What's the story?
On social media, Batista officially announced his retirement from wrestling/sports entertainment. With the whole world buzzing about it, he went on Lillian Garcia's Chasing Glory podcast, where he opened up about his retirement and the reason why he lost to Triple H and called it a career.
In case you didn't know...
Batista decided to call it a career after his match at WrestleMania 35 against Triple H. The original stipulation apart from No Holds Barred was that if Triple H lost, he would have to give up his in-ring career.
He lost to The Game and went away for good. On social media, he announced his retirement. It was definitely selfless of him to do that, because he probably didn't want to overshadow Kurt Angle's farewell.
The heart of the matter
In an interview with Lilian Garcia, Batista revealed why he retired and why he lost to Triple H on his way out (H/T WrestleZone)
I feel like my career really got started when I started working with Hunter. I’ve never beat around the bush—Hunter made me a star in that company. He put a lot of stock into me, he invested into me, he put himself on the line physically for me. Not only that, and not only did he put me over three times clean in the ring to help build me as a star, but he also took the time to let me ride with him, let me pick his brain and really did groom me to be a star in that company.
I wanted to finish out my career with him, it’s the only way that I could say thank you, is to go out on my back for this guy. That’s the old school in me, I believe when you go out, you go out on your back. If you can go out building a star then you do that—Hunter is already a huge star—but this is the guy who made me a huge star and I want my last match to be with him on my back, because that’s literally the only way I could thank him
Again, it was completely selfless of Batista to do this. Triple H was the only program he was ever interested in and he got exactly what he wanted.
What's next?
Batista has hung up his boots and a big Hollywood career awaits him. We may have to wait another year to see Triple H get in the ring again.