Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter vs. Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne on NXT 2.0
Carter and Dolin kicked off the match on NXT 2.0, and Catanzaro was tagged in early on. Dolins lifted Kacy before tagging in Jayne. Carter was in next and took out Jacy before tagging in Catanzaro for a double team. A camera backstage showed us footage of Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland attacking Kyle O'Reilly backstage at NXT 2.0.
Kacy went up top and was about to hit a dive when Mandy Rose returned in a black hoodie, wiped out Catanzaro from the apron, and then attacked Carter. Rose revealed her new look.
Result: DNF
Grade: C
Sarray came out and joined the brawl before we were inevitably headed for a six-woman tag team match.
Sarray, Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter vs. Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne on NXT 2.0
Rose was more aggressive than usual and sent Kacy to their corner before trading tags with Jacy and Dolin. They isolated Catanzaro in the ring before she managed to hit a German Suplex on Rose before tagging in Carter.
Carter wiped out Rose in the ring and nearly pinned her, but Jayne kicked her in the head before she could get the win. Sarray came in and faced off with Rose before she was hit with a big slam.