WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - November 3, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw results

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to our live coverage of WWE Monday Night Raw. Tonight, we are at the First Niagara Center, Buffalo in NY where we will learn who will back John Cena and join Team Cena against The Authority. Also, it will be interesting to see what Dean Ambrose brings to the table tonight for his new adversary Bray Wyatt.

RAW kicked off by looking at last week’s highlights when Orton RKO’d Seth Rollins, and the main event from last week.

This week’s show kicked off with Vince McMahon coming out to a huge pop along with Triple H and Stephanie. Vince pandered to the crowd and put over his daughter and son –in – law. Vince then put over the WWE Network, and plugged in the main event for this year’s Survivor Series PPV. Vince talked about having real power, and talked about beating the US government, Ted Turner and even God! Vince teased the stipulation that if Team Authority loses at the Survivor Series match, they will not be the authority anymore! Stephanie and Triple H looked confused as the crowd chanted “Yes”. Vince snubbed Triple H, as Dean Ambrose made his way down. Vince shook Ambrose’s hand as Triple H walked to the back ticked off!

Analysis: That was a great way to open the show, and increasing the stakes of the match brings in much needed interest to the PPV. Instead of being a normal Survivor Series match, this might be the final night The Authority gets to have any power in the WWE! We have to wait and find out how this storyline unfolds.

Backstage, Vince apologized for pulling one off on The Authority. Vince left the building as Stephanie and Triple H looked to figure out what just happened.

Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro

Ambrose and Cesaro went at it as the bell rang, with Ambrose getting the upper hand. Ambrose locked Cesaro in a side headlock, and rolled Cesaro up for a one count. Cesaro tossed Ambrose outside, but Ambrose rammed Cesaro’s head into the barricade multiple times and took him down with a clothesline. Cesaro nailed a powerbomb, as he was busted open on the side of his head. Ambrose came back with rights and dumped Cesaro out of the ring. The lights went out with Wyatt’s eerie presence as WWE went to commercial.

Back from commercial, and Cesaro was in control as Bray Wyatt looked on from the entrance area in his rocking chair. Cesaro drilled Ambrose with a beautiful German suplex for a nearfall, as Cesaro worked aggressively on Ambrose. Ambrose turned things around with a jaw breaker and a big boot, and took Cesaro down with a crossbody and a clothesline for a nearfall. Cesaro connected with a big boot, but Ambrose took him down with a huge clothesline for a nearfall. Ambrose went for a tornado DDT, but Cesaro dropped him with the uppercut for another nearfall. Ambrose dumped Cesaro on the outside, and took him out with a suicide dive, as Wyatt started laughing.

Back in the ring, Cesaro crotched Ambrose, but Ambrose decked Cesaro with the Dirty Deeds to pick up the victory.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Rating: ** ¾

Post match, the lights went out and when they came back, Bray Wyatt was nowhere to be found.

Analysis: That was an outstanding match between the two yet again, and Ambrose once again picked up the victory. Where does this leave Cesaro? Unfortunately, it looks like the WWE is punishing Cesaro for his recent comments about Cena and Orton. Anyway, I’m stoked about the feud between Ambrose and Bray, as it has the potential to be the feud of the year.

Backstage, Stephanie told Triple H that they need the strongest Survivor Series team in history, and asked him not to sweat it. Triple H said he was going to call Randy Orton, as Stephanie said it wasn’t a good idea. Triple H reminded her about what Vince said, and said he was going to ask Orton to be on Team Authority.

Jimmy Uso (With Jey) vs. The Miz (With Mizdow)

Miz and Jimmy locked up as Miz locked him in the side headlock. The crowd started a “We want Sandow” chant, as Miz dropped Jimmy. Jimmy came back with a kick to the gut and a clothesline for a nearfall, as Miz went down to an armdrag, as Jey started copying Jimmy’s moves. Jimmy dropped Miz with a Samoan drop, but Miz hung him over the top rope and drilled him with a big boot. Miz connected with a clothesline and a double axe handle from the top rope for a nearfall. Jimmy decked Miz with a right and threw him out of the ring, and came down on him with a top rope plancha! Jimmy rolled Miz back into the ring, as Mizdow followed, but Jey caught him with a superkick. Miz took advantage of the confusion and dropped Jimmy with the SCF to pick up the victory.

Winner: The Miz

Rating: **

Analysis: That was yet another great performance by The Miz and Mizdow, as the crowd once again showed their admiration towards Sandow. Will this earn them a spot as the new number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team titles? We have to wait and find out.

Sheamus vs. Tyson Kidd (With Natalya)

Good back and forth match between Sheamus and Tyson, whose resurgence has been phenomenal in the past few months. The match ended when Tyson turned his back on Natalya as Sheamus caught him with the Brogue Kick to pick up the victory.

Winner: Sheamus

Rating: ** ½

Analysis: As I said, Tyson Kidd’s resurgence might just be the best thing to happen this year. Tyson is a phenomenal in – ring competitor, and going back to NXT helped him in developing a whole new character, which helped his WWE career.

