The Undisputed Era started 2019 with a bold prediction, expecting to be draped in gold very early on. However, eight months into the year and only Adam Cole stands with a title. The four-man group only has four months left to make their prophecy come true.
Tonight, Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish took the next step in making that happen. The main event of this episode was a tag team title match, with the Era challenging the Street Profits.
We also saw the return of the gigantic Dominic Dijakovic, as he battled his long-time rival and fellow giant Keith Lee. The two went to war in an all-out Hoss Fight that left the Full Sail crowd on their feet. Whoever came out on the other side of this contest would assert their dominance as the true beast of NXT.
Shayna Baszler also attempted to address the "Mia Yim" situation following last week's attack on the HBIC. However, a new face left the Queen of Spades and her backup utterly shocked.
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We kicked off tonight, however, with a monstrous showing from Io Shirai. The Genius of the Sky continued her dominance over the NXT women's roster.
Io Shirai vs Cami Fields
Shirai rushes Fields early, sending her crashing into the corner with a running dropkick. A running elbow strike connected, but Fields escaped a double underhook and lit Shirai up with a few elbows of her own. However, as she went off the ropes, Shirai caught her with another strike.
Fields managed to evade yet another attack from Shirai but was leveled with a kick followed by a running double knee strike in the corner.
The moonsault was enough to put her away, but Shirai opted to dish out more punishment, locking in her submission hold, the Gannosuke Clutch.
Results: Io Shirai defeated Cami Fields via submission.
Following the match, Shirai tried to beat down Fields with a kendo stick. Candice LeRae rushed the ring, though, saving Fields and battering her former ally with the Genius of the Sky's favorite weapon.

NXT's resident brutes Keith Lee & Dominik Dijakovic were in the middle of a bitter feud earlier in the year. However, an injury sidelined Dijakovic, putting their incredible war on hold. Tonight, he returned to battle the Limitless One once again.
Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic
Lee tried to tie up with Dijakovic but was met by massive strikes instead. Lee responded with a few punches to the gut and a huge shoulder tackle. He brought Dijakovic to the ropes where he nearly caved his chest in with a dual handed chop. However, he quickly recovered, catching Lee bouncing off the ropes with a discus big boot.
Dijakovic set Lee up in the corner for a series of back elbows before bringing him out to the middle of the ring for a suplex.
Lee blocked it, peeling Dijakovic's arm off and battering him with a punch, back elbow, and finally a discus punch to the jaw. Lee rushed into the corner and was sent to the apron. He attempted to drive Dijakovic's face into the turnbuckle. After several attempts, he was able to overpower his rival, then followed up with a slingshot crossbody.
A devastating clothesline turned Dijakovic inside out. As he followed him out to the apron, though, Lee was stunned with a few shots to the gut and a knife edge chop to the chest. It wasn't enough to throw Lee off his game, and he caught Dijakovic running in with a one-handed release spinebuster, sending him crashing onto the apron before crumbling to the floor.
Lee went out and tossed Dijakovic inside, refusing to let this match end in a count-out again. Dijakovic tried to stop Lee from getting inside with a pair of elbow strikes. A massive big boot stunned him, but Lee held on. A superkick managed to finally take down the Limitless One. Dijakovic continued the onslaught with a Fosbury Flop.
Back inside the ring, Dijakovic ascended to the top rope. A rolling senton was countered as the powerful Keith Lee caught him in mid-air, turning it into a release powerbomb. Dijakovic landed on his feet and connected with a striking combination before sending Lee across the ring with a release suplex.
Dijakovic went up the top one more time and was able to connect with a gigantic moonsault. Lee kicked out, leading to Dijakovic going to the top for the third time. Lee chased him at this point, trying to knock him off the ropes. Both men found themselves standing on the top rope, and Lee was able to bring Dijakovic crashing down with an avalanche Spanish Fly. The crowd, the announce team, and everyone else assumed it was over, but Dijakovic refused to lose in his return to Full Sail, barely kicking out before the three count.
It was Keith Lee's opportunity to move to the air. Dijakovic crawled over to the corner, using the ropes to pull himself up to Lee. Lee knocked him off with an elbow to the mouth and set up for a moonsault. However, Dijakovic recovered and kicked the back of Lee's leg, crotching him on the top rope. He picked up Lee and delivered Feast Your Eyes for the win in an incredible hoss fight.
Results: Dominic Dijakovic defeated Keith Lee via pinfall.
Following the match, we got a career retrospective of NXT's Johnny Gargano. From joining the Black & Yellow Brand as a tag team with Tommaso Ciampa to the bitter end of #DIY, to his incredible wars with Ciampa, Andrade, and Adam Cole, we saw all the greatest moments of Johnny Wrestling. However, following his loss at TakeOver: Toronto, it's unknown what's next for the former NXT Champion.
As the commentary team debated what was in store for Gargano, they were interrupted by the Mighty Shane Thorne, who has put together an impressive winning streak against members of the NXT Breakout Tournament recently. Thorne said that Gargano's time in the sun was over, and it's time to talk about him.

