Roxanne Perez kicked off WWE NXT and was about to celebrate her Iron Survivor match win before Grayson Waller interrupted her to celebrate his own win.
Perez told him to shut up before Waller said that she would never be able to beat Mandy Rose.
Bron Breakker came out to defend Roxanne and chased Waller off before Rose came out of nowhere and hit Perez with the title, taking her down.
Perez got up shortly after and demanded a title match with Mandy tonight.
Backstage on NXT, JD McDonagh and Brutus Creed set up a match for later tonight.
Stacks and Wes Lee were in a backstage brawl that spilled out to the ring, and we got an impromptu match.
WWE NXT Results (December 13, 2022): Stacks vs. Wes Lee
Lee got a bulldog early on before taking a neckbreaker. Stacks was sent outside before Lee hit a big senton. Back after a break on NXT, Wes took a backbreaker before Stacks locked in a single-leg crab
Lee came back with some big moves and got a dropkick to the head. He followed up with a German Suplex and did some backflips before hitting a big kick for the win.
Result: Wes Lee def. Stacks
Dijak made his entry after the match, and Tony D'Angelo used the distraction to attack Wes Lee.
Grade: B
Toxic Attraction vs. Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley
Carter and Chance were at the commentary table for the match. Toxic Attraction was in control early on and sent Nile outside and hit a big dive. Dolin got a near fall off a big boot before isolating Paxley at ringside.
Paxley was sent outside and landed on the women's tag champs. Carter and Chance got involved, and a big brawl broke out before the referee was forced to call the match.
Result: DNF
Grade: D
Von Wagner vs. Odyssey Jones on NXT
Both men ran at each other and collided, but neither went down. Wagner got a big clothesline off the ropes before getting some kicks and a takedown for the near fall.
Jones gained control and beat Wagner down when Mr. Stone and Enofe caused a distraction at ringside. The ref was looking away, and Malik Blade came in with a dropkick, letting Odyssey pick up the win.
Result: Odyssey Jones def. Von Wagner
Grade: C
Ikemen Jiro vs. Javier Bernal on NXT
Javier started strong and hit a clothesline and a bulldog for a near fall. Bernal was showboating in front of the announce table before Jiro hit him with a big dive to the outside.
Back in the ring, Jiro attacked Bernal with his jacket as the match went on. Bernal climbed the ropes but took a top-rope Hurricanrana. Jiro hit a Shining Wizard before picking up the win.
Result: Ikemen Jiro def. Javier Bernal
Scrypts attacked Jiro after the match and stole his jacket before hitting a big dive to take him out.
Grade: C
The New Day was out next, celebrating their tag team title win from NXT Deadline. Woods recalled the first-ever match on NXT 10 years ago, between him and Big E.
Pretty Deadly came out to ask for a rematch, and Kofi said that they respected the former champs, but they would have to recite the pledge of allegiance.
Briggs and Jensen came out with an American flag and started reciting the pledge before New Day offered them the title shot instead of Pretty Deadly.
JD McDonagh vs. Brutus Creed on NXT
Brutus hurt his arm after a fall to the outside, and JD targeted the arm right away. McDonagh slammed Brutus' hand into the announce desk and the ring post before getting a steel chair from under the ring.
Indus Sher showed up, and they stopped JD from using the steel chair before taking it away. McDonagh took Brutus back into the ring and hit the Devil Inside before picking up the win.
Result: JD McDonagh def. Brutus Creed
Grade: B-
Zoey Stark was backstage and called Nikkita Lyons a waste of roster space before challenging her to a match.
Lyra Valkyria vs. Amari Miller on NXT
Newcomer Valkyria got the first takedown before hitting a big kick and a dropkick through the ropes to the outside. Back in the ring, Miller got an elbow strike before beating the rookie down in the corner.
Valkyria hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall before Miller returned with a senton. Lyra blocked a kick and sent Miller down before hitting the frog splash for the win.
Result: Lyra Valkyria def. Amari Miller
Grade: C
Kiana James got Brooks Jensen an early Christmas gift before we saw Toxic Attraction get into another brawl with Carter & Chance, as well as Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley.
Duke Hudson vs. Damon Kemp on NXT
Husdon was in trouble early on but came back with some big strikes before Kemp got a near fall off a forearm. Drew Gulak came out at ringside, but Andre Chase sent him back.
Hudson returned with some big clotheslines before getting a massive belly-to-belly suplex. He rallied the crowd and followed up with a running knee before picking up the win.
Result: Duke Hudson def. Damon Kemp
Grade: B-
Mandy Rose (c) vs. Roxanne Perez - NXT Women's Championship match
Mandy was sent outside early on before Roxanne hit a dive and tried for Pop Rox. Perez was sent into the steel steps before we headed for a break. Back on NXT, Roxanne countered a big move before taking a big boot.
Mandy got a big move and got a near fall before missing the knee strike. Perez tried for a rollup, but it was reversed into a crossface by the champ.
The challenger broke the hold but took the running knee before Roxanne finally managed to roll Mandy up for the win!
Result: Roxanne Perez def. Mandy Rose
Grade: B
Episode rating: C
We got an unexpected title match for tonight's main event while Lyra Valkyria made her debut, and New Day put out a bizarre challenge on tonight's episode of NXT.