WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - 27th January, 2014

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to yet another live RAW review. We’re live from Cleveland, Ohio, as we witness the after effects of the Royal Rumble, as we begin our journey towards WrestleMania 30.

RAW began as we witnessed what happened last night, and Triple H and Stephanie McMahon opened the show. We then saw graphics of what happened between Lesnar and Big Show. Stephanie welcomed us, as the power couple pointed at the WrestleMania 30 sign. She talked about Royal Rumble living up to its expectations as the crowd started a loud “Yes” chant. Stephanie played along, as the crowd booed her. Triple H then mocked the fans, and asked if they didn’t get what they want last night at the Royal Rumble. Triple H said it was too bad, and then talked about how Orton defeated Cena and Lesnar destroyed Big Show. He then talked about how Batista outlasted 29 other superstars to win the Royal Rumble match. Triple H then said we’re just one stop away from WrestleMania 30, and that is the Elimination Chamber PPV. Triple H said Orton would defend the WWE World Heavyweight championship inside the chamber, as Bryan’s music hit and he came out to a humongous ovation!

Bryan came down to the ring to a huge “Yes” chant. Bryan asked the fans to stop it as The Authority didn’t like it. He mocked The Authority by asking the fans not to chant his name, as it would make them mad. Bryan made more jokes as the fans booed Stephanie. Bryan talked about his match with Wyatt at the Rumble, and how it was one of his toughest matches. Hunter called it a “Good little effort” and Stephanie agreed. Bryan said everyone was disappointed that he wasn’t in the Rumble match. Bryan said he had asked them many times, but they held him back. Bryan said the Yes Movement would take the WWE by storm, as Stephanie said she had his health in mind before making the decision. Bryan and the fans didn’t buy it, as Bryan brought up the instances when The Authority put him in various gauntlet matches. Stephanie tried to come up with more excuses. Bryan said he didn’t care about what’s best for business, but about what’s worse for Bryan. Stephanie asked if he thought the fans came to see only him, as a huge “Yes” chant started! Bryan asked the fans if they came to see Orton, and they chanted “No”. He asked if they came to see Triple H, and they chanted “No”. Bryan told the power couple that they should listen to the fans. Stephanie said she couldn’t understand what they were saying, and the crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant!

Daniel Bryan told them he wanted to be in the Elimination Chamber match. He asked Steph to step aside and got into Triple H’s face. Bryan said he wouldn’t leave till the fans got what they wanted. Triple H brought out The Shield to get rid of Bryan, as Bryan grabbed a chair. Ambrose and Rollins distracted Bryan and Reigns attacked him from behind. Sheamus and Cena came out for the save, and a 3 on 3 match was made for the main event, and the winning team will be in the Elimination Chamber match.

Analysis: The crowd loves Daniel Bryan, and it can’t be more obvious. This was a good opening segment, but it really makes zero sense how WWE has been trying to put Bryan on the back burner. With the main event, hopefully Bryan will be in the chamber match and win the whole thing to go to WrestleMania, but according to reports, he will fight Sheamus, which once again makes zero sense. Anyway, it was a good way to get the crowd going to open the show.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. The Real Americans (With Zeb Colter)

Colter cut a promo on Cara while coming down. Rey and Swagger started things off, but Cesaro and Cara tagged in. Cara hit Cesaro with a springboard elbow for a nearfall. Cara threw Swagger out and came down with a suicide dive, sending Swagger crashing into the announcer’s table. Zeb argued with Swagger and slapped him, and Swagger tried to get his hands on Zeb but Cesaro stopped him. Swagger came back with a big slam as we went to commercial.

Back from the break and Cesaro was in control of Cara. Cara nailed Cesaro with a kick to the face and tagged Swagger in. Swagger went for a backbreaker, but Cara stopped him and dropped him face first. Cesaro came back in and took control of the match. Cesaro dropped him with a powerslam for a 2 count. Swagger came in as they double teamed with a powerbomb for another 2 count. Cara avoids a Swagger bomb and a splash by Cesaro as Cara made the hot tag. Rey unloaded on Cesaro and connected with the senton and a bulldog for a 2 count! Swagger made the save, but Cara dropkicked him. Rey hit the 619 on Cesaro and leapt out on Swagger while Cara missed a splash on Cesaro. Cesaro connected with a big uppercut and followed up with the Neutralizer to pick up the victory!

Winner (s): The Real Americans

Rating: ** ¾

Analysis: That was a good opening bout, and the right way to go. Cara has left the WWE, so his character might be taken off the air soon. There were tensions between Swagger and Colter, which might signal the end for the faction. Cesaro looked impressive, and it will be interesting to see where he goes from here. Rey Mysterio doesn’t need victories, but he can elevate the other superstars by doing exactly what he did here.