Last week, Mia Yim was offered a spot in the Four Horsewomen by Shayna Baszler, who said that she respected the guts of the HBIC. Yim declined, instead opting to fight Baszler, Marina Shafir, and Jessamyn Duke.
Following the beat down, she chased down William Regal, looking for another battle with the NXT Women's Champion. Regal told her that she got what she deserved after attacking Duke and Shafir from behind.
Baszler and her cronies came out to discuss what was next in store for the champion, but they were interrupted by the inaugural NXT UK Women's Champion Rhea Ripley. Ripley stormed the ring and said that Baszler may have beaten everyone else, but she hasn't beaten her. Baszler and co. backed up, leaving the ring as Ripley stood tall.
We got some insight on Pete Dunne's mindset following NXT TakeOver: Toronto. The Bruiserweight said that just because he's in NXT, doesn't mean he's finished with NXT UK. He plans on running through everyone that gets in his way of success. Whether that's UK Champion Walter, NXT North American Champion Velveteen Dream, or anybody else brave enough to battle the battle hardened bone breaker, it will all end the same...
In a Bitter End.

Tonight was a must-win for the Undisputed Era. With only a few months left in the year, in order to fulfill the prophecy, they had to capitalize on their opportunity tonight. The Street Profits have been busy working Monday nights, so it's possible that they weren't 100% focused on the task at hand tonight.
Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly needed to prove that they were truly Undisputed tonight, and the Profits needed to prove that they weren't a flash in the pan. Tonight was critical for the careers of both teams.
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Undisputed Era (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) (c)
Ford kicked off the match with Fish, with Fish bringing him down with a side headlock. Ford made it back to his feet but was held in a BJJ style hold, allowing Fish to catch him with several knees to the head. O'Reilly came in and continued to keep the pressure by bringing down Ford with a double leg takedown and another headlock.
Dawkins tagged in Ford as he shot O'Reilly into the ropes, taking out the Undisputed Air Guitar King with a crossbody. O'Reilly fought his way to the corner and tagged in Fish, but Dawkins caught him with a flapjack.
Ford tagged in and took out Fish with a picture perfect dropkick. Dawkins dumped his tag team partner onto the Undisputed Era with an assisted moonsault, leading to a near fall.
Back on their feet, Fish took Ford to the corner with a few right hands. Ford avoided one to the jaw, finding himself on the apron and laying out Kyle O'Reilly with a penalty kick. However, O'Reilly got his revenge when the ref was distracted, catching Ford as he was bouncing off the ropes with a knee to the back.
The Era tagged in and out, taking turns in dishing out some well placed punishment, focusing on the left knee of Ford. A dragon screw in the ropes from O'Reilly left Ford limping. A knee breaker and a kick to the back of the knee dropped Ford to the mat. O'Reilly slammed his patella off the mat before tagging Fish back in.
Fish placed Ford's leg on the bottom rope and dropped all of his weight onto it with a seated senton. Ford nearly broke out of the Era's corner when O'Reilly came back in, but another takedown allowed Fish to leap onto him with a tope atomico. Fish battered Ford with strikes to the head and knee, but Ford escaped a back suplex and tagged in Dawkins.
The Era tried to stop Dawkins' momentum with a pair of kicks, but he ran through and returned with a pair of clotheslines. Dawkins dumped both men on their heads with massive slams and ran into them in opposite corners with body splashes. O'Reilly was shoved into Fish, and Fish was laid out by a spear.
A German suplex dumped Fish on his head, but O'Reilly tagged him before Dawkins connected, taking out his left leg. Chasing the Dragon connected, but Dawkins kicked out. O'Reilly locked in a single leg lock, hoping to force a tap out. Ford came in here and sent Fish onto the two legal men, breaking up the submission.
The Profits and the Era traded elbows and boots, but a striking contest will almost always go to Fish & O'Reilly. Ford was taken out first, and though Fish was demolished by Dawkins, O'Reilly managed to lock in a triangle choke. Dawkins picked him up, powerbombing him into the corner. A body splash and a uranage slam set up for a Frog Splash from Dawkins. Ford went for the pin, but Fish yanked O'Reilly outside.
Back inside, Dawkins drove O'Reilly into the mat with a spear. However, a spear to Fish was blocked with a deadly knee to the jaw. O'Reilly rolled away from Ford's Frog Splash, and the High Low sealed the fate of the Profits.
Results: The Undisputed Era defeated the Street Profits via pinfall.
With that, the Undisputed Era closes in on the Undisputed Prophecy. All that's left at this point is for Roderick Strong to obtain the North American Championship. This also gave the group an incredible record, as they're the first team to ever hold the NXT Tag Team Titles on three separate occasions.