Briggs & Jensen vs. The Creed Brothers on NXT 2.0
The match was about to begin on NXT 2.0 and Imperium came out to watch from the balcony. Briggs and Jensen had the early advantage as Brutus Creed was isolated in the ring.
The Creeds got the advantage after Julius tagged in and Brutus managed to send Jensen over the ropes. Julius hit a big suplex on the outside.
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The Grizzled Young Veterans were at ringside and stole Jensen's tag rope, meaning that Briggs couldn't legally tag in. Briggs took a beating from the Creeds but still managed to roll Brutus up for the win.
Result: Briggs & Jensen def. The Creed Brothers
Grade: C
Duke Hudson was out on NXT 2.0 in a wig and tried to pass it off as his own hair. Hudson said Cameron Grimes was a disappointment and Grimes made his entrance. Cameron reminded us of what really happened at WarGames before Hudson said that he cheated to win the match.
Grimes challenged Hudson to a No Holds barred match and Duke agreed before attacking Grimes. Grimes chased him out of the ring and tried to rip his wig off but failed as Hudson ran backstage.