Dolph Ziggler comes out to the ring and talks about the summer which leads to talk about X-Men: Days of Future Past. The trailer for the movie is shown and Hugh Jackman walks out.
We see the incident between Jackman and Ziggler from a while back. They make up and out comes Damien Sandow dressed as Magneto. He comes to the ring and they rag on him. Sandow is the ultimate geek here. Jackman asks to touch the cape and says it’s awesome. Sandow tries to use his magnetic powers.
A goofy sound plays and it appears Sandow is using his powers to pull the microphone from Jackman’s hand. Jackman struggles and jabs the mic at Sandow. Jackman nails a hip toss and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Cole says Jackman and Ziggler just saved the WWE Universe from a villain.
See who is stunned by Hulk Hogan's words HERE
Match Three: Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger
Cesaro takes control early and hits two big gutwrench throws early on.
Swagger goes to the floor for a break. Cesaro hits a big boot through the ropes and goes for a double ax handle off the apron. Swagger turns it around and brings Cesaro back in for a 2 count.
Swagger sends Cesaro into the ring post and nails a big clothesline for another 2 count. Swagger keeps control and goes for another pin attempt. Cesaro turns it around and nails a suplex.
Zeb grabs Cesaro’s leg, allowing Swagger to drop Cesaro. Heyman comes over and grabs Zeb’s mustache, distracting Swagger. Cesaro nails a German suplex for the win.
Winner: Cesaro
Zeb has words with Cesaro after the match. Heyman and Cesaro celebrate as Zeb and Swagger look on from the ramp.
Match Four: Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes
Alberto Del Rio attacks Cody as he’s talking to Goldust. Del Rio manages to keep control of the match and knocks Cody out of the corner. Del Rio goes for a suplex for an early two-count.
Cody turns it around and nails a clothesline. Cody with a scoop slam and a pin attempt. Del Rio takes back control and back drops Cody for a 2 count. Del Rio with a headlock now.
Cody comes back and hits a dropkick. Cody misses a clothesline and Del Rio catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Del Rio with a superkick and a 2 count. Del Rio with another headlock now. Cody kicks Del Rio but gets knocked out of mid-air. Del Rio with a superkick to the face. Del Rio with the cross armbreaker now. Cody taps out to end it.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
After the match, Goldust tries to talk to Cody but Cody shoves him away. Goldust follows Cody up the ramp as Del Rio celebrates in the ring.