#3 A heel turn?

Ever since KofiMania kicked off, fans have been speculating about Big E or Xavier Woods (or the both of them) turning heel on Kofi Kingston. It hasn't happened yet, and Kofi has stated several times that they won't go that route. But it all comes down to what Vince has in mind, at the end of the day.
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What if Big E makes his triumphant return from injury, during the closing moments of the match? A slight confusion results in the referee getting knocked unconscious. Big E makes his way to the ring, pretends that he's out there to help, and then bashes Kofi with his signature move. Woods watches in horror but then lets out a BIG smile.
Owens pins Kofi and goes on to feud with another babyface, while Kofi begins a rivalry with his former brothers whose jealousy forced them to turn on Kingston. As ridiculous as this may sound, stranger things have happened in the WWE.