Goldberg has had his fair share of rumors this year. It all began when he was announced as the pre-order bonus for the new WWE 2K 17 game. Since then, it has been a roller coaster ride for WWE fans speculating a return. Goldberg on his part has added fuel to the fires on many instances. He has called out Lesnar on numerous occasions, and most recently said that he would be in Indianapolis on the same day as WWE airs its first exclusive RAW pay per view, Clash of Champions.
Goldberg recently spoke to Submission Radio about a number of topics including Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Conor McGregor and about his thoughts on WWE and UFC.
Goldberg communicated his opinions about CM Punk’s recent UFC debacle. He was of the view that CM Punk should not be fighting in the UFC anytime soon. He likened it to blasphemy saying that it would be a slap in the face of all the athletes who work hard just to make it to the prelims on Fox, on the undercard and on the main event and made it clear that it didn’t make sense for Punk to enter the octagon in the best interests of all. He said:
“At the end of the day, from a promoter’s standpoint, from a competitor’s standpoint, from his standpoint, there’s no logic to him stepping in that octagon again.”
However, Goldberg made it clear that if Punk really had the passion for the sport and wanted to train and compete, he would have to start at the very bottom. He said that the lower-level shows were the place to be for Punk.
Goldberg also went on to speak about the man who might be his first opponent if he does, in fact, return to WWE. He said that he would love to see Lesnar return to the octagon. He said that he was not aware of the reason for Brock failing the drug test. Goldberg said:
“I don’t even know what that thing is he took. I never broached anything along those subject matters with Brock. That’s his business. And like I said, what you just said is the second time I’ve ever heard of whatever that was, and the first time is when I read it. I don’t even know what the hell it does. But obviously, you know, if you’re cheating, then you should be reprimanded. Period. End of story.”
Goldberg felt that Lesnar should absolutely return to the octagon. He said that in the past, people have been caught. But they served their suspensions, paid fines and then returned. Given the box office crowd that Lesnar draws, it would only be natural for him to return. He concluded by saying:
So I mean, it further adds to the mystique of Brock – except for that fact that he turned a leaf and was being a baby face in that last fight. So that’s kind of where I stand on it.”