The Undisputed Era (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly)(c) vs Roderick Strong and Aleister Black - NXT Tag Team Championships
The match opened up with Aleister Black and Kyle O'Reilly. Roderick Strong delivered a dropkick to Bobby Fish after both O'Reilly and Fish were outside the ring. Aleister Black had a couple of pin attempts on O'Reilly, who kicked out. Aleister Black put Kyle O'Reilly in an armlock before tagging in Roderick Strong. There was great double team work by the team of Roderick Strong and Aleister Black.
Bobby Fish from outside the ring took a cheap shot with what looked to be a sweep kick to Aleister Black's left leg, causing Black to fall on the floor. There was a commercial break, but after the break, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly had Aleister Black in their corner while continuing to tag in and out with double team work.
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Ultimately, it was a distraction by The Undisputed Era that saw them hit their finisher on Roderick Strong for the win.
Winners: NXT Tag Team Champions Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly
After the match, there was a massive beat down and William Regal announced Adam Cole vs Aleister Black for NXT Takeover: Philadelphia
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