It looks like WWE superstar Rhyno has his sights set on more that just the SmackDown tag team titles and helping Heath Slater earn a WWE contract.
In his alter ego as Terrance Guido Gerin, the pro wrestler is the Republican nominee for 15th District of Michigan’s House of Representatives. Gerin is a busy man himself, working a full-time job. So he has enlisted some of his influential friends to help him campaign.
Earlier “the franchise Shane Douglas” appeared in a video for Rhyno and gave a rousing endorsement speech. He declared Rhyno to be a genuine guy who stood up for the rights of others.
He said that Rhyno was the sort of guy the people of Michigan needed to protect their rights from the “career politicians”. He summed up by calling Terrance a great guy, a leader and said that he would be a great State Representative for the State of Michigan.
Following suit, Rhyno enlisted the help of friend Kurt Angle.
Kurt Angle, a former WWE wrestler and 1996 Olympic Gold medalist, is shown canvassing a Dearborn neighborhood. This ad campaign airs Angle asking a Michigan resident if he will be voting for Terrance Guido Gerin also known as Rhyno.
The resident says that he is still undecided. Angle reacts by putting him in an Ankle Lock. It is evident that Angle has a different way of convincing people. Though Angle does nothing to explain Rhyno’s platform and vision, and definitely doesn’t mention his passion for public pools, nearly twisting a man’s ankle off is both an aggressive and effective campaign strategy.
This is followed by Rhyno appearing suave in a suit, and saying, “Don’t let this happen to you.” He also claims that he is the most experienced and qualified man for the job.
It is in fact surprising to see Rhyno in a political role outside the ring. This is the same man that was dubbed as the “Man Beast” and tried to drown the Sandman’s wife in a toilet.
Rhyno seems to be aware of this fact as he informed the voters that he understood the confusion some people might have about his gimmick and the reason behind him contesting for the post. But he wrote that his friends and family were aware of his love for the country, his passion for politics and his love for helping people out.
He concluded by saying that if elected, his job would become his number one priority.
Gerin will face Abdullah Hammoud, in November to fill the seat currently held by term-limited Democratic state Rep. George Darany.