WWE Monday Night RAW - Live coverage and results - 2nd June, 2014

Stephanie McMahon could being another twist to end Daniel Bryan’s WWE Championship reign

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the live review of Monday Night RAW! We’re live from Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, as we now get ready to head towards our next PPV, the Money In The Bank.

WWE kicked off looking back at the Evolution – Shield bout at Payback. Evolution came out to start the show, as the fans booed the members of the faction. The fans started a small “Bootista” as Triple H took the mic. He talked about The Shield not winning anything yet, and that it wasn’t over. He said he always wins, and said that he will hunt down the members of The Shield till they stop existing. Batista snatched the mic from Hunter and said he was done with The Shield, and he wanted the championship match that Triple H promised him. Triple H took the mic back and said there was a reason he was the boss, and said there’s a bigger picture, and a plan. Batista said he doesn’t care about the bigger picture, and that he won the Royal Rumble and he wanted his shot next. Triple H reminded Batista that Bryan was injured, and told Batista that he would choke anyway.

Triple H apologized, and said he was tensed. Triple H said he won’t back out, and won’t let Batista walk away after losing to them. He said The Shield will end tonight; Batista took the mic and said he understands, and said he quit! Triple H blew a gasket and mocked Batista and his Hollywood career. He said he was done with the WWE!

See who is stunned by Hulk Hogan's words HERE

Analysis: We’ve been hearing about Batista leaving the WWE after Payback, and I guess it is indeed true. With this angle, Batista will be taking some time off for his Hollywood projects, and you can’t help but feel bad for the guy. He was promised so much, and even the WWE World Heavyweight championship, but Vince and Triple H were forced to change their plans with Daniel Bryan getting so much support. There was also a small “CM Punk” chant, but I guess that’s the last of that for tonight.

Sheamus and RVD vs. Cesaro (With Heyman) and Wade Barrett

RVD and Sheamus waited in the ring as Cesaro came out next, followed by Bad News Barrett. Cesaro attacked Sheamus to kick things off as Heyman joined the commentary team. Sheamus came down with a battering ram for a one count. Cesaro came back with a gutwrench suplex. Sheamus exploded with a clothesline, but Cesaro managed to stop him by working on his shoulder, and tagged in Barrett. Sheamus countered Barrett’s offense by clotheslining Barrett and tagged in RVD. RVD decked Barrett with a big heel kick for a nearfall. RVD went for a spinning heel kick from the top rope but Barrett knocked him down as we went into commercial.

Back from commercial and BNB dropped RVD with a big boot for a nearfall. Barrett tagged Cesaro back in as he worked on RVD with uppercuts for a nearfall. Cesaro locked in a chinlock and stopped RVD with a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro tagged BNB back in as he dropped RVD with a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. Barrett dropped an elbow for yet another nearfall. BNB locked RVD in a rear neck choke as RVD tried to fight out of it. BNB then knocked RVD out of the ring and tagged Cesaro, who worked on RVD on the outside. Back in the ring, Cesaro went for the pinfall but RVD kicked out at 2. Cesaro worked on RVD some more in the corner and dropped RVD with a clothesline for a couple of nearfalls. Cesaro decked Sheamus with a cheap shot and that gave RVD the time to recuperate to kick Cesaro and tag in Sheamus, and Cesaro tagged in Barrett. Sheamus dropped BNB and Cesaro, and followed it with a slam.

Cesaro ducked out of a Brogue Kick and left with Heyman as BNB dropped Sheamus with the Winds of Change for a nearfall. Van Dam tagged himself in as Sheamus dropped BNB with a Brogue kick and RVD finished him off with the five star frogsplash.

Winner (s): RVD and Sheamus

Rating: ** ¼

Analysis: This is what I was afraid of. The last two Paul Heyman Guys were made to look weak with losses and running away, and the same has happened with Cesaro in two nights. Cesaro needs to be booked strong, and not as a coward. The US champ and RVD picked up the victory as Cesaro left his partner high and dry.

Harper and Rowan will take on The Usos later in the night.

Damien Sandow came out dressed as Lance Stevenson. He mocked the Pacers, and brought up LeBron James. He got some more heat as the crowd chanted “You suck”. He played around a bit before he was interrupted by The Big Show! Sandow then mocked Show and challenged him to dunk the ball. Show then threw the ball south of Sandow and knocked him out with his punch. Show then dunked the ball and broke the hoop.

Analysis: What was the point of this? These are the things which are painful to watch, and make me wish RAW went back to 2 hours.

Kofi Kingston vs. Bo Dallas

This was supposed to happen last night, but Kane attacked Kofi for some reason that WWE hasn’t explained it. Will they? I won’t be surprised if they play out like it never happened.

