What's the story?
WWE Hall of Famer Booker T had recently criticized NXT Superstar Matt Riddle in an interview with Reality of Wrestling, stating that "he needs a lot of work".
Riddle doesn't seem too thrilled with what Booker said, and has taken a shot at the 5-time WCW World Champion, referring to him as an "old WCW wrestler".
In case you didn't know...
The fiasco came into being when Goldberg made his return to WWE for Super ShowDown. Riddle posted a tweet showing a screenshot of Goldberg's handle and it seemed like the WWE Hall of Famer had blocked Riddle. The former MMA fighter went on to throw several shots at Goldberg during and after his Super ShowDown match against The Undertaker.
It was reported that Riddle didn't receive any heat for his comments, and that backstage officials were happy with what he had been doing. Recently, Booker T spoke with Reality of Wrestling and addressed Riddle's comments on Goldberg. Here's what Booker had to say:
I was listening to Matt Riddle talk about Goldberg. I got a chance to watch Matt Riddle work. This guy needs a lot of work. You talk about somebody that needs to work on their craft? This Matt Riddle needs to work on his craft and that's coming from Booker T.
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The heart of the matter
Booker's criticism hasn't gone well with Riddle. The NXT Superstar posted his reaction to the comments on his Instagram as well as his Twitter handles, and referred to Booker as "old".
He stated that old WCW wrestlers tend to hate him, and wondered who would be next in line. Here's Riddle's Instagram post, which he also posted on his Twitter handle.
What's next?
Riddle doesn't seem like a guy who will take criticism from anyone, no matter who they are or what they have accomplished. It would be interesting to see what Booker has to say in response to Riddle's shot.
What are your views on Riddle's comments? Is he going too far?