Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to yet another live review of Monday Night RAW! Tonight, we witness the aftermath of what transpired at the Elimination Chamber PPV 24 hours ago, as we now head towards WrestleMania!
Michael Cole welcomed us to Monday Night RAW as Hogan’s music hit! The Real American came out to loud cheers from the live crowd and ate it up. Hogan made his way down to the ring as the fans cheered. He posed for the fans and took the mic. He plugged in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He said he was officially home! He talked about the first ever WrestleMania 30 years ago, and also hyped up the WWE Network. Hulk messed up by saying “WWE Universe” instead of WWE Network, but managed to correct it. Hogan then talked about hosting WrestleMania this year as Cole, Lawler and JBL plugged in the new WWE Network, while Hogan posed for the fans on top of the ramp.
Analysis: That was a short segment, which is the right way to go. Hogan messed up pretty bad, but the fans didn’t care. They were still excited about the return of Hulk Hogan to the WWE, and it made sense to open the show with Hogan.
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Alberto Del Rio vs. Batista
Del Rio came out first, followed by Batista, who was booed by the Green Bay crowd. He pointed at a sign saying “Bootista”, which was funny. Batista went right at it with ADR as whiplashed ADR hard into the corner. Batista with a big clothesline as the crowd started a dueling “You can’t wrestle/Bootista” chant which was hilarious. Batista worked over ADR on the outside, and brought ADR back into the ring. ADR quickly turned the tables by kicking Batista and landed some rights. Batista countered a suplex attempt from ADR and delivered a suplex of his own. ADR quickly stopped Batista with a kick and whiplashed him into the steel steps, as WWE went into commercial
Back from commercial and ADR was in control of Batista. ADR worked on Batista’s arm as the crowd cheered. ADR missed with a running double knee and was sent crashing onto the floor! ADR hung Batista over the top rope, but Batista came back with a couple of rights and a superplex. ADR and Batista exchanged blows in the center of the ring as the crowd cheered for ADR, but Batista dropped ADR with a couple of clothesline and a powerslam for a nearfall. ADR turned the tables by dropping Batista with an armbreaker, but missed with the superkick. Batista delivered a spine buster as the crowd booed, and Orton’s music started from nowhere and ADR rolled Batista up after the distraction to pick up the victory!
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Rating: * ½
Orton came out and talked about Evolution, and talked about the people booing Batista since his return. Orton talked about people not liking him, and the crowd started a “CM Punk” chant. Batista took the mic and said that he loved the business, and said he also has a voice. He said that if the fans booed him, he will boo them back, and that’s honesty. He said he will go to WrestleMania and beat someone he used to call a friend. He called Orton a suck up and a kiss ass, and said he will be the new WWE World Heavyweight champion.
Analysis: Well, it was obvious that Batista was teed off because of how the crowd has been reacting to him, and WWE managed to sneak that in after Batista’s match. Honestly, I share the same feelings as the WWE Universe, and it has been evident that we do not have a “voice”, contrary to what WWE tells us. Anyway, hopefully this will lead to WWE reconsidering certain things regarding Daniel Bryan and WrestleMania. The match between ADR and Batista was average, as Batista was blown up after just a couple of minutes into the bout. There was nothing much ADR could do, and I shudder to think about Batista and Orton putting on a sleepfest at WrestleMania.
Cesaro (With Colter and Swagger) vs. Big E
Big E came out first followed by Cesaro, along with Colter and Swagger. Both men locked up as the crowd chanted “We the people”. Big E hit a shoulder block on Cesaro, sending him out of the ring. Cesaro quickly turned the tables by slamming Big E, and they exchanged blows. Cesaro stopped E with a knee to the gut and some uppercuts. Big E came back with a couple of big clubs and a shoulder thrust in the corner for a quick pin attempt. Cesaro stopped E’s offense with a couple of uppercuts and a big boot to the face. Big E caught Cesaro and pulled him down on his knee for a 2 count. Big E worked on Cesaro’s arm, but Cesaro caught E with a big tilt – a – whirl suplex for a nearfall as WWE went into commercial.
