Rich Swann and No Way Jose vs The Authors of Pain
Swann and Jose were super-over with the crowd as they made their way to the ring. They danced all the way to the ring before being followed out by The Authors of Pain who were accompanied by manager Paul Ellering.
Achum and Jose started us off with Achum immediately overpowering his smaller opponent. Jose looked to use his speed to his advantage but Achum took him down with a shoulder before Jose cornered him and tagged in Rich Swann who delivered a Hurracanrana.
Achum tagged in Rayzar and Rich Swann immediately slapped Rayzar right in the face before getting caught in a bear-hug. Swann maneuvered out of it and slapped Rayzar again, followed by a dropkick which saw Rayzar roll out of the ring. Swann then dived on both members of the Authors of Pain but they caught him in midair which led to No Way Jose going to the top rope and taking everyone out.
With everyone back in the ring, Rich Swann got planted by a double team move which left him grounded before Achum sent him sternum first into the turnbuckle. He tagged in Rayzar who hooked Swann into a modified Razor’s Edge submission but he powered out and hit Rayzar with a Rich Kick which led Rayzar to stumble and tag in his partner. Achum tried to prevent the tag but two superkicks later, No Way Jose was tagged in and pounding Achum with everything he had.
Jose hit Achum with a Spinning Stunner for the nearfall while Rayzar destroyed Rich Swann against the steel steps. The Authors Of Pain then outnumbered No Way Jose and took him out with their clothesline/Russian Leg Sweep double-team for the win.
The Authors of Pain def. Rich Swann and No Way Jose