Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the live review and coverage of the Money in the Bank PPV. We’re live from TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts.
Daniel Bryan came out during the pre – show as the crowd got behind their hero. Bryan had some fun with the crowd chants, and said he had some bad news. Bryan said that the strength in his arm is not coming back, and he might require another surgery. He then talked about coming back soon and winning the title, and when Cole asked him for his pick in the MiTB ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, Bryan picked Cena, Reigns and Sheamus. He talked about The Authority disrespecting him by stripping him off the title without even consulting him, and was interrupted by Bo Dallas. Bo tried to get under Bryan’s skin, but Bryan told him that he was a bo – ner. Bryan then left to a big reaction from the live crowd.
The main show opened with an intro for the main event of the night, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship.
The WWE Tag Team champions, The Usos made their way out to kick off the main show.
The Usos vs. Harper and Rowan for the WWE Tag Team championship
Harper and Rowan came out to their new music. Harper started things off with Jey, and Jey took Harper down with a crossbody. Jimmy tagged himself in but Harper connected with a dropkick. Rowan then came into the ring and planted Jimmy down for the first nearfall of the match. Harper and Rowan isolated Jimmy and worked over him. Jimmy and Jey exchanged tags, working on Jimmy. Jey tagged himself in and double teamed Rowan, rolling him up for a nearfall.
Rowan caught Jey, but Jey dropkicked Rowan to the outside and connected with a running elbow over the barricade. Back in the ring, Jey connected with a crossbody from the top rope for a nearfall. Harper provided the distracting, allowing Rowan to throw Jey from the top rope to the outside. Rowan tagged Harper, who worked on Jey on the outside. Harper and Rowan worked in tandem, as Rowan came in and dropped an elbow on Jey and threw him around for a nearfall. Rowan missed a legdrop, giving Jey some time to breathe, but Harper clotheslined Jimmy off the apron and laid Jey out with a big boot for a nearfall.
Harper and Rowan exchanged tags, and worked over Jey in the corner. Jey moved out of a shoulder thrust by Rowan, sending him into the post as Jimmy tagged in. Jimmy dropped Harper with some rights and a big clothesline. Jimmy connected with the Samoan drop to Harper and then to Rowan. Jimmy connected with a corkscrew moonsault to Harper for a nearfall. Jimmy superkicked Harper for yet another nearfall. Rowan caught Jey on the outside, but Jimmy came down with a top rope plancha to take Rowan down. Harper dropped Jimmy with a big boot in the ring. Jimmy rolled Harper up for a nearfall, and Harper connected with a sit down powerbomb for another nearfall as the crowd started a “This is awesome” as Harper took Jey out with a suicide dive on the outside, and Rowan caught Jimmy as Harper took him out as well. Harper and Rowan planted Jimmy for a nearfall as Jey broke the count!
Jey took Harper out with a superkick as Rowan stopped Jey. Rowan went to the top, but Jey crotched him. Jimmy and Jey connected with a double superplex on Rowan! Jimmy and Jey came down with a double splash to pick up the victory.
Winners and still the WWE Tag Team champions: The Usos
Rating: *** ¾
Analysis: That was a fantastic way to open the show. The Usos and Harper/Rowan were involved in a fast paced match, with a lot of nearfalls and false finishes. The ending sequence was great as well, with The Usos double teaming Rowan. I picked Harper and Rowan to win the gold, but they can do it at the next PPV.
WWE then highlighted Rollins’ betrayal, and the feud between Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Ambrose then cut a promo backstage, and warned Rollins. He said he will win the match tonight, and told Rollins that he will bash his face in with the ladder. Ambrose then mocked Rollins, and called Triple H his “daddy”.
Naomi (With Cameron) vs. Paige for WWE Divas championship
Both women locked up in the ring and they battled on the outside. Both dropkicked each other, but Paige took her down as Naomi rolled to the outside. Naomi dragged Paige on the floor, as he crashed and burned on the floor. Naomi came down with a top rope plancha to take the champ down! Naomi continued her attack on Paige, dropping her with a dropkick for a nearfall. Naomi came down from the top rope but Paige rolled through for a nearfall. Naomi and Paige rolled through for nearfalls. Naomi locked Paige in an inverted surfboard submission hold but Paige fought out of it. Naomi went for another nearfall, and went to the top rope, but Paige caught her and both the divas went to the floor. Naomi tried to go for a backslide, but Paige kicked her and locked her in an awkward submission. Naomi came back with a couple of clotheslines. Naomi then planted Paige with the rearview for a nearfall! Naomi kicked Paige, and went for a splash, but Paige had her knees up. Naomi went for a neckbreaker, but Paige turned things around by planting Naomi face first to pick up the victory.
