LA Knight rolled up to NXT in his Corvette and made his way to the ring to kick things off.
On the way, he passed Andre Chase and said that he had a teachable moment for him, at Grayson Waller's expense before wishing Briggs and Jensen luck in the Dusty Cup tonight.
In the ring, Knight called out Waller but he was a no-show. LA Knight had to make fun of him and remind him of his past losses before Waller showed up and said that he got a restraining order to make sure Knight doesn't get within 50 feet of him.
Knight said that he may not be allowed near Waller, but Dexter Lumis didn't have such restrictions before bringing him out to face Waller. Lumis came out from under the ring and Knight asked which of them Waller wanted to face in a match.
Grayson Waller vs. Dexter Lumis on NXT
Back after a break on NXT, we saw that the match was underway with Waller and Lumis in the ring. Dexter had control of the match early on and hit a big neckbreaker before getting a big suplex and a leg drop as the match went on.
Outside the ring, Waller sent Lumis over the announcer's desk before Saurav returned and shoved Lumis into the ring post. Back in the ring, Waller got his trademark stunner before picking up the win.
Result: Grayson Waller def. Dexter Lumis
Waller's new insurance policy walked out with him after the match as NXT continued.
Grade: B
They showed Walter attacking Malcolm Bivens in a short segment and Roderick Strong coming out to save him. Both men were set to face off in the main event.
Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen vs. The Creed Brothers - Dusty Cup Round 1 match on NXT
Brutus and Jensen kicked off the match and Brooks got a huge knee before getting a dropkick and tagging in Briggs for a double team. Brutus came and tossed Jensen outside before they headed back to the ring.
After a break, Jensen and Julius headed outside before Brooks was sent into the railing and it bent from the impact. Back in the ring, The Creeds hit a Backbreaker Slam and a Sliding Clothesline before picking up the win.
Result: The Creed Brothers def. Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen
Grade: B
Dante Chen cut a promo on NXT saying that his absence since his debut was because of a leg injury he suffered and that he was set to make his return.
Backstage, Walter said he was proud of the way Imperium held down the ring on the show and that he would destroy Roderick Strong tonight.
Dante Chen vs. Guru Raaj on NXT
Raaj got the first takedown for a near fall early in the match before Chen recovered and sent Guru out of the ring for a big dive. Duke Hudson came out and attacked both men at ringside before hitting a Powerbomb on Chen in the ring.
Result: D.N.F
A group of officials had to break up the fight and Duke backed off after threatening everyone to stay out of his way.
Grade: C
Joe Gacy was telling Harland about the lessons of losing before they ran into Odyssey Jones, who was still injured.
Backstage, Bron Breakker was confronted by Santos Escobar who was offered a match by the Champ but said that he only fights on his own time.
Tony D'Angelo was out on NXT to mourn Pete Dunne and said that it was a closed casket funeral after what he did to him last week. He was interrupted by Trick and Melo after challenging Carmelo for the newly unified North American Title.
Tony D and Trick & Melo taunted each other for a bit before Cameron Grimes came out, claiming his shot at the North American Title first. Melo suggested that Grimes and Tony face each other to decide Melo's next challenger.
Grimes agreed and Tony tried to attack him but Grimes dodged it and put his head through Pete Dunne's framed picture.
Backstage, Kacy and Kayden had an awkward moment with Briggs and Jensen while Wendy Choo watched from on top of the lockers.
Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon were in an interview on when Dakota Kai dropped by to make fun of them.
Ivy Nile vs. Kay Lee Ray on NXT
Nile had a good start but was taken down for a near fall by KLR early on. Nile got a big toss off a counter before kicking Ray in the face for a near fall.
Ivy Nile vs. Kay Lee Ray on NXT (contd...)
Nile locked in a hold but KLR powered through on NXT and Ivy managed to transition to an inverted triangle lock before it was broken up.
Ray got a superkick off the counter but missed the KLR bomb. Mandy Rose came out on the apron and Ray smacked her off before missing the KLR bomb once more, letting Nile pick up the win off the counter.
Result: Ivy Nile def. Kay Lee Ray
After the match, Mandy and Toxic Attraction came in and attacked Ray before Persia and Indi joined KLR to even the odds. Toxic Attraction was driven out of the ring by the new trio before the show continued.
Grade: B
Backstage, we saw Harland attack and take out Odyssey before tossing his crutch away.
Legado del Fantasma vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade -Dusty Cup Round 1 match on NXT
LDF was dominating early on and Blade tagged in Enofe who got a Standing Moonsault to turn things around.
Santos helped his fellow teammates out with by grabbing Blade from the apron and dropping him but got caught by the ref.
Legado del Fantasma vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade -Dusty Cup Round 1 match on NXT (contd...)
Escobar was arguing with the official as NXT continued. Blade and Enofe got the upper hand off the distraction as Bron Breakker came in and grabbed Escobar on the apron. Blade rolled Wilde up off the distraction and picked up the win.
Result: Edris Enofe & Malik Blade def. Legado del Fantasma
Grade: B-
Dakota Kai vs. Yulisa Leon on NXT
Kai unloaded on Leon right off the bat and sent her into the turnbuckles before getting a near fall. Kai was dominating while muttering to Yulisa in the ring before getting another near fall with a big boot.
Leon managed to hold on and the match went outside where Feroz got the distraction and Leon got a near fall of her own off a fallaway slam. Kai got the scorpion kick and a big boot before picking up the win.
Result: Dakota Kai def. Yulisa Leon
Grade: B
Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade had a short face-off backstage and Jade was hopeful that she could convince the former Women's Champion to team up with her.
Enofe and Blade were backstage on NXT and Bron congratulated them before we headed for the main event.
Walter vs. Roderick Strong on NXT
Walter locked in a hold right away and Roddy powered through before the two hit very loud chops on each other. Roddy went down with a boot to the face before Bivens was caught by Walter on the apron and the distraction let Roderick get a dropkick.
Roddy broke out of a sleeper hold and caught Walter on the ropes before hitting a superplex for a near fall. After a few more hard-hitting moves, Strong reversed the Powerbomb but was driven into the corner before taking a big slam.
Walter finally managed to get the powerbomb and picked up the win on NXT.
Result: Walter def. Roderick Strong
Walter ushered in Imperium after the match and they attacked Roddy in the ring before the Creed Brothers also came in and joined the brawl as NXT went off the air.
Grade: A+
Episode grade: B
We got a hard-hitting main event tonight on NXT as well as two more matches in the 1st round of the Dusty Cup. Waller revealed he got a restraining order after last week's attack by LA Knight while Grimes and D'Angelo set up a future match on NXT.