Back from the break and Cesaro was still in control. Both men traded blows but Big E won the encounter with a big slam. Cesaro moved as Big E was coming towards him, sending Big E into the ring post. Cesaro connected with an uppercut and took E down with a headlock. They traded shots and Cesaro stopped E with a gutwrench slam for a 2 count. Both men went at it once again in the middle of the ring, and Cesaro once again took E down with a sleeper hold. Big E managed to shake Cesaro off but ran into an elbow. Big E shook Cesaro off once again and caught him with a couple of clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex! Big E went for the Big Ending, but Cesaro cut him off and caught him with a huge uppercut in mid – air! Cesaro went for the giant swing, but E cut him off and connected with a Book End out of the corner for a nearfall! The crowd started a “We the people” chant as Cesaro sent Big E out of the ring.
Big E then avoided a clothesline from Swagger and laid him out. Big E came back into the ring, but Cesaro caught him in the giant swing! Swagger then lost it and locked E in the Patriot Lock, leading to a DQ.
Winner by DQ: Big E
Rating: *** ¼
Post match, Cesaro and Swagger have words and Colter tried to intervene. Big E then attacked Swagger, and Cesaro dropped Big E with the Neutralizer. Cesaro then did “We the people” as their music played/
Analysis: That was an outstanding TV match between Cesaro and Big E. Cesaro has been on fire, putting on great matches one after the other. Cesaro deserves a push, and it looks like he’s finally going to get his due in the WWE. Big E looked impressive as well, and his agility is hard to believe for such a big man. It looks like Swagger will be out of the stable, leading to a successful singles run for Cesaro, which is the right thing to do.
John Cena came out to a good reception from the Green Bay crowd. Cena plugged in Hogan’s return to the WWE, and the new WWE Network, and said that the future is here. Cena talked about challenging the locker room to step up, and said someone finally answered his call and it was Bray Wyatt. Cena called Bray Wyatt out and the lights went out. Bray came out with Harper and Rowan, and sat in his rocking chair. He asked what the people would do without their knight in shining armor, and called Cena empty. He said Cena always gave empty promises, and then called him a liar. Cena then took the mic and introduced himself. Cena challenged the Wyatt Family as they surrounded the ring.
Rowan and Harper charged Cena, but he dropped them. Bray held both of them back as Cena looked uncomfortable with his leg. Cena looked in a lot of pain as the crowd chanted for CM Punk. Bray hit Sister Abigail on Cena and asked him to follow the buzzards. That was a good segment to set up a match between Cena and Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania, but reports came in that Cena was legitimately injured during the attack. Cena was taken out a stretcher, and apparently Cole said that Cena had a huge swelling near his knee. Hopefully it’s nothing major.
Sheamus vs. Christian
Christian came out first, followed by Sheamus. They both locked horns in the center of the ring as Sheamus tossed Christian out of the ring. Christian came back with rights, but Sheamus caught him with a kick and took him to the corner, beating him down. Good back and forth action between the two competitors saw Christian getting the upper hand, but Sheamus got back into the match with a big shoulder tackle as WWE went into commercial.
Back from the break and Christian was in control. Sheamus fought out of the predicament and hit some high knees on Christian. Christian dropped Sheamus onto the floor, but Sheamus caught Christian with the battering ram. Christian turned the tables and dominated for the rest of the match, but Sheamus caught Christian with a Brogue kick in mid air to pick up the victory!
Winner: Sheamus
Rating: ** ½
Analysis: This might be a match at WrestleMania, but Christian looks to be almost done. WWE doesn’t respect the good workers in the company, and Christian doesn’t have anything to work for anymore, which is quite sad. Anyway, a good back and forth action between Christian and Sheamus, and Sheamus picked up a hard fought victory.
Backstage, Daniel Bryan confronted Triple H and Stephanie McMahon while Renee was interviewing them, and blamed them for the recent attacks by Kane on Daniel Bryan, and challenged him for a match at WrestleMania. Triple brushed Bryan off. Bryan demanded a match with Kane tonight, and Triple H granted it. We have Daniel Bryan vs. Kane later in the night.
WWE then plugged in once again about the Black History month, and aired a tribute to the team of Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson.
Backstage, Ambrose argued with Rollins and Reigns and told them that if they don’t believe him, he doesn’t care. Ambrose walked away as Rollins told Reigns that he was tired being the mediator. The Wyatts then interrupted and Reigns challenged Bray Wyatt for a one – on – one match, and said that they’d leave the others behind. Bray accepted Reigns’ challenge!
