3. Alberto del Rio retains the title
The AJ Lee-Ziggler relationship took a next big step towards their breakup as AJ cost Ziggler the title after she got him disqualified. Del Rio and Ziggler put on a good match in a PPV that had several great matches to boast of.
Ziggler looked a performer on a different level altogether though his ability to play a face character didn’t go too well. Del Rio looked solid as a heel and both these put on a great match.
Ziggler’s inability to perform well in terms of his character puts this entire storyline in a bit of a mess as fans aren’t really convinced about cheering for Ziggler. This is where WWE needs to rethink Ziggler’s role right now as his ability to sell a character hasn’t gone down too well.
For now, expect Ziggler to continue his chase for gold while he battles AJ Lee along with Big E.