R – Truth vs. Fandango (With Summer Rae)

Fandango started things off with a side headlock, but Truth dropped him with a shoulder block. Truth backslided Fandango for a near fall as we saw Emma from NXT in the crowd. Fandango tried to escape and Truth followed Fandango around the ring, but Summer caused distraction and Fandango knocked Truth down. Back in the ring, Fandango knocked Truth down with a clothesline for a couple of nearfalls. Fandango slammed Truth and locked in the chinlock, but Truth made a comeback with a couple of clotheslines and a slam for a nearfall. Fandango knocked Truth down with a spinning heel kick for a nearfall. Fandango went to the top for the leg drop, but Truth moved and drilled Fandango with a face plant to pick up the victory!

Winner: R – Truth

Rating: * ½

Post match, Truth and Woods danced in the ring.

Analysis: Nothing much to say here; Truth and Fandango were involved in an okay match, but they could’ve done more if given enough time.

Maddox was in the ring, and he introduced the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton who came out to a chorus of boos. The crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant, as Orton said that the champ was here. He talked about beating John Cena and walking out of CONSOL Energy center with the titles. Orton threw a fit about defending the titles in the Elimination Chamber, but was interrupted by Batista. Batista congratulated Orton as the crowd started a “Daniel Bryan” chant! Batista stated his intentions of coming back to the WWE, and that is to headline WrestleMania and win the WWE World Heavyweight championship, and said that he didn’t care who the champion was going into the event. He said he will walk out of WrestleMania 30 the new WWE World Heavyweight champion, as Brock Lesnar’s music hit!

Lesnar made his way out along with Paul Heyman. Heyman took the mic and spoke on behalf of Brock Lesnar. Heyman told Maddox that Lesnar’s patience was running out, and told him that he had 2 choices. Heyman said he could make a match tonight between Lesnar and Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, or he could pit Lesnar against Batista. He said the ultimate winners would be the WWE Universe. Heyman said Lesnar wanted the answer tonight, “or else…” Heyman and Lesnar made their way back as Maddox looked scared in the ring, along with Orton.

Analysis: This is an interesting turn of events! Lesnar will either face Orton or Batista later in the night, and the decision is up to The Authority. The fans weren’t interested in listening to either Batista or Randy Orton, but Heyman turned the tables pretty soon. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz in the Battle of Cleveland

Ziggler started things off with a side headlock and dropped Miz with a shoulder, but Miz caught him with a knee to the gut. Miz caught him in the corner with a clothesline, and tried to come down with a double axe handle, but Ziggler dropped him with a dropkick for a 2 count. Ziggler then locked in the sleeper hold as Miz seemed to fade. Miz came back by arm dragging Ziggler and caught him with a big boot for a 2 count. The crowd started a “CM Punk” chant as Miz went for the SCF, but Ziggler caught him with an inside cradle for a 2 count. Ziggler went for the backbreaker, but Miz countered it into the figure four leglock. Ziggler reached for the bottom rope as Miz tried to go for the figure four once again, but Ziggler reversed it into another inside cradle for a 2 count. Miz reversed it into another pinning predicament but Ziggler kicked out at 2. Ziggler caught Miz out of nowhere with the Zig Zag to pick up the victory!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Rating: * ¾

Analysis: That was a good match between both the Cleveland natives, but Ziggler deserves better. Hopefully he’ll get back into the thick of things by WrestleMania season.

The Usos made their way out to the ring.

The Usos vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel

Ryback started things off with one of The Usos and overpowered him! He drilled him in the corner with some shoulders and tagged Axel in. Axel stomped The Uso and dropped him with a dropkick. Uso tried to make a comeback but Axel dropped him with a blow to the back of his head. Axel and Ryback double teamed Uso as Ryback dropped him with a big overhead standing suplex for a 2 count. Ryback taunted him as Jey tried to make a comeback, but Ryback stopped him with some elbows. Axel came back in and traded blows, as Ryback tagged himself back in. Ryback with a sleeper hold as he told the people to shut up. Ryback missed with a shoulder in the corner and that gave Jey the opening. Jimmy tagged himself in and laid into Axel! Jimmy missed with a splash in the corner as Ryback tagged himself in. Jimmy dropped Axel with a Samoan drop, but Ryback dropped him with a clothesline and went for the Shell Shocked, but Jey tagged himself in and kicked Ryback with the superkick, and Jimmy followed up with another superkick. Jimmy then came down with a big splash on Ryback to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): The Usos.