Bo cut a promo about Miami beating Pacers. Bo extended a hand but Kofi refused. Kofi dropped Bo with a back elbow and a dropkick as Bo rolled out of the ring. Bo extended his hand again and Kofi shook his hand, but Bo went for a cheap shot, as Kofi countered with a kick. Bo came back by dropping Kofi with a neckbreaker and a big bodydrop. Bo then dropped some knees and taunted the crowd. The crowd started a “Bo – ring” chant which was hilarious. Kofi caught Bo with a missile dropkick and came back with another dropkick. Kingston covered Bo for a nearfall. Kofi came down with a huge crossbody for yet another nearfall. Bo caught Kofi on the top turnbuckle and hit the Bo – dog to pick up the victory.

Winner: Bo Dallas

Rating: * ½

Analysis: That was a pretty slow paced bout which never got interesting. The fans were creative as always, as the “Bo – ring” chant was hilarious. That was the only interesting thing that happened in the match.

Bo wanted to shake Kofi’s hand post match, but Kofi refused.

Renee wanted to interview Triple H, but Stephanie came out instead and said she was going to make an announcement regarding the status of the WWE World Heavyweight championship.

Stephanie came out and talked about Bryan being a “selfish, little man”, who chose his title over his wife and the fans. She said he did not do the right thing, and said we deserve a fighting champion. She called him impotent, and said he put his wife on the line. She brought his wife, Brie slapping her, and said she should’ve fired her long ago. The fans chanted “Yes” as Stephanie said she’ll survive. She then tried to make Bryan feel guilty, and made a match for the Money in the Bank PPV, and if Bryan can compete, he will face Kane, and if he can’t, then the MiTB ladder match will be for the vacant WWE World Heavyweight championship.

Stephanie picked on the fans but was interrupted by John Cena! Cena came out to a big ovation as Stephanie looked confused. Stephanie joked about the fans liking Cena as much as they like her. She then congratulated Cena for winning his match against Bray Wyatt. The fans started a big “Cena sucks” chant as Cena played it off. Cena then talked about Stephanie’s decisions, as the crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant. Cena then talked about knowing the importance of the WWE title, and said he was also in Bryan’s shoes when he got injured. Cena talked about no one being bigger than the title, not even a “Spoiled, jealous, egomaniac” named Stephanie McMahon! He said he understood that she didn’t like Bryan, and said Bryan is really good, as the fans started a “Yes” chant. He talked about Bryan proving himself every time he stepped inside the ring.

Cena talked about Bryan beating Cena at SummerSlam last year, and Stephanie screwing Bryan ever since. Cena said he knew he would get a shot at the title, and Stephanie cut him off. She talked about Bryan being B+ player, and talked about Bryan being unable to compete. She said she had to do what was best for business. Cena talked about Triple H getting injured, and then made some jokes about Stephanie’s “surgeries”. Cena then blamed Stephanie for wasting everyone’s time and embarrassing herself. He said he gives her a 0 out of 10 as a boss, and told her she sucks. The WWE fans then started a “You suck” chant. Stephanie said she doesn’t care about what everyone thinks. She then put Cena in a match against Kane, and that is next! Stephanie said payback is a bitch, and so is she!

John Cena vs. Kane

Back from commercial and Kane was in control of the bout. Cena tried to fight back, but Kane dropped him for a nearfall. Kane stomped on Cena and worked on his back and mid section. Cena dropkicked Kane, but Kane dropped him with a sidewalk slam. The crowd started the “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant as Kane worked on Cena. Both men exchanged blows in the middle of the ring and Cena got the upper hand, dropping him with shoulder blocks and the spinning inverted drop. Cena connected with the five knuckle shuffle, but couldn’t lift Kane, who drilled Cena with rights. Kane kept drilling Cena with knees in the corner, and the referee counted till 5 and disqualified Kane.

Winner by DQ: Cena

Rating: *

Post match, Kane kept attacking Cena and threw him into the steel steps. Kane went to tombstone Cena on the steps, but Cena threw Kane into the ring post and threw the steps onto Kane! Cena made his way put the ramp as Kane sat up! Kane then destroyed the ring side area and made his way to the back.

Analysis: It looks like Cena is back in the main event scene, and his rivalry with Bray Wyatt is over for now. Cena will likely be in the main event at the Money in the Bank PPV, as he now goes against the Authority. It’ll be interesting to see where Cena goes from here, and what happens with the WWE World Heavyweight championship.

Renee caught up with Orton backstage, and Orton said Batista took his ball home. Orton said he and Triple H had a discussion, and said that he will take on Roman Reigns later in the night.

Los Matadores made their way out with El Torito, and 3MB made their way out next. Slater introduced Hornswoggle next, who came out with an afro!

