WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - April 27, 2015

What will be the repercussions?

Hello everyone and welcome to our live coverage of Monday Night Raw. In the immediate aftermath of an exciting Extreme Rules PPV, we head into this week's RAW, coming to you live from the Resch Center, Green Bay, WI. Following the interesting ending to the main-event at Extreme Rules from last night, how will The Authority react to the Chokeslam on Rollins from Kane?

There is also the looming question with regards to the situation surrounding Daniel Bryan and the Intercontinental championship. We expect to hear something pertaining to that too in tonight’s edition of the WWE’s flagship show.

Roman Reigns and Randy Orton vs. Kane and Seth Rollins

8:15 AM: Rollins and Reigns started things off, as Rollins and Kane looked to be on the same page. Good back and forth action as Roman had the upper hand. Roman decked Rollins with a tilt – a – whirl slam,as Orton tagged in. Kane and Orton then slugged it out before Roman came back in.

8:20 AM: More back and forth action as Rollins was in control of the match. Rollins and Kane were involved in an incident as Rollins kicked Kane by accident. Roman Reigns then punched Joey Mercury onto Kane.

8:30 AM: Rollins went for a suicide dive on the outside, but Orton and Roman moved, sending Rollins crashing into Kane, as Kane flipped out and took J & J Security out, and sent Rollins back into the ring.

8:35 AM: Rollins decked Roman out of the ring, before Orton took him out with a DDT and connected with the RKO to pick up the victory.

Winners: Roman Reigns and Randy Orton

Kane then announced the results of the poll, as the fans voted for a triple threat match at Payback PPV for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, as Roman Reigns took Rollins out with a spear to end the show.

Neville vs. Luke Harper in the Preliminary Round of the King Of The Ring Tournament

7:55 AM: Neville started aggressively by taking down Harper, and connected with the running corkscrew plancha on the outside. Harper turned things around by decking Neville as he came down for a springboard dropkick, as WWE went into commercial.

8:00 AM: Great back and forth action, as Neville connected with a beautiful moonsault from the top rope on the outside, and then delivered a standing shooting star press for a nearfall. Harper fought back with a superkick and a half Nelson slam for a nearfall of his own.

8:05 AM: Harper hit a powerbomb and went for a superplex, but Neville fought back and hit a sunset powerbomb. Neville then connected with the 450 corkscrew splash to pick up the victory.

Winner: Neville

Bray Wyatt cut a promo backstage, and asked the person to run.

In – ring segment with Damien Sandow and Curtis Axel

7:40 AM: Damien Sandow cut a promo about why he took up various personas, and said that he wouldn’t lie to the WWE Universe. He thanked the WWE Universe, and talked about how he was told he wasn’t entertaining. Curtis Axel interrupted Sandow, and put him down verbally. He asked Sandow to leave the ring, and Sandow started mocking Axel.

7:45 AM: Axel got ticked off and tried to attack Sandow, but Sandow turned the tables with rights and an elbow, sending Axel packing to the back.

Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus in Preliminary Round of the King Of The Ring Tournament

7:18 AM: Both men sized each other up before Sheamus took Dean down. Ambrose came back but Sheamus took him down again with rights. Ambrose retaliated with an elbow but missed with a bulldog. Ambrose knocked Sheamus out of the ring, but Sheamus avoided a suicide dive as WWE went into commercial.

7:25 AM: More back and forth action, as Sheamus worked on Ambrose till Ambroe hit his patented clothesline. Sheamus hit a powerslam to take away Dean's momentum, but Dean connected with a suicide dive on the outside.

7:30 AM: Sheamus locked Dean Ambrose in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Ambrose managed to get out and connected with an elbow from the top rope for a nearfall. Both men fought outside as Sheamus connected with the Brogue Kick, but Ziggler attacked Sheamus to cause the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Sheamus

Sheamus managed to escape, as Dean Ambrose flipped out in the ring as Sheamus was announced the winner.

Naomi vs. Brie Bella

7:05 AM: Brie attacked Naomi, but Naomi decked Brie with a forearm shot. Naomi followed it up with a clothesline, but Brie turned things around with a running knee. Brie then decked Naomi with a dropkick from the middle rope.

7:10 AM: Naomi rolled Brie up out of nowhere to pick up the victory.

Winner: Naomi

Backstage segment with Brie Bella and Naomi

Backstage, Renee interviewed Brie and asked about an update on Daniel Bryan. Brie said it was an emotional time, and Bryan wanted to be at RAW. Naomi pushed Brie and said nobody cared about her or Bryan.