Rating: ** ½

Analysis: The Usos are on a roll, and they picked up yet another impressive victory. Where does this leave Ryback and Axel? We’ll have to wait and see.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio

ADR threatened Batista that Batista won’t make it to WrestleMania. Del Rio started aggressively, unloading on Kofi in the corner. Kofi came back with some kicks and punches, and dropped ADR with a dropkick. Kofi landed some punches but ADR knocked him down with a big boot and a clothesline for a nearfall. ADR missed with a running knee and landed outside as Kofi came down with a big suicide dive on ADR! ADR caught Kofi with an enziguiri while going back into the ring and tossed Kofi into the barricade. ADR with a chinlock in the ring, and took control over Kofi with a big axe handle from the top rope. The crowd chanted for JBL as he acknowledged the crowd. ADR got upset as the crowd chanted for Lawler and Cole as ADR and Kofi knocked themselves down from the top rope as we went into commercial.

Back from the break as ADR was still in control with a kick to the head and a sleeper hold. Kofi tried to make a comeback with a chinbreaker and an inside cradle, but ADR came back with a German suplex for a nearfall! Kofi came back with an elbow and a tornado DDT, making his way back. ADR stopped him with a chip to the knee but Kofi countered with the boom drop and the SOS, but ADR put his leg on the rope to break the count! ADR came back with a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker. Kofi missed with a TIP but ADR caught him with a backstabber back breaker for a 2 count. ADR tried to go to the top but Kofi crotched him. ADR pushed Kofi who got stuck and ADR came down with a double foot stomp! ADR drilled Kofi with a kick to the jaw to pick up the victory.

Winner: ADR

Rating: ***

Analysis: That was a solid TV match between two good workers. ADR deserves to be on the WrestleMania card, and you could see that he was motivated, and so was Kofi Kingston. They put on a solid match for the crowd who weren’t interested in the beginning, but won them over eventually.

New Age Outlaws vs. Goldust and Cody Rhodes for the WWE Tag Team championships

Dogg and Gunn did their usual introductions, and Dogg told the Rhodes brothers that they weren’t good enough at the Rumble. Goldust started things off with Gunn, as Goldust took Gunn out of his boots to begin the match. Gunn went to the ringside area to get away from Goldust, who looked focused. Gunn tagged in Dogg as the crowd started chanting for Daniel Bryan. Goldust dropped Dogg with a shoulder block and tagged in Cody, as they worked over Dogg. Cody with the reverse chinlock, as he worked on Dogg’s shoulder. Cody dropped Dogg with a clothesline for a nearfall. Cody went for the moonsault but Dogg retreated to the outside to get some space. Cody and Dogg traded blows as Cody worked on Dogg’s shoulder once again. Dogg went for the punches combination but Cody stopped him with a dropkick for a nearfall! Goldust came back in and worked over Dogg’s shoulder, but Dogg finally tagged in Gunn.

Gunn and Dogg worked in tandem, working on Goldust. Gunn came in, but Goldust stopped him with some punches and an inverted atomic drop, but Gunn dropped Goldust with a big boot as we went into commercial.

Back from the break and Goldust stopped Gunn’s offense with a big slam. Gunn tagged in Dogg but Goldust knocked the wind out of him for a nearfall! Goldust made the tag to Cody and went at it with Gunn, knocking him down with a high knee. Cody came down with a double dropkick from the top, but was knocked down by Gunn with a clothesline, but Lesnar made his way down with Paul Heyman by his side as the New Age Outlaws retreated! Lesnar delivered an F – 5 to Goldust and Cody as Heyman said The Authority hadn’t made a decision. Lesnar drilled Cody and Goldust with some stiff chair shots and broke yet another chair in half!

Winner (s) by DQ: Goldust and Cody Rhodes

Rating: **

Analysis: The New Age Outlaws still look good inside the ring, but Goldust and Cody Rhodes deserve to hold the titles. Nevertheless, Lesnar took out his frustrations out on Goldust and Cody, costing them the titles. So we won’t have Lesnar in the main event tonight after all. Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see where Lesnar goes from here.

The Funkadactyles and Bella Twins vs. Alicia Fox, Aksana, Tamina and AJ Lee

Aksana started things off with Cameron who took her down with an arm drag. Cameron tagged in Brie who knocked Aksana down for a 1 count. Aksana tagged in Fox, and Brie dropped her with a jaw breaker and a snapmare, but Fox came back with a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker. Fox tagged in AJ who slowed Brie down with a sleeper hold. AJ dropped Brie with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. AJ isolated Brie and tagged in Aksana, who dropped Brie with a side walk slam. Aksana missed with an elbow, but managed to tag in Tamina. Tamina slowed things down with an inverted chinlock and placed her on the top rope and placed her in the tree of woe! Brie managed to land a kick and tagged in Naomi while Tamina tagged in AJ. Naomi dropped AJ and hit a spinning clothesline! All the divas came in the ring as the other 6 divas hit a triple suplex! Naomi hit AJ with the rear view to pick up the victory.