Los Matadores vs. Drew McIntyre and Slater

Drew brought one of the Matadores down, possibly Diego and drilled him with clubby blows. He then tagged in Slater who took Diego down with a huge spinning heel kick. El Torito removed Hornswoggle’s afro and Hornswoggle ran to the back, distracting Slater. Diego then rolled Slater up to pick up the victory.

Winner: Los Matadores

Rating: ½ *

Analysis: Do I even have to say anything about this? I feel bad for Drew, who has all the potential in the world, but gets beaten by a little bull. I hope his career can recover from this.

Nikki Bella vs. Aksana and Alicia Fox in a Handicap match

Cole laid down a terrible story about how this match was made up, which made very little sense. Aksana started things off with Nikki as Fox and Aksana double teamed Nikki. Fox tagged in as Nikki tried to fight back. Fox dropped Nikki with a scissor’s kick to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): Aksana and Alicia Fox

Rating: Dud

Post match, Fox threw Nikki out of the ring as Fox showed off inside the ring. Aksana attacked Nikki and Fox delivered the tilt – a – whirl backbreaker and Aksana threw Nikki into the barricade.

Harper and Rowan were showed backstage, as Bray Wyatt was nowhere to be seen. Harper then cut a great promo about teaching The Usos a lesson, and said they will burn. Rowan then asked the fans to follow the buzzards.

Zeb Coulter cut a promo about Rose needing to be deported, and cut his usual promo. He finished it with “We the people”.

Jack Swagger (With Zeb) vs. Adam Rose (With the Exotic Express)

Rose came out with the Exotic Express, and Swagger and Rose locked up. Rose taunted Swagger and dropped him with an elbow. Swagger stopped Rose with a huge boot. Swagger controlled the pace of the bout and covered Rose for a nearfall. Swagger worked on Rose’s shoulders as the fans sang Rose’s theme. Rose caught Swagger with a book and punches and followed it with an inverted Atomic drop and a swinging neckbreaker as the fans chanted for CM Punk. Rose then planted Swagger with a front face lock – face buster to pick up the victory.

Winner: Adam Rose

Rating: *

Analysis: Swagger has become a regular jobber which is sad to see. Nothing else to say about the match.

The Usos were interviewed backstage about their upcoming match against Rowan and Harper. They said they’re going to teach them a lesson, and did some antics to end the promo.

Rowan and Harper vs. The Usos

Rowan started things off against one of The Usos. The Usos’ ribs were taped thanks to the bumps they took during the Payback PPV. Rowan started aggressively, but Jimmy came back with some chops. Rowan dropped Jimmy and tagged in Harper who worked on Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy dropped Harper with a crossbody and tagged in Jey, who drilled Harper with rights. Harper countered with a dropkick and tagged in Rowan who worked on Jey’s midsection. Rowan wrenched Jey’s neck as the fans rallied behind The Usos. Jey tried to fight out with a scoop but Rowan overpowered Jey, falling on top of him and tagged in Harper.

Harper and Jey exchanged rights as Harper worked on Jey’s shoulder. Rowan tagged back in and drilled his elbow into Jey’s heart. Rowan missed with an elbow drop but dropped Jey. Jey escaped Rowan and tagged in Jimmy. Jimmy delivered some kicks and evaded a leg drop by Rowan for a nearfall. Jimmy then knocked Rowan out of the ring, and then did the same with Harper as we went into commercial.

Back from commercial and Rowan and Harper were in control, as Harper worked on Jimmy on the outside. Back in the ring, Harper concentrated on Jimmy’s ribs for a nearfall. Harper tagged Rowan in as he stomped on Jimmy. Rowan knocked Jey off the apron and worked on Jimmy’s midsection. Rowan worked on Jimmy in the corner and put him in the tree of woe, but Jimmy moved sending Rowan into the ring post. Jimmy knocked Rowan out from the top rope and made the tag to Jey, who came down on Harper. Jey delivered some rights and caught Harper with a huge kick.

Jey then squashed Harper’s head near the turnbuckle and went for the cover, but Rowan made the save. Harper then drilled Jey with a big boot for a nearfall. Jey turned the tables with a kick and the Samoan drop. Jey went to the top but Rowan distracted him and Jey splashed Rowan from the top on the outside. Harper took Jey down with a suicide dive, and Jimmy caught Harpe with a plancha. Back in the ring, Harper got his knees up as Jey came down hard on them. Jey connected with a superkick but Harper kicked out. Rowan came back in after Harper was launched outside, and Rowan sent Jimmy out. Jey tried to roll Rowan up, but Rowan planted him with a side slam to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): Harper and Rowan

Rating: *** ½

Analysis: That was a very good tag team match, and was easily the highlight of the show till now. The biggest mystery was the absence of Bray Wyatt, and this victory will put Harper and Rowan in contention for the WWE Tag Team titles, which will likely happen at the Money in the Bank PPV.

