Baron Corbin kicked off NXT and said that he was there to teach the WWE roster a lesson. He said that he attacked Carmelo last week to make a statement that all of the superstars were soft and unworthy.
Ilja Dragunov came out to protest and said that he was next in line for the NXT Title, even if it means he has to go through Baron Corbin. Ilja challenged Baron to a match tonight, and Corbin accepted before Trick Williams attacked the free agent from behind and chased him out of the ring.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Backstage on NXT, Bron Breakker attacked Ilja Dragunov backstage for seemingly no good reason, and Dragunov seemed to be injured.
WWE NXT Results (June 6, 2023): The Schism vs. Creed Brothers & Ivy Nile
Julius and Fowler kicked off the match, and Reid was tagged in early on with the Creeds firmly in control. Julius got a stalling vertical suplex before going to a corner and passing Reid onto Brutus, who continued the stall before handing Reid back to Julius, who finally landed the slam.
Ava and Nile came in, but Raine tagged Fowler back in before Nile could attack her. Brutus came in and took Fowler down before hitting a moonsault, and then all three members of Diamond Mine took turns hitting assisted dives on Fowler.
The Schism were in control after a break and got some double-team offense on Brutus before Julius came in and got some massive double suplexes on the Schism before getting a massive clothesline as all four men went down.
Ava and Nile stepped in the ring before the latter got some big moves, and Reid tried to interfere before being taken down by Ivy. Raine used the distraction to get a headbutt with what looked like a metal mask on before picking up the win.
Result: The Schism def. Creed Brothers & Ivy Nile
Grade: A
We learned via a tweet that Ilja was injured, and Trick Williams would take his place in the match against Corbin.
Don D'Angelo was still in prison, and Stacks was visiting him. They argued about getting lawyers to indict him, and Tony said that it was Gallus who framed him.
Von Wagner was at a therapist's office and, despite not wanting to be there, decided to go along with it anyway.
Blair Davenport vs. Dani Palmer on NXT
Davenport had control of the match early on and got some knee strikes and a big suplex before taking her down for a near fall. Palmer got some hits in but was dragged down from the top rope before getting the Falcon Arrow for the win.
Result: Blair Davenport def. Dani Palmer
Grade: D
Dana Brooke was on NXT now and wanted to face Tiffany Stratton after winning the Battle Royal tonight. Stratton said that she wasn't worried and predicted Lyra Valkyria was the one who would win.
Baron Corbin vs. Trick Williams on NXT
Corbin was in control early on, but Williams came back with some strikes and took a clothesline. Trick sent Corbin into the corner and unloaded with kicks before getting a dropkick.
Trick sent Corbin outside before smacking his head off the announcers' desk. Corbin got back in control and sent Trick into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Corbin got a spinebuster before locking in a knee bar.
Trick got a near-fall off a neckbreaker before countering the chokeslam. Corbin got a Deep Six before missing a spear and eating the turnbuckles. Trick was ready for the finisher, but his knee gave out before Corbin got the End of Days for the win.
Result: Baron Corbin def. Trick Williams
Grade: B+
Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee were co-hosts on Hard Hitting Home Truths and called Noam Dar's new posse names like 'Noam's rent-a-friends.'
Mustafa Ali was on NXT now and told Wes Lee that he didn't want a title shot handed to him, he wanted to earn it.
Joe Gacy vs. Mustafa Ali on NXT
Gacy dropped Ali from the apron after Ali tried a springboard move and tried to get a pin early on. Ali countered a big move with a flip before Gacy got a DDT for another near fall.
Ali got a big neckbreaker before hitting a Sunset Flip Bomb off the top rope. Ali went back up and got the 450 Splash before getting the win.
Result: Mustafa Ali def. Joe Gacy
The Schism attacked Ali post-match and beat him up, but Wes Lee and Tyler Bate came in with the assist and beat the Schism out of the ring.
Grade: B
Eddie Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp on NXT
Thorpe got a headlock early on before Kemp countered with a big slam. Kemp got a belly-to-belly suplex before locking in a headlock of his own.
Thorpe got a German Suplex off a counter before getting the easy win off the rollup, even though it looked like Kemp's feet were on the ropes.
Result: Eddie Thorpe def. Damon Kemp
Grade: C
Dabba-Kato vs. SCRYPTS on NXT
SCRYPTS/Reggie tried for some strikes early on before Kato took him down with a big forearm. Reggie kept the pressure on and tried for more hits, but Kato shook it off and hit some big slams, and locked in a bear hug.
Reggie came back with strikes before being tossed outside like a sack of potatoes. Reggie took hits on the announcers' desk before being tossed around but got a sudden roll-up in the ring after a distraction from Axiom.
Result: SCRYPTS def. Dabba-Kato
After the match, Kato attacked Axiom and Reggie and took them out.
Grade: B
Joe Gacy and Schism were backstage, and Gacy was disappointed in his loss while being proud of his teammates' win.
Wes Lee, Tyler Bate, and Mustafa Ali were backstage and said that they had a six-man tag match next week with the Schism. Ali also said that Bate and Lee should have a one-on-one title match in the future.
NXT Women's Championship No.1 Contender's Battle Royal
Jayne got an elimination before Oro Mensa saved Jakara Jackson from being dropped outside. Jade eliminated another superstar before Dolin was sent outside by Kiana James. Lash and Jackson got an elimination, and Thea Hail took out Oro on the outside with a dive before Legend dropped her on the steel steps.
Legend was eliminated next, followed by Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz. Back from a break on NXT, Blair Davenport came out to beat down Perez, and Tatum Paxley eliminated herself to join in on the beatdown.
Jayne took out Perez with no effort before Valkyria took out Jayne, and Cora Jade took out Valkyria. Kiana James was eliminated by Fallon Henley before only Henley, Dana Brooke, and Cora Jade remained in the ring.
Brooke hit some big moves before eliminating Henley. Jade and Brooke fought it out before Thea Hail, who was never technically eliminated, came back. Brooke and Hail teamed up, but the latter took out Brooke by accident before managing to eliminate Jade and Brooke for the win!
Result: Thea Hail won the battle royal
Grade: B+
Bron Breakker was backstage and said that he beat Ilja down because the latter claimed that he was the toughest star in NXT. Bron then challenged Seth Rollins of RAW and asked him for a title match.
Episode rating: B
We got a big Battle Royal tonight to crown the No.1 Contender for the NXT Women's Title, while three main roster superstars showed up on NXT tonight.