Winner (s): Funkadactyles and Bella Twins

Rating: * ½

Analysis: That was a decent divas match, which was different from all the other usual 2 minute matches. The triple suplex looked great, and it looks as if Naomi will be the new number one contender for the Divas title.

Up next, the next inductee into the 2014 Hall of Fame will be revealed.

Jerry Lawler was in the ring to announce the new inductee into the 2014 Hall of Fame, and it will be none other than Jake “The Snake” Roberts! The crowd exploded as WWE played a video highlighting the career of Jake Roberts.

John Cena, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield

WWE announced that Christian will be back on Smackdown! this week.

Cena started things off with Ambrose, as the fans started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants. Rollins tagged himself in and went at it with Cena, as Cena tried to go for a headlock, but Rollins locked in a reverse headlock. Cena dropped Rollins with a big right, as Rollins tagged in Reigns. Reigns and Cena locked up as Reigns dropped Cena with a shoulder block. Reigns avoided an AA as Cena tagged in Sheamus. Sheamus and Reigns traded locks and blows as Sheamus dropped Reigns with a big elbow, but Reigns came back, working on Sheamus’ arm. Reigns tagged in Rollins, but Sheamus dropped him with a big boot and a standing senton, followed up with the 10 Irish blows to the chest. Rollins made a comeback by working on Sheamus’ knee and tagged in Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose worked on Sheamus as the crowd chanted for Daniel Bryan. Sheamus tagged in Bryan who came in to a huge ovation! Bryan landed some kicks and a huge hurricanrana from the top rope for a nearfall. Rollins made the tag but Bryan locked him in the inverted surfboard, and made a tag to Sheamus. Sheamus delivered a dropkick and tagged Cena in, and they double teamed Rollins for a nearfall. Rollins gained back the control as WWE went into the final commercial of the night.

Back from the break and Ambrose was in control of Cena. Ambrose tagged in Rollins, who worked on Cena, as the crowd started the dueling Cena chants again. Cena tried to make a comeback, but Rollin stopped him with a big boot and a rolling neckbreaker for a nearfall. Rollins tagged in Reigns, who dropped Cena with a dropkick for a nearfall, and landed the Superman punch! Reigns missed with the spear, but came back in time to stop Cena from making the tag. Ambrose came back in and worked over Cena, and dropped him with a big whiplash. Rollins tagged back in and isolated Cena from his corner. Ambrose came back in as The Shield double teamed Cena. Ambrose locked in the sleeper hold and stopped Cena with a knee to the gut and planted Cena for a nearfall!

Cena dropped Ambrose with an AA out of nowhere and made the hot tag to Bryan! Bryan dropped Rollins with some big kicks and dropped Ambrose with a suicide dive, and came back in to take Rollins out with a dropkick and kicks! Reigns came back in to make the save, and speared Sheamus and Cena. Bryan dropped Reigns with the double running knee, but Rollins took advantage with a big boot and whiplashing Bryan’s head on the top turnbuckle. Bryan turned the tables by delivered a huge belly to back suplex, and locked in the LaBelle Lock, but Reigns broke the hold. Sheamus came in with a big boot as Bryan got back on top of Rollins before Ambrose came in. Bryan tagged in Cena who locked in the STF on Reigns, but the light went out and out came The Wyatt Family to cause the disqualification.

Winner (s) by DQ: Cena, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan

Rating: *** ½

Post match, Sheamus and Bryan helped Cena and The Wyatts retreated as The Shield threw a fit on the outside. RAW faded with Bryan leading the crowd in a “Yes” chant with the three members of The Shield destroying the ring side area.

Analysis: That was a solid TV main event, and this might be the beginning of the much anticipated Wyatt – Shield feud. I don’t think this is the end though, as Bray is rumored to face Cena and Reign’s babyface turn would mean that we might have individual rematches next week for the three spots in the Elimination Chamber match. Daniel Bryan was one again the star of the night as the crowd absolutely loved what Bryan did, much like the past year and a half.

Over – all rating of the show: *** (Out of 5 stars)

That was a good episode of RAW, but WWE could’ve done much better. The indecisive ending might lead to something more next week; also Jake “The Snake” Roberts has been announced as the new inductee into the 2014 Hall of Fame! Christian will make his return to WWE on this week’s episode of Smackdown! It has been an eventful week in the WWE, and we’ll have to wait and see how things unfold. That does it for this week’s live review of Monday Night RAW!

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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