Dolph Ziggler vs. ADR in a Money in the Bank ladder match qualifier

Both men locked up as the crowd rallied behind Ziggler, with a big “Let’s go Ziggler” chant. Ziggler went on the offensive and covered ADR for a nearfall. Ziggler dropped some elbows and covered ADR for one count. ADR then worked on Ziggler’s arm, and caught him with a big kick for a nearfall. ADR then drilled Ziggler with some stiff rights and continued working on Ziggler’s shoulder. ADR dropped Ziggler on his back for a nearfall. ADR went for a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker, but Ziggler countered with a dropkick, as the crowd chanted for Ziggler.

Ziggler caught ADR with a splash, but ADR worked on Ziggler’s back. Ziggler connected with a fame asser for another nearfall. ADR connected with the tilt – a – whirl backbreaker for a nearfall. ADR went to the top, but Ziggler brought him down, planting him facefirst for a nearfall! ADR dropped Ziggler on his knees and locked him in the cross armbreaker as Ziggler tapped out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Rating: ** ¼

Analysis: For how long with Ziggler be in the dog house? I’m not sure, but he deserves to be in a high profile match. It was a year ago when Ziggler was the World Heavyweight champion, but all of that came crashing down on the show off, as he now lost his spot at the Money in the Bank PPV to Alberto Del Rio, which is disappointing.

RybAxel vs. Goldust and Sin Cara

Goldust started things off with Axel as the crowd started a “Goldberg” chant. Goldust with an Atomic drop, but Axel came back with a right and tagged in Ryback. Goldust tagged in Cara who worked on Ryback. Goldust came back in as Ryback drilled some shoulders in the corner. Ryback shoulder tackled Goldust, sending him flying into the corner. Axel drove Goldust into the barricade and threw him back in the ring as Ryback covered him for a nearfall. RybAxel worked in tandem and delivered a double suplex for a nearfall. Axel dropkicked Goldust and taunted him. Axel tagged in Ryback and came down with a double axe handle. Goldust countered Ryback’s offense and tagged in Cara, who took Axel down. Cara caught Axel with a springboard elbow for a nearfall as Ryback saved the match. Ryback went shoulder first, as Cara missed with a swanton, and Axel planted Cara face first to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): RybAxel

Rating: **

Analysis: That was a decent tag team bout, and Sin Cara didn’t prove to be the answer that Cody and Goldust were looking for. It will be interesting to see where Cody and Goldust go from here, and this win puts RybAxel in contention for the WWE Tag Team championships.

Lana came out first, and once again ripped on the United States as the crowd started a “USA” chant. She talked about Edward Snowden, and said America doesn’t honor its heroes, and put over Russia and Vladimir Putin. She said Putin gave her the permission to honor Rusev, and out came the Bulgarian brute, who now resides in Moscow.

Rusev made his way to the podium which was set up in the ring. The crowd still chanted for USA, as Lana began commencing the honor. Personnel from the Russian Federation gave Rusev the medal as the crowd booed. Rusev spoke on the mic as the crowd chanted “What?” Lana then praised Rusev and asked the people to stand up for the Russian national anthem. The segment ended with Lana and Rusev standing while the Russian national anthem played.

Analysis: What was the necessity for this? What possible angle does this initiate or put over? None what so ever, and is done just to kill time. No wonder the product is going down the drain.

Up next, Orton takes on Roman Reigns.

The Shield came out first, as Ambrose talked about facing Evolution and beating them. Rollins spoke next, and said The Shield had adapted, while Evolution perished. He talked about Batista quitting, and said Evolution was never united. Reigns asked Orton to get down so that he could break his jaw.

Evolution came out, with Triple H bringing a sledge hammer. Rollins brought a few chairs inside the ring, as Triple H said they did adapt. Triple H said that Plan A didn’t work, so they had to go with Plan B. Ambrose and Reigns got ready to fight as Rollins decked Reigns with the chair! Ambrose looked shocked, as Rollins unloaded with the chair on Ambrose. Rollins broke a chair on Ambrose, and then delivered the double foot stomp on Dean with a chair!

Rollins went to Triple H and Orton, and Triple H gave Orton the chair. Orton then attacked Reigns with the chair. Orton then RKO’d Reigns on top of the chair. Rollins, Triple H and Orton stood on top of Reigns and Ambrose as the crowd chanted “You sold out” at Rollins. This move came totally out of the blue and it sets up for an interesting week to follow.

Over – all rating of the show: ** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)

Most of the show felt as a filler, which is WWE’s problem. They don’t provide good content, and most of the show feels like they just made the angles on the go. The ending of the show was great, but my only complaint is the fact that the swerve came out of nowhere. I’ll wait till next week and see if WWE justifies its decision, but all in all, it was a pretty slow show. That does it for this week’s review. Hope you’ve enjoyed the show, as we get ready for the Money in the Bank PPV.

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