Fandango vs. Adam Rose

6:55 AM: Fandango took on Adam Rose with Rosa at ringside, as both men traded shots to kick off the bout. Fandango took Rose out with a clothesline and then leapt on Rose and the Rosebuds on the outside.

7:00 AM: Back in the ring, Rosa distracts Fandango as Rose hits the Party Foul to pick up the victory.

Winner: Adam Rose

Post match, Rosa mocks Fandango and makes out with Adam Rose in the ring.

Stardust vs. R – Truth in the preliminary round of the King Of The Ring Tournament

6:45 AM: Truth tried to go for quick roll ups, but Stardust retaliated with a running bulldog. Stardust was in control of the match till he missed a scissor’s kick, and Truth rolled him up for yet another nearfall.

6:50 AM: More back and forth action, and as Stardust went for his finisher, Truth caught him in mid air and connected with the Lie Detector to pick up the victory.

Winner: R – Truth

Backstage segment with Kane and Seth Rollins

6:38 AM: Rollins confronted Kane, and asked him for an explanation. Rollins insulted Kane, and Kane retaliated by saying the fans now have the option to choose for a triple threat match at Payback, with Orton and Reigns taking on Rollins. Rollins flipped out as WWE went into commercial.

John Cena’s US title Open Invitational

6:30 AM: Cena made his way out and joked about Rusev’s pants. He then talked about Rusev getting yet another rematch at Payback PPV, and then cut a promo about defending the pride of United States at Payback, and said the WWE Universe will not see him again if he loses the title to Rusev. Cena then talked about defending the US title, and providing the opportunity to a deserving superstar.

John Cena vs. Heath Slater

6:35 AM: Slater made his way to the stage to face Cena for the title, and cut a promo about taking the belt off Cena. Rusev attacked Slater from behind and connected with a superkick, sending Slater off the ramp onto the floor.

The crowd cheered for Lana, as Rusev sent her to the back as a “We want Lana” chant erupted. He then cut a promo about beating Cena at the Payback PPV, and said he would make Cena utter the words “I Quit”.

Bo Dallas vs. Ryback

6:20 AM: Bo Dallas made his way out and said he would be the bigger man, and gave Ryback the option of walking away. Both men started things off as Ryback put Bo down. Bo went for a sleeper, but Ryback threw him down and connected with a spinebuster. Ryback then connected with the Meathook clothesline and delivered the Shell Shocked to pick up the easy victory.

Winner: Ryback

Post match, the lights went out as Bray Wyatt appeared in the ring. He connected with Sister Abigail on Ryback as WWE went into commercial.

Big E vs. Tyson Kidd

6:10 AM: Kidd connected with a spin kick to start things off, and decked Big E with a kick and a springboard dropkick. Kidd connected with another running kick, but Big E retaliated with a big clothesline, and went for the pin as Xavier Woods held Kidd’s leg down as Big E picked up the quick victory.

Winner: Big E

Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett in the preliminary round of the King Of The Ring Tournament

5:55 AM: Barrett started things off aggressively, working over Ziggler. BNB missed a backdrop as Ziggler came back with a dropkick, as WWE went into commercial.

6:00 AM: Barrett continued working over Dolph after connecting with a big boot. BNB went for Wasteland, but Ziggler reversed it into a DDT for a nearfall. BNB then connected with the Wasteland for yet another nearfall. BNB then missed with the Bullhammer, as Ziggler connected with a superkick.

6:03 AM: Sheamus distracted Ziggler, enabling BNB to take advantage with a Bullhammer to pick up the victory.

Winner: Bad News Barrett

In – ring segment with Seth Rollins, Kane, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns

5:30 AM: Seth Rollins made his way out along with J & J Security and Kane, and started boasting about beating Randy Orton last night at Extreme Rules PPV. Seth poked fun at Kane, and started trash talking with Kane.

5:35 AM: Kane retaliated by saying Rollins had cheated to win his match. This brought Randy Orton out, who poked fun at Rollins, calling him “Catwoman”, and asked Kane to make a decision for a rematch.

5:40 AM: Roman Reigns made his way out, and talked about putting Big Show down last night at Extreme Rules PPV. Roman then made his case about getting a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship at Payback PPV.

5:45 AM: Kane made a tag team match for the main event, as Rollins and Kane would team up to face Orton and Reigns. Kane then said he would let the WWE Universe decide Rollins’ opponent for Payback PPV.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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