Carmelo Hayes vs. Duke Hudson - NXT Breakout Tournament Semi-Finals (contd...)
Hayes hit a scissor kick on NXT to keep his opponent outside the ring before Hudson climbed back up. Carmelo kicked him a few times and landed a DDT to the ring apron. Hayes hit a lung blower and got the flying leg drop for the win.
Result: Carmelo Hayes def. Duke Hudson.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Hayes fired off at Odyssey Jones and said that he was the final boss in this tournament and not Jones.
Jones came out and had some choice words for Hayes as well and the both men had an intense faceoff.
Grade: B
Cameron Grimes was backstage when Ted DiBiase walked up to him and said that he was sorry for dragging him into all this. Grimes said that it was his fault for not believing in himself and freaked out, yelling he was going to be the Million Dollar Champion soon.
The WWE Hall Of Famer agreed to it by producing his iconic Million Dollar Man laugh.
Jacy Jayne cut a creepy promo before we headed back to the ring on NXT.
MSK (c) vs. Imperium - NXT Tag Team Title match
MSK had control early on and Carter tagged in and hit a Bronco Buster. Aichner tagged Barthel in and Imperium got the upper hand for a bit.