Josh Matthews then talked to Booker T and Ric Flair, who were a part of the RAW panel, and Ric Flair hyped the crowd by chanting “Yes”, leading to Daniel Bryan coming out.
Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Bryan came down to a huge ovation, followed by Kane. Bryan went at it with some stiff kicks, but Kane worked on Bryan’s shoulder, ramming him into the turnbuckles. Bryan then drilled Kane with some stiff kicks in the corner and worked on Kane’s leg. The crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant as Bryan worked on Kane’s hamstring. Bryan worked some more on Kane’s leg and laid in some hard shots, and locked Kane in a half Boston crab, as Kane crawled towards the bottom rope! Kane hung Bryan’s shoulder over the top rope as the crowd got behind Daniel Bryan. Kane then laid into Bryan with some kicks of his own. Kane worked on Bryan’s shoulder some more, and threw Bryan out of the ring. Bryan came back with a baseball slide and went for the suicide dive, but Kane caught him with an elbow. Kane then threw Bryan into the steel steps as WWE went into commercial.
Back from the break and Kane worked on Bryan’s shoulder. Kane with a hard lariat in the corner for a 2 count. Kane locked Bryan in an arm bar as the crowd got behind Daniel Bryan. Bryan started to build some momentum, but Kane stopped him. Bryan came back with a couple of clotheslines to Kane as the crowd chanted “Yes”. Bryan drilled Kane with some hard kicks, but Kane caught him with a side walk slam for a 2 count. Kane went to the top but Bryan caught him. Bryan brought Kane down with a huge hurricanrana for a nearfall! Bryan drilled Kane with a couple of running dropkicks in the corner but Kane stopped him with a big right. Bryan sent Kane out of the ring and caught Kane with a suicide dive! Bryan drilled Kane with yet another running dropkick on the outside and brought Kane back into the ring. Bryan caught Kane with a missile dropkick and did a kip up! Bryan connected with the shining wizard for yet another nearfall! Bryan went for the swandive, but Kane caught him with a chokeslam for a nearfall! Kane argued with the referee as the crowd started chanting “Yes”! Bryan connected with the running double knee out of nowhere for the victory!
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Rating: ***
Post match, Bryan led the crowd in a “Yes” chant! He then took the mic and called Triple H a coward. He said Triple H hid behind Stephanie’s skirt. He then asked the people to make their voices heard, as the crowd started a huge “Yes” chant. Bryan then challenged Triple H for a match at WrestleMania 30!
Analysis: This is what I was afraid of. It looks like Daniel Bryan will indeed face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, and not Orton or Batista. In every sense, that is a demotion for Bryan, and that is why even CM Punk walked out on WWE. Kane and Daniel Bryan have good chemistry during their matches, and this one was no different. A good back and forth action ending with Bryan picking up the victory, which was the right call.
WWE aired yet another vignette of Rusev and Lana.
Emma (With Santino) vs. Summer Rae (With Fandango)
Emma danced in the ring and Summer pushed her. Emma shoved her back, as Summer took her down. Summer connected with a spinning heel kick for a nearfall! Summer worked on Emma as Santino cheered her on. Summer worked on Emma’s back as the crowd got behind Emma. Emma caught Summer in the Emma lock to pick up the submission victory.
Winner: Emma
Rating: *
Analysis: Nothing spectacular to say, but I love Emma. I’m glad she’s finally on the main roster, and I can’t wait to see Emma vs. Paige on the inaugural NXT PPV.
The Usos vs. New Age Outlaws
Dogg asked Usos to go out so that they can do their usual introductions. Usos attacked before Dogg could finish, as they sent Gunn out of the ring and one of the Usos nailed the big splash to pick up the victory in under a minute!
Winner (s): The Usos
Rating: Dud
Analysis: That was a smart move by The Usos, which leads to a rematch between the two, likely at WrestleMania where NAO might drop the titles. Nothing special about the bout itself.
Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt
Reigns came out first, followed by Bray Wyatt. Wyatt drilled Reigns with a right, but Reigns dropped Wyatt with a huge right of his own, sending him out of the ring. Both men locked up as Reigns overpowered Bray Wyatt! Wyatt dropped Reigns with a big right but Reigns came back with a shoulder tackle. Reigns took control of the match, sending Bray to the floor. Wyatt came back with a headbutt and a kick, but Reigns came back with some rights. Wyatt stopped him with a thrust to the neck and a big kick. Wyatt clotheslined Reigns and slowed him down with a sleeper hold. Reigns tried to fight out of it, but Wyatt dropped him with a running body block. Wyatt continued his attack on Reigns but Reigns came back by sending Wyatt out of the ring. Reigns knocked Wyatt out with a huge clothesline on the floor as WWE went into commercial.
Back from the break and Wyatt was still in control. Wyatt covered Reigns for a 2 count, and Wyatt kicked Reigns in the head. Reigns drilled Wyatt with a big uppercut but Wyatt dropped Reigns with a suplex for yet another 2 count. Wyatt held Reigns down in a headlock, and dropped him with yet another running body block as the crowd chanted for The Undertaker. Wyatt drilled Reigns with a clothesline, but missed with the second. Reigns pushed Wyatt away and connected with some big rights and elbows. Reigns connected with a running elbow and then a spinning back drop for a 2 count. Reigns set himself for the Superman punch, but the lights went out and out came Rowan and Harper. Rollins came out of nowhere and took Harper and Rowan out with a plancha. Reigns connected with the Superman punch as Ambrose joined in. Ambrose attacked Wyatt to cause the DQ as The Shield cleared the ring.
Winner by DQ: Bray Wyatt
Rating: ***
Analysis: That was a solid match between Bray and Roman, but it could’ve been better. Anyway, they put on a good TV match, and showed why they’re considered to be the future of the WWE. This will lead to more dissention between the members of The Shield, leading to a triple threat match at WrestleMania 30. The Wyatts have been impressive so far, and one can only hope that Cena isn’t badly injured, and will compete at WrestleMania 30.
Backstage, Heyman pleaded with Lesnar not to destroy anything or anyone.
Lesnar made his way out to the ring, along with Paul Heyman. Heyman spoke about Lesnar being the number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. He told the fans that Lesnar wasn’t in a good mood. Heyman said Triple H and Stephanie offered Lesnar an open contract to face anyone he wanted at WrestleMania. Heyman called it a “consolation prize”, and blamed Triple H and Stephanie McMahon for stopping Lesnar. Heyman talked about Lesnar’s accomplishments in the past, and said he wanted to “conquer”. Heyman said Triple H and Stephanie won’t let Lesnar make history of becoming the WWE World Heavyweight champion, and said that’s how they get people in the WWE.
Heyman said the open contract didn’t mean a thing, and wanted to make history. He said “No thank you” to Hunter and Stephanie for the open contract. He urged Triple H and Stephanie to give Lesnar something to conquer and the lights went out with the all too familiar gong! The Undertaker came out as the crowd roared, and rocked a goatee like the Undertaker during the Ministry period. Brock looked shocked as Taker made his way down to the ring. Taker stood face to face with Lesnar as Heyman backed away. The crowd started a big “Undertaker” chant as he looked at the WrestleMania 30 sign. Brock nodded his head in approval and signed the contract! Taker stabbed Lesnar’s hand with the pen and chokeslammed Lesnar through the table! Taker stood over Lesnar, and made his way to the top of the ramp and Heyman tended to a fallen Lesnar as RAW faded!
Analysis: That was probably the best ending of RAW in recent memory! Taker returned to chokeslam Lesnar through the table, and their match at WrestleMania is now official! The moment the gong hit, everybody stood still! The Undertaker still has the most ominous presence in professional wrestling, and watching him on RAW was a privilege! Paul Heyman’s expressions were priceless, and we now have a bonafide WrestleMania caliber match!
Over – all rating of the show: *** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)
The ending stole the show hands down. Finally, we have someone who can match Daniel Bryan in popularity once again in the WWE! The Undertaker’s return will be the talk of the professional wrestling industry, and made the show even more memorable. Daniel Bryan will face Triple H at WrestleMania and Batista will take on Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. That does it for this week’s review, and I hope you enjoyed the show as well.