Ivy Nile vs. Kay Lee Ray on NXT (contd...)
Nile locked in a hold but KLR powered through on NXT and Ivy managed to transition to an inverted triangle lock before it was broken up.
Ray got a superkick off the counter but missed the KLR bomb. Mandy Rose came out on the apron and Ray smacked her off before missing the KLR bomb once more, letting Nile pick up the win off the counter.
Result: Ivy Nile def. Kay Lee Ray
After the match, Mandy and Toxic Attraction came in and attacked Ray before Persia and Indi joined KLR to even the odds. Toxic Attraction was driven out of the ring by the new trio before the show continued.
Grade: B
Backstage, we saw Harland attack and take out Odyssey before tossing his crutch away.
Legado del Fantasma vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade -Dusty Cup Round 1 match on NXT
LDF was dominating early on and Blade tagged in Enofe who got a Standing Moonsault to turn things around.
Santos helped his fellow teammates out with by grabbing Blade from the apron and dropping him but got caught by the ref.