WWE NXT Results: Former champions forced to leave; clarity on Bron Breakker's future

We got an action-packed episode of NXT as we head to the Great American Bash!
We got an action-packed episode of NXT as we head to the Great American Bash!

We got a 4th of July special episode on NXT tonight with a brutal NXT Underground match as well as a Loser Leaves NXT match that led to a top team being forced to leave the show.

  • Blair Davenport def. Roxanne Perez
  • Mustafa Ali def. Tyler Bate
  • Kelani Jordan def. Tatum Paxley
  • Eddy Thorpe def. Damon Kemp
  • Lyra Valkyria def. Jacy Jayne
  • The Dyad def. The Creed Brothers

WWE NXT Results (July 4, 2023): Blair Davenport vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez attacked Davenport during her entrance, and they brawled their way to the ring before the match started. Roxanne was in control early on and sent Blair outside before getting multiple diving crossbodies.

Davenport sent Perez into the steel steps outside before kicking her head against it. Blair headed back in, hoping to get the ten count, but Perez managed to beat it. Back in the ring, Roxanne took the Falcon Arrow, followed by the double knees to the head, before succumbing to a pinfall defeat.

Result: Blair Davenport def. Roxanne Perez

Grade: B

We got a promo from Baron Corbin where he threw his old gear in the fire and said that he was done with silly gimmicks.

Mustafa Ali vs. Tyler Bate on NXT

The two traded holds early on before it turned into a sequence of rolling pin attempts. Ali sent Bate into the corner before hitting some big chops, but Tyler came back with a dropkick and a flying elbow.

Ali rolled outside, where Bate hit him with another elbow. Back in the ring, Tyler blocked a rolling stunner but missed the finisher. Ali got a headlock in before Tyler broke out and hit a big clothesline for a near fall.

The two headed up to the top rope, and Ali dropped Bate crotch-first into the ropes before hitting the 450 Splash for the pin.

Result: Mustafa Ali def. Tyler Bate

After the match, Ali challenged Wes Lee to a title match at the Great American Bash.

Grade: B+

Backstage, Joe Gacy claimed that he wasn't putting his teammates in jeopardy by issuing a 'loser leaves NXT' challenge. He was certain that the Dyad would win and the Creed Brothers would leave NXT.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan on NXT

Paxley took control of the match after Kelani got some early kicks in. Paxley hit a backbreaker before locking her in a submission hold.

Jordan got a big counter and hit what looked like it was somewhere between an inverted jawbreaker and a stunner before getting the win.

Result: Kelani Jordan def. Tatum Paxley

Cora Jade walked out after the match and said that she cared about no one, not even the fans. Jordan challenged her to a match, but Jade refused before walking out.

Grade: B

Andre Chase was back and thanked Duke Hudson for being a great substitute. He then commented how Thea Hail should have won the Women's Title if Gulak and Dempsey hadn't interfered. Chase and Hudson said that they were going to give them a 'Chase U-sized a** whooping' soon.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp - NXT Underground Match

The ropes were removed from the ring, and we had a crowd around the ring as the match kicked off. Damon got a big takedown and a big toss before locking in a hold.

Thorpe managed to roll over to the outside to break the hold before they got into the crowd. Kemp shoved another superstar into Thorpe to distract him before sending him into and then over the barricades.

Eddie tried to get back with an armbar, but Kemp picked him up and dropped him on the apron. Thorpe got a German Suplex back in the ring before being tossed outside the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Kemp was sent into the ring post before Thorpe hit a big suplex at ringside. Back in the ring, Thorpe got a triangle lock and rained elbows down on Kemp's head before the referee stopped the match on account of a TKO.

Result: Eddy Thorpe def. Damon Kemp

Gable Steveson was celebrating with Thorpe after the match, and multiple superstars approached him and got suplexed.

Grade: A

Melo and Trick were backstage and invited all of Judgment Day to NXT for a face-to-face confrontation.

Stacks went to visit Tony D'Angelo, and Joe Coffey showed up as well. They said that Coffey and Stacks will have a match next week, and if Stacks wins, Tony will be set free. But if Stacks loses, Tony stays locked up for a really long time.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Jacy Jayne on NXT

Valkyria was in control early on and got a big arm drag and then an armbar before Jayne came back with a Rana. Jayne locked in a Boston Crab, but Lyra countered with a Sunset Flip.

They traded some kicks before Jayne got a senton, but Lyra came back with a spinning heel kick for the win.

Result: Lyra Valkyria def. Jacy Jayne

Jayne attacked Valkyria after the match and left after getting the last laugh.

Grade: C

Noam Dar was talking to a picture of the Heritage Cup backstage, and it looked like he was going crazy.

Kiana James' office was trashed by Gigi Dolin as revenge for last week, and she left her a threatening note.

During the promos, Javier Bernal managed to anger Von Wagner who tossed him around at ringside and, despite Mr. Stone stopping him twice, Wagner powerbombed Bernal through the announce desk.

The Dyad vs. The Creed Brothers - Losers Leave NXT

The two teams started brawling before the bell, and once the match was started, the Dyad was tossed out of the ring by the Creeds. Gacy was trying to interfere but was sent backstage by the referee early on.

Back on NXT after a break, Julius sent the Dyad back outside and hit sliding kicks and then a big dive. The Creed Brother got the Fireman's Carry/High Knee combo on Fowler before Reid broke up the pin.

Julius hurt his knee, and when the Dyad realized, they sent him knee-first into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Brutus got a near fall of a big dive before Julius tagged in for the double team, but Fowler broke it up.

Ava Raine ran in to interfere, but Ivy went after her. A person in a red hoodie and mask walked up to Julius and headbutted him before the Dyad got their finisher on him and picked up the win.

Result: The Dyad def. The Creed Brothers

Grade: A

Finn Balor accepted the invitation from Trick and Melo, saying that The Judgment Day will be there next week on NXT.

Bron Breakker was out next and said that he was extremely close to winning the World Heavyweight Title so early in his career. He asked what was next for him when Ilja Dragunov showed up to challenge him to a match.

Ilja said that the only thing standing between him and the NXT Title was Bron before kicking him in the face. A brawl broke out, and officials got involved before Dragunov took them out and sent Bron over the ropes, and chased him down outside.

The officials and the rest of the locker tried desperately to break up the fight as NXT went off the air.

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