Winner and still the Divas champion: Paige
Rating: * ¾
Analysis: That was a decent match between the two, but Paige needs good workers to put on good matches with. Paige retained her title, which didn’t surprise anyone.
WWE then aired the predictions from the MiTB panel, and highlighted some stats from previous Money in the Bank ladder matches.
Damien Sandow then came out dressed as Paul Revere, and cut a promo on Adam Rose. He then ripped on the Boston crowd, and got some cheap heat. Adam Rose then made his way out with the Exotic Express.
Damien Sandow (Paul Revere) vs. Adam Rose
Rose sent Sandow to the outside by backdropping him. Rose had fun with Sandow to kick off the match, but Sandow turned things around on the outside. Sandow went for the pinfall but Rose kicked out at 1. Sandow locked Rose in a chinlock and dropped him with a back elbow. He then came down with the elbow of disdain for a nearfall. Sandow worked on Rose, but Rose dropped him with an armdrag. Rose connected with some back elbows and then with a right. Rose stomped on Sandow in the corner, but Sandow came back by planting Rose with a full nelson slam for a nearfall. Sandow missed with a moonsault, and Rose planted him face first to pick up the victory.
Winner: Adam Rose
Rating: **
Analysis: I feel bad for Damien Sandow, as he’s talented enough to be in the main event scene. Sandow has become a jobber, but looked good while making a fool out of himself. Rose picked up the victory after 5 minutes, and then partied with the Exotic Express.
Jon Stewart was then shown in the crowd wearing Cena’s cap.
The participants of the MiTB ladder match for the contract gave reasons why they will win the match and the contract, which is up next!
Money in the Bank ladder match for the contract (Rollins, RVD, Ambrose, Ziggler, Swagger, Kofi)
Ambrose immediately went after Rollins and took him over the barricade. Back in the ring, the four other competitors went at it as the crowd chanted for Ziggler. Kofi walked over the ladder being held by Swagger to take RVD out! Kofi connected with the boom drop on Swagger on the ladder. Kofi was left alone in the ring, and he tried setting up the ladder to retrieve the briefcase, but Ambrose shoved the ladder, as Kofi landed on the top rope and took out RVD and Swagger on the outside! Ambrose and Rollins then fought inside the ring, as Ambrose set his sights on his former partner.
Ambrose sent Rollins crashing and burning through the ladder with a full nelson backdrop. Ambrose climbed up the ladder, but Swagger stopped him as Ziggler and Kofi came in trying to climb the ladder. Kofi and Ziggler battled on top of the ladder as Swagger and Ambrose tried to stop them. Seth drilled both the competitors with a ladder, but RVD stopped Seth as the crowd chanted for RVD. RVD dropped Seth with a monkey flip and whipped Seth into the ladder, dropping him with a spinning heel kick.
Dean Ambrose hurts himself after a counter on Jack Swagger. He has been escorted out by the WWE officials.
RVD connected with a rolling thunder on the ladder! The fans chanted “ECW” and “You still got it”, as RVD took out Ambrose, Ziggler and Swagger! RVD connected with the five star frog splash on Swagger and tried to climb the ladder, but Kofi dropped him. Swagger tried to interfere, but RVD and Kofi took him out with the ladder. Kofi and RVD battled it out, as Kofi tried to go for a superplex. Swagger took both them out with a ladder, and dropped RVD from the top of the ladder.
More back and forth action, and Kofi went for trouble in paradise, but Ziggler dropped him with the Zig Zag. Ziggler tried climbing the ladder, but Swagger came in and locked in the Patriot lock as Ziggler screamed while still being on the ladder. Ziggler managed to break free as the crowd cheered for Ziggler. Ziggler almost reached the briefcase, but Rollins drilled his ankle with a steel chair. Seth tried climbing up the ladder, but Ambrose came back and laid into him with the chair. Ambrose tried climbing the ladder with one arm, but the pyros went off as Kane made his way down. Kane pulled Ambrose down and laid him out with a chokeslam. He then connected with the tombstone piledriver and laid waste to Ambrose!
Rollins climbed the ladder and retrieved the briefcase!
