Tommaso Ciampa cut a promo on his journey to this night. He said that he was scared last year, because that may have been his last shot to work WrestleMania weekend, especially as the NXT Champion. But now, he's four days away from getting back to that spotlight that was unfairly ripped away from him.
If Adam Cole wins, he may go onto become the longest-reigning NXT Champion in history. Though...what if it's Ciampa? What if Ciampa gets back Goldy? Well, he moves onto TakeOver: Tampa on WrestleMania weekend, where he should've been last year.
Adam Cole vs Kushida
Kushida took Cole to the mat early, chasing the champion out to the floor. That's where Cole took over, sending Kushida into the steps. However, Kushida caught Cole dropping off the apron for an axe handle with a leaping armbar.
On the inside, armbreakers and kicks weakened the arm of the Panama City Playboy. Cole found himself on the apron again where he was met by a handspring double kick, but as Kushida followed, a running boot leveled the Time Splitter.
Cole slowed the match down here, keeping Kushida off his feet with a side headlock. Kushida managed to break away and caught Cole with a handspring back elbow. A dropkick to the face and a handspring double kick to Cole set up for a Hoverboard Lock on the top rope.
Cole fought him off but was dropped with a leaping rolling DDT, following up with a cross armbreaker. Cole's leg was on the rope, breaking the submission.
Cole managed to block the Hoverboard Lock and rock Kushida with a shining wizard. The two traded strikes, ending with Cole dropping Kushida with two Ushigoroshis. Kushida kicked out at two. Cole's Last Shot was avoided by Kushida, but a superkick sent him to the mat. Still, he kicked out again.
Kushida managed to counter the Panama Sunrise, instead locking in the Hoverboard Lock. Cole was on the verge of tapping as Kushida's knee bounced off his head. He eventually turned it into a pinfall, leading to a trade of pins between the two men.
A pele kick rocked Cole, and Kushida followed up with Kawada kicks. However, Cole caught Kushida coming back fro a handspring back elbow with a superkick, and finally hit the Last Shot for the win.
Results: Adam Cole defeated Kushida via pinfall.
After the match, Cole's celebration was cut short by the music of Tommaso Ciampa. He stared a hole through Cole, circling the ring for a moment before making his move. Cole stated that he wasn't afraid of the Psycho Killer.
Ciampa vowed that he'd be taking his life, and Goldy, back in Portland. Cole's response? "Not over my dead body."