The controversial storyline involving Rusev, Lana and Bobby Lashley is far from over as the former ECW champion drew first blood at TLC. He managed to put Rusev through a table thanks to Lana's help in the Tables Match and pick up the win.
Talking to Cathy Kelley in a backstage interview after the match, Lana revealed some good news and bad news. She claims the good news for her is that she can live with Lashley forever now and the bad news being that Rusev Day is now officially cancelled. Her exact quotes were:
“This, of course, is the end of Rusev. Actually, you know, I have good news and bad news. The good news is my Bobby and I are going to live happily ever after forever and ever and ever....I always mess up my words when I’m with him because he just makes me so flustered...his love...oh my gosh...I love...I mean, you would fluster your words too with this beautiful man, but he’s my Bobby. The bad news is that Rusev Day is officially cancelled!”
What fresh twist would come in this storyline is still unknown but Rusev might have something up his sleeve. He is yet to sign the divorce papers and things could change dramatically on Monday Night RAW tomorrow.