Before Ziggler’s match, The Authority came out as Stephanie cut a promo about how Triple H and herself were ecstatic about Vince’s stipulation. Triple H said something in Stephanie’s ear, and she said Orton was also on Team Authority. Triple H said the rumors of The Authority punishing Cena’s partners were false, and tried to manipulate Ziggler, saying Ziggler would never get due credit if Team Cena won, but would take the heat if Team Cena lost. Triple H said Ziggler works harder than anyone else in the back, but the credit always goes to John Cena.

Triple H and Stephanie urged Ziggler to call Cena up and tell him to say no. Triple H told Ziggler to tell Cena that he wouldn’t be his partner at the PPV, and he would get anything and everything he ever wanted. Ziggler said he wanted to see The Authority go out of power, as the fans cheered him on. Triple H told the fans to blame Ziggler for whatever may happen, and said Ziggler would be defending the Intercontinental title against Seth Rollins!

Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins (With The Authority) for the WWE Intercontinental championship

Both men locked up in the middle of the ring, as the crowd started a huge “You sold out” chants. Ziggler turned the tables and sent Rollins to the outside, but Rollins made a comeback with a kick to the gut. Rollins worked on Ziggler’s mid – section, but Dolph made a brief comeback before he was dropped with a clothesline. Ziggler delivered a huge back body drop, but Rollins returned the favors with a suplex for a one count. Rollins dropped Ziggler with a back elbow and pandered to the fans, which allowed Ziggler to drill him with a dropkick. Rollins sent Ziggler face first into the turnbuckles, and held him down with a chinlock. Ziggler took Rollins out of the ring, but Rollins drove Ziggler back first into the ring apron, as WWE went to commercial.

Back from commercial, and Rollins was still in control of the bout. Both the superstars collided in mid air, which allowed Ziggler to gain momentum. Seth was sent face first into the top turnbuckle, but Rollins powerbombed Ziggler on the top turnbuckle for a nearfall. Ziggler connected with the fame asser for a nearfall, as Ziggler looked puzzled. Seth connected with an enziguri for yet another nearfall, as Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury provided interference. Seth sent Ziggler shoulder first into the post, and connected with the curb stomp, but Orton came out of nowhere and dropped Rollins with the RKO!

Winner by DQ: Seth Rollins

Rating: ***

Orton made his way to the back as Kane came out.

Analysis: That was yet another solid match on the show, with Rollins nearly winning the WWE IC title. Orton’s face turn would imply that he won’t be a part of Team Authority, and if rumors are to be believed, he will be written off on tonight’s show, as he has to start filming of his new movie.

Backstage segment with The Authority and Randy Orton

Backstage, Stephanie told Triple H that they cannot trust Orton, as Orton interrupted. Orton pleaded the duo to give him Rollins in the main event, and said he might join Team Cena. Orton went on about punishing Rollins, but Triple H interrupted him and said he needed both Rollins and Orton. Triple H said he’d give Orton his wish, and made a match between Orton and Rollins in the main event, and said after it is done, they’re going to pick each other up and get along. Orton said he was okay with it, as both men shook hands.

Analysis: That was an intense promo by Orton, and he showed more passion in one promo than he has done in the past one year. It’ll be interesting to see what happens later on the show, between Orton and Team Authority.

Bray Wyatt once again cut an eerie promo about building himself back.

Titus O’Neil vs. Ryback

Titus went toe to toe with Ryback, and delivered a huge backbreaker. Titus ran over Ryback with a big boot, and delivered a clubby blow. Ryback stopped Titus with a big spinebuster as The Authority looked on. Ryback dropped Titus with a meat hook clothesline, and finished Titus with the Shell Shocked to pick up the victory.

Winner: Ryback

Rating: *

Analysis: WWE took the right decision by turning Ryback face, which has once again given him enough momentum to get over with the fans. That was yet another dominant performance by the big guy.

Backstage, Show spoke to Renee, and said that he would be thrilled to team up with Cena. Show then cut a promo about how he and Henry travelled together and shared a lot in the past two decades, and how Henry threw all that away. Show said he wanted his friend back, and said there was also a part of him that wants to knock him out of his life.

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Show started off with rights, and whiplashed Henry in the corner. Henry made a comeback by throwing Show in the corner and connected with a splash in the corner, but Show drilled him with a big boot and an elbow for a nearfall. Henry shoved Show into the ring post, but Show took Henry down with a spear on the outside. Show worked on Henry’s back, drilling his elbow into Henry’s spine. Show locked Henry in a submission hold, but Henry made it to the ropes to force a break. Show worked on Henry, and went to the top, but Henry threw him to the mat for a nearfall.

Henry planted Show for a nearfall, and threw him into the steel steps. Henry then decked Show with the steel steps to cause a DQ.

Winner by DQ: Big Show

Rating: * ½

Post match, Show tried to fight back, but Henry headbutted Show. Henry then delivered the WSS on the steel steps to leave Show helpless.

Analysis: That was a very slow match, and this will likely lead to yet another match at Survivor Series between the two. I’m not a big fan of Henry’s 1000th heel turn, but we’ll have to wait and see where we’ll go from here.

