matches have been announced for next week as well, and this will lead to us tuning in with some interest.
Thankfully two title matches have been announced for next week as well, and this will lead to us tuning in with some interest.
4: The Sheamus-Cesaro pairing is surprising
Okay, tell us the truth. How many of you heaved a sigh of relief when Mick Foley announced that Cesaro and Sheamus would be teaming up to take on The New Day? Knowing how the WWE loves to disappoint its fans, we expected yet another ‘Best of 7’ Series. This new dynamic is interesting, and it's always delightful to see rivals who’re not on the same page paired in the same tag team. We haven’t seen this since Y2AJ earlier this year.
We can't wait to see what happens with this team in the coming weeks.
5: Corey Graves was incredible on commentary
The excellent commentary duo of Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan had convinced us that we do not need a color commentator in 2016. That is until Corey Graves unleashed his true genius. He’s the best in the business since Jerry Lawler in his prime. With JBL testing our patience week after week, Graves (despite his surname) is a breath of fresh air.
THE BAD: Of course, there were plenty of things we did not like about the show as well.
1: The Rollins-Owens feud is just not interesting enough
Their match at the pay-per-view was solid at best, and somehow there's absolutely no chemistry between Rollins and Owens in this feud. Both of these athletes are internet darlings, that the casual fan has trouble identifying with. Moreover, Foley has been hamming his role as General Manager.
He does not belong in a suit and tie, and the real Mick Foley needs to be unleashed. Owens has way better chemistry with Enzo and Cass.
2: The audience did not give T.J. Perkins a chance

As we saw in the Cruiserweight Classic, and subsequent Raw/Clash of Champions PPV, the Cruiserweights can work their rear ends off. Unfortunately, the crowd on today’s show did not give them a chance. We sympathise with the talent, and really hope they get a better reception in other cities. Mr. McMahon, don’t make a hasty decision.
3: The US title match went too long
Since we don't want to make the same mistake as the U.S. Title match, we’ll end the article with Sasha Banks.