What’s the Story?
WWE Superstar Matt Hardy responded to Zeb Colter aka Dutch Mantel’s comments on twitter yesterday regarding the Broken Gimmick. The Impact Wrestling employee retweeted a fan’s thoughts on The Hardy Boyz and the Broken Gimmick, which lead to Matt calling Colter a puppet of Jeff Jarrett.
In case you didn’t know....
The Hardy Boyz left Impact Wrestling earlier this year and began wrestling in other companies using the Broken Gimmick. This eventually lead to Impact Wrestling claiming the gimmick as their creation and suing the Hardy Boyz.
The Hardy Boyz returned to the WWE at WrestleMania 33 to win the Raw Tag Team Championships. Matt would go on twitter in the weeks that followed explaining that returning to the WWE healed him of his brokenness for the time being.
The Heart of the Matter
Though Matt and Colter interacted yesterday, the twitter beef originated from a tweet on Monday, May 15, 2017, when Colter informed the fans on twitter that Impact Wrestling is listening to their fans.
The next comment came from a fan who desired to see the WWE and Impact Wrestling come to an agreement on the Broken Gimmick so The Hardy Boyz could use it in WWE.
Two days later, another fan would respond to the comment regarding the legal case with The Broken Gimmick claiming Matt would’ve taken this case to court if he knew he had a case. Colter would respond to the comments an hour later claiming that the fan was someone who “got it.”
This lead to Matt responding with his tweet addressing Colter as a puppet of Jeff Jarrett and claiming Colter was following orders to bash The Hardyz.
What’s next?
Matt’s wife, Reby Hardy, would also address the situation with several tweets directed at Colter. Reby’s comments insinuated that Colter’s comments could cost Impact Wrestling if the problems ever reach the courts.
Colter responded by asking Reby to calm down and claiming that he loved the Hardyz.
Check your twitter feed to see what comes next in the war of words between Reby and Colter.
Author’s take
It goes without saying that the fans want to see The Broken Gimmick used by The Hardy Boyz once again. When The Hardyz returned at WrestleMania, thousands of fans were doing the delete chant and were happy to see Matt in his Broken persona.
Hopefully, this issue can be resolved as soon as possible. The Hardyz can’t rely on their old gimmicks forever and the Broken gimmick would be the perfect way to spice them up.