Backstage, Stephanie talked about having Henry, Kane, Rollins and Orton in their team, but put forward her doubts about Orton and Rollins co – existing. Triple H said they just need to get it out of their system, and asked her to trust him.

Backstage, Renee interviewed Brie Bella, but Nikki interrupted her and said she didn’t tell her she could give an interview, and told her to go. Erick Rowan then showed up, and called Renee “pretty”. She then thanked him and excused herself out of there.

Nikki Bella vs. Emma

AJ was on commentary, as the crowd chanted for CM Punk. Nikki took Emma down with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Nikki then locked Emma in a submission hold, but Emma tried to make a comeback. Emma locked Nikki in the tarantula, but Nikki caught her with a dropkick, and delivered the Rack Attack to pick up the victory.

Winner: Nikki Bella

Rating: ½ *

Post match, Nikki gave Brie some orders, and Brie slapped AJ. AJ decked Brie and went after Nikki, who hightailed to the back.

Analysis: Emma was back on RAW, and that was the only positive coming out of the match.

Rusev (With Lana) vs. Zack Ryder

Zack tried to get some offense in, but Rusev dominated in the early going and locked him in a chin lock. Rusev caught Ryder with a huge kick, and locked him in the camel clutch to pick up the victory.

Winner: Rusev

Rating: Dud

Post match, Lana cut a promo, and said they’ll bring Putin the United States championship. Rusev warned Sheamus, and said he will get hurt. Sheamus then made his way out, and talked about being proud of being the WWE US champ. He said that Rusev will be in the fight of his life when he faces Sheamus for the WWE US championship.

Analysis: Why would you have a title match post RAW? That would mean the championship wouldn’t change hands, and if it does, it makes RAW senseless.

Backstage, Stephanie met Lana and Rusev, and offered Rusev the remaining spot on Team Authority. Lana said she’ll confer with Putin and get back to Stephanie.

Stardust (With Goldust) vs. Fernando (With Los Matadores)

Stardust went on the offense early on, and threw Fernando out of the ring. Back in the ring, Fernando dropped Starust with a back body slam and with back elbows. Goldust and Diego went at it on the outside, and El Torito dropkicked Goldust into Miz and Mizdow. Fernando finished Stardust off with the backstabber to pick up the victory.

Winner: Fernando

Rating: *

Analysis: Yet another nonsensical booking by the WWE creative team. I’d rather see Miz and Mizdow be the number one contenders, with Sandow being one of the most entertaining superstars on the roster.

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins (With The Authority)

Both men stared each other down as the crowd started an “RKO” chant. Seth and Randy exchanged blows as Orton threw Rollins out of the ring. Orton followed Seth and rammed him into the barricades as WWE went into the final commercial of the night.

Back from commercial, and the crowd were firmly behind Orton. Seth went for a crossbody over the top rope, but Orton moved out of the way. Orton went for the chinlock as The Authority watched from ringside, but Seth turned it around and sent Orton face first into the top turnbuckle. Rollins worked on Orton in the corner, but Orton side stepped Rollins, and dropped him on his back on the announcer’s table. Orton cleared the table, but Rollins rolled back into the ring. Rollins connected with a kick to the head of Orton, but Orton crotched him on the top turnbuckle. Orton brought Rollins down with a superplex for a nearfall.

Orton went for the underhook DDT, but Rollins body dropped him to the outside, and caught him with the suicide dive. Rollins caught Orton with a springboard knee for a nearfall, and drilled Orton with a kick to the head. Rollins went for the Curb Stomp, but Orton countered it into a powerslam for a nearfall. Orton drilled Seth with the underhook DDT, but Rollins backslid him to pick up the victory out of nowhere!

Winner: Seth Rollins

Rating: ** ½

Post match, Orton shook the hands of Mercury, Noble and Kane, and then shook Rollins’s hand, but dropped him with the RKO! He then threw Mercury, Noble and Kane out of the ring and went for the punt kick, but Triple H stopped him. Orton decked Triple H, which resulted in The Authority beating Orton down. Orton shook them off and went after Seth, and RKO’d Mercury on the floor! Kane and Noble held Orton down on the table, and Seth delivered a Curb Stomp to Orton!

Orton was busted open, as Stephanie told the stooges to finish it. Triple H told Kane and the others to finish the job and left to the back along with Stephanie. Rollins delivered the Curb Stomp to Orton on the steel steps, and mocked Orton with his pose as RAW went off the air.

Analysis: That was a great ending to the show, and confirms Randy Orton’s face turn. Orton might end up on Team Cena come Survivor Series, but this opens up a lot of interesting scenarios in the future. Rollins is now the undeniable face of the WWE, as he looks to finish John Cena come Survivor Series.

Over – all rating of the show: *** ¾ (Out of 5 stars)

That was an above average show, which turned out to be surprisingly good. A lot of focus is being given to Survivor Series, which is how it is supposed to be. Anyways, that does it for our live review, and we hope you’ve enjoyed the show.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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