What's the story?
Ever since The Hardy Boyz returned to WWE it seems like they left a huge piece of themselves behind in Impact Wrestling. After all, their Broken Universe was absolutely wonderful in so many ways from their unique mannerisms to their ability to transcend usual pro wrestling storytelling.
But now it looks like Matt Hardy is inching closer to his goal.
He recently sent out a social media message reminding fans that patience is a virtue and "worthwhile events in life typically aren't a sprint... they're a marathon." But at least he's working on something.
In case you didn't know...
Reports state that Matt Hardy reapplied for a trademark on the term "Broken Matt" which is something Anthem Sports is laying claim to as well. He submitted new evidence in the form of a wrestling poster from the Broken Hardys' "Expedition Of Gold" and now it's in the hands of the proper channels.
Matt Hardy simplified things further by hiring an Intellectual Property Attorney out of Nashville, TN.
The Heart of the matter
Matt Hardy mentioned in his social media update that everyone wants instant gratification. After all, the culture we live in often promotes immediate reactions and quick resolutions. But unfortunately, that's not how the world always works.
To be honest, Matt Hardy could be talking about anything here. But the fact that he's still embedded in this very meaningly fight to attain the rights to a gimmick he and his family spent their own time, money, and other resources on to make a reality seems to make perfect sense.
We can only hope he's talking about The House Of Hardy finally owning their Broken Universe. But it won't be anything immediate.
Also Read: 5 Possible Ways WWE Could Make Better Use Of Matt Hardy
What's next?
Hopefully, Matt Hardy will once again be allowed to portray the Broken gimmick once again. But in the meantime with his brother Jeff "Brother Nero" Hardy out of action, Matt Hardy will do what he can.
Author's take
This has been a great story in pro wrestling thus far. I just hope for a happy ending for The Hardys. It's not like they need the Broken Universe either because they sell plenty of Team Xtreme merchandise as it is and they even have gingerbread men Christmas ornaments available in WWE's official shop.
I just hope by this time next year fans can add Broken Matt and Brother Nero to their Christmas trees as well.