#4 Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin is our fourth choice and can certainly be considered a contender for the championship. Corbin is less likely to walk away as the winner, not because he isn't capable of winning, but for a couple of other reasons.
As it stands right now, he is in the midst of a program with Sami Zayn. Of course, this program will go on for a while longer, but the other reason is that a heel winning while another heel is the champion may not be the direction the creative wants to go.
While there aren't any certainties that Mahal will retain against Orton, it feels unlikely that they will build up the heel as champion just to have him lose it a month later. Therefore, a heel Money in the Bank contract winner with a heel champion doesn't seem likely.
This would also be a repeat of Seth Rollins as the Money in the Bank contract winner while Brock Lesnar was the champion, which was a rare sight.