NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Legado Del Fantasma w/Santos Escobar vs MSK (c)

Wes Lee and Joaquin Wilde kicked off this NXT main event. Lee and Wilde were evenly matched in the early goings. Wilde managed to avoid some tag team offense, slipping out of Nash Carter's flying bronco buster.
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Legado Del Fantasma took over, stomping out Carter in the corner. Raul Mendoza, sporting a mask to protect his broken nose, and Joaquin Wilde took turns tearing Carter apart.
After several minutes he finally got to Lee, leading to a four-man brawl where all men laid one another out with high-impact strikes. The Grizzled Young Veterans looked to get involved but were attacked by Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher (I will call them Team Dad until they break up).
Wes Lee and Joaquin Wilde reset, trading the upper hand during the commercial break. He couldn't keep Wilde from getting to his partner, though, and Mendoza was able to turn things around for Legado Del Fantasma.
LDF slammed Lee with a double spinebuster before splitting the wishbone, following that with stereo basement dropkicks. Lee kicked out, infuriating Wilde. A spinning back elbow caught Wes in the mouth, and allowed Legado to pick up steam. A springboard splash and springboard moonsault earn another two-count.
Lee finally broke away from Mendoza when he countered a powerbomb with a DDT. Wilde and Carter were again the legal men, and Nash lit up the challenger with a series of kicks, ending with a penalty kick.
MSK's Hot Fire Flame connected, but Wilde kicked out. Lee avoided an attack in the corner only to be rocked by a hellacious springboard dropkick from Mendoza. A brainbuster spiked Lee, giving Mendoza the two-count.
After splitting the NXT Tag Champions up and sending Carter to the floor, they set up Lee in their corner. The top rope rana into a powerbomb and only earned a two-count. Mendoza tossed Lee to the floor and distracted the ref, allowing former NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar to send the MSK member into the steps.
Legado hit their finisher on Lee but Carter broke it up. NXT North American Champion Bronson Reed surprised Escobar and everyone watching when he squashed him into the barricade with a nasty body splash.
MSK hit their spinebuster/blockbuster finish on Wilde to retain the NXT Tag Team Titles.
Results: MSK defeated Legado Del Fantasma via pinfall on NXT.
Grade: A+
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