Vince Russo said that USA Network being unhappy with WWE ratings led to two RAW storylines
On last week’s edition of SK Wrestling’s Legion of RAW, former WWE writer Vince Russo revealed some inside information about USA Network being unhappy with RAW ratings and storylines. Russo said that this happened about six months ago and WWE went back to USA Network and pitched the RETRIBUTION storyline and RAW Underground:
"I gotta tell you something, I'll give you a little inside information and this isn't second, third, fourth, fifth hand information. This is Vince Russo information and I can't tell you how I got this information, okay? But I will tell you this, I've got information direct from a good source, this isn't second, third, fourth hand. About six months ago, USA Network let it be known to WWE, they were not happy. 'We're not happy with these numbers, with what we're paying for this show, we're not happy with the creative'. They were not happy about a lot of things, okay?So the WWE came back to USA and pitched the two big creative storylines that were going to boost the ratings and get them headed in the right direction, When I heard this at that time I laughed, like I laughed when I heard it. But this is what they sold USA on - the big two story ideas - bro, do you know what they were? RETRIBUTION and RAW Underground."
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While the RETRIBUTION storyline is still going on, it has been a failure of sorts. There was some promise after Mustafa Ali was revealed as the leader of the group but things have not looked good for the faction recently. As for RAW Underground, the concept was cancelled a couple of months after it first aired.