Winner of the MiTB contract: Seth Rollins
Rating: *** ½
Analysis: That was a great ladder match, highlighting the rivalry between Seth and Dean. Ziggler was one of the stars of the show, by stealing the spotlight with his bumps and high risk spots. Seth Rollins won the match thanks to an interference, and we have to wait and see if Dean will have a role in the main event.
Post match, Triple H and Stephanie came out to congratulate Seth Rollins.
Backstage, Byron interviewed Orton, who talked about his chances of winning the WWE World Heavyweight championship later in the night. Orton then said Seth needed help to win his match, but that he wouldn’t need help from anyone, and said he will win his match no matter who likes it or not. Byron then asked about Roman, and Orton walked away without answering.
RybAxel vs. Goldust and Stardust
Stardust and Axel started things off as Stardust took Axel down with an armdrag. He then tagged Goldust in and took Axel down with a back elbow for a one count. Stardust then tagged in as Axel tagged in Ryback. Stardust took him down with a running elbow and tagged in Goldust. Goldust took Ryback down with an inverted atomic drop and a big boot, but Ryback turned the tables and tagged in Axel, who stomped Goldust in the corner. Ryback tagged in and worked on Goldust.
Ryback dropped Goldust with a scoop slam and tagged in Axel, who came down with a double axe handle. Axel worked over Goldust some more, and dropped him with a back elbow. RybAxel worked in tandem and worked on Goldust, isolating him in the corner as Stardust worked up the crowd. Ryback dropped Goldust with a spinebuster as the crowd started a “Goldberg” chant. Ryback went for a meathook, but Goldust blocked him with an elbow and tagged in Stardust, who dropped Ryback and Axel. Stardust took Ryback down with a springboard elbow and planted him face first. Ryback went for the shellshocked, but Stardust countered and dropped him with a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall as Axel interfered. Stardust rolled Ryback up to pick up the victory.
Winner (s): Goldust and Stardust
Rating: **
Post match, Axel tried to attack Stardust, but Goldust made the save. Both men posed to end the segment.
Analysis: That was a fun little match, as Stardust and Goldust worked well together. It’ll be interesting to see if WWE goes ahead with a feud between the brothers, or sticks to the current tag team.
WWE then showed a promo for tonight’s match between Layla and Summer Rae. Both the men then got into a verbal fight as Fandango stepped in, and told them to take care of it in the ring.
Rusev made his way out along with Lana. Lana cut a promo before the match as the crowd chanted for USA. She mocked the United States, and called Putin the “leader of the world”. Big E then said he’ll crush Big E.
Rusev (With Lana) vs. Big E
Big E knocked Rusev out of the ring in the early going and went for the running shoulder to the gut, but Rusev kicked him and dropped him with a German suplex. Rusev then stomped on Big E and worked him over. Rusev missed with a splash, and Big E dropped him with a belly to belly suplex for a nearfall. Big E dropped him by planting Rusev back first for another nearfall! Big E delivered a shoulder to the gut and dropped Rusev with a belly to back throw, and connected with the shoulder to the gut on the outside, hitting his head on the floor in the process!
Big E went for the cover, but Rusev kicked out at 2. Rusev caught Big E with a huge side kick, and connected with a superkick to send Big E to the ground. Rusev caught Big E in the camel clutch as Big E tried to fight out of it. Rusev stretched Big E and he had no other option but to tap out.
Winner: Rusev
Rating: **
Analysis: That was a solid match between the two behemoths, as Big E managed to push Rusev to his limits. For the first time, Rusev was on the defensive, but he managed to pick up the victory in the end.
Backstage, Stephanie interrupted Nikki and Brie, and asked what she was doing there. Stephanie picked on Brie, and the Bellas played back the video of Vickie throwing Stephanie in the mud last week. Stephanie then asked the security personnel to escort Brie out of the building.
Layla vs. Summer Rae with Fandango as the special guest referee
Summer tried hitting on Fandango as Layla went after her. Summer dropped her and connected with a splash in the corner. Layla kicked Summer into Fandango’s arms, and then dropped her. Layla worked over Summer as the crowd chanted “boring”. The crowd then started a big “CM Punk” chant as Summer turned the tables and spiked Layla to the mat. Layla then dropped Summer to pick up the victory.
Winner: Layla
Rating: *
Analysis: That was painful to watch. This feud was given more importance than any US title feud over the years, which speaks volumes about how well WWE books the midcard titles.
