Gigi Dolin vs Amari Miller on NXT
Gigi Dolin was in action next on NXT. Dolin and Miller traded holds to start. Dolin hit a back elbow but Miller got some strikes of her own in, followed by a neck breaker.
Dolin hit back with a couple of short-armed clotheslines before finishing Miller off with an impressive move.
Result: Gigi Dolin def. Amari Miller
Grade: C
We caught up with Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis on their date as they made their order. Hartwell found Candice at one of the adjoining tables, keeping an eye on the date.
Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly faced off in the ring on NXT
WWE NXT GM William Regal was in the ring, along with security, as he invited Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly down to the ring ahead of TakeOver 36. Cole and O'Reilly each got to pick a stipulation for their 2 out of 3 falls match at the event.
Kyle O'Reilly went first and he picked a straight-up pinfall or submission match. Cole went next and he picked a Street Fight for the second stipulation. Cole also told O'Reilly not to worry about what Regal would pick for the third fall because the match wouldn't go to a third fall.
O'Reilly warned Cole that he was the most dangerous man the former Undisputed Era leader had stepped into the ring with. Cole replied that Kyle O'Reilly would never be 'Adam Cole'.
The two NXT stars had to be separated by security as William Regal announced that the third fall would be inside a steel cage.