Post match, Layla and Fandango made out and made their way to the back as Summer looked upset.
WWE then hyped the main event ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship
Triple H made his way out before the match along with Stephanie, and was at ringside.
Ladder match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship (Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Cena, Cesaro, Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Kane and Roman Reigns)
Eight men started things off as ADR was sent to the outside. The crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants as Bray Wyatt traded blows with Cena. Kane and Orton worked together, taking on Bray Wyatt and Cena. Cesaro and ADR kicked a ladder into Kane, and then took out Orton. Wyatt ran into the ladder, taking out Cesaro and ADR in the process. Cena went for the AA on Wyatt over the ladder, but Wyatt dumped him face first into the ladder. Roman came in and dropped Wyatt with a Samoan drop.
Sheamus and Roman then exchanged blows as Sheamus tried to go for the titles. Orton and Kane made their way back into the ring, working over Sheamus and Roman. Roman and Sheamus drilled Kane with ladders. Roman, Cesaro, Sheamus and ADR climbed the ladder, but Kane pushed both the ladders. Kane then chokeslammed Cena and dropped a ladder on ADR. Kane then teased chokeslamming Orton, but then made it easier for him to climb the ladder. Roman came in and knocked Orton and Kane out of the ring.
Roman tried climbing the ladder, but Wyatt made the save. Bray dropped Roman, but Cena came in and went for the five knuckle shuffle, but Cesaro caught him with an uppercut. Cesaro and Sheamus climbed the ladder as Bray did the spider walk! Bray pushed the ladder as Cesaro and Sheamus hung in the air holding the titles. ADR came in as Cesaro and Sheamus were brought down, while Orton was being checked on by the paramedic after he got knocked in the head with a ladder. Orton and Sheamus fought outside as Sheamus set up a ladder.
Orton slammed Sheamus on the ladder and connected with the underhook DDT using the bridged ladder, between the apron and the Spanish announcer’s table. Orton and Cena were left in the ring as Orton set the ladder up. All the superstars tried climbing the ladder as they scrambled to go up the ladder. Kane cleaned house but Sheamus was able to stop him. Sheamus went for the battering ram on Kane, and came crashing down on Roman. Sheamus laid waste to ADR and then Orton as he built some momentum. Sheamus then Brogue kicked Cena and turned his attention towards Orton.
Kane managed to stop Sheamus from climbing the ladder, but was sent crashing into the steel steps. Cesaro built a bridge with a ladder and exchanged blows on top. Roman tried to shove the ladder, but Sheamus and Cesaro hung on, still fighting at the top. Orton and Kane managed to throw the rest out of the superstars out of the ring, as Sheamus and Orton fought while Kane tried to set the ladder up for Orotn. Roman speared Kane out of nowhere as Orton threw the ladder into Roman. Orton was left standing in the ring as Roman tried to recuperate. Orton went for an RKO, but Roman dropped him with the Superman punch!
Roman fended off everyone else and tried to climb the ladder, but Cena stepped into the ring, as both men exchanged blows. Cena went for the AA, but Roman countered it into a spear! Orton dropped Roman with a backbreaker as he was climbing the ladder! Wyatt dropped Orton with Sister Abigail! ADR stopped Bray with an enziguri and then a kick to the head. Sheamus stopped ADR with a Brogue kick, but he was stopped by Cesaro with an uppercut and a Neutralizer! Orton connected with an RKO on Cesaro in mid air, but Roman tried to stop Orton. Orton started bleeding again as Roman and Orton exchanged blows. Roman dropped Orton with headbutts, but Kane managed to stop Roman with a chokeslam! Cena dropped Kane with an AA and then dropped Orton with another AA. Cena climbed the ladder to bring down the titles, winning the WWE World Heavyweight championship!
Winner and the new WWE World Heavyweight champion: John Cena
Rating: ****
Analysis: That was a fantastic main event, and the sequence towards the end was executed brilliantly. John Cena once again became the WWE World Heavyweight champion, and is on the verge of breaking Ric Flair’s record of 16 world championship reigns. I was afraid of this, but it made a lot of sense now that Daniel Bryan is injured and out of action.
Over – all rating of the PPV: *** ¼ (Out of 5 stars)
The show fell flat mid way, and didn’t have that “Big PPV feel” when it came to most parts. Cena winning the title once again will lead to the fans complaining about the product, and I understand where they’re coming from. Anyway, that does it for the live review. Hope you’ve enjoyed the show.
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