WWE NXT Results (October 23rd, 2019): Former NXT Champion turns heel, North American Title on the line 

The Undisputed Era had a huge target on their back tonight
The Undisputed Era had a huge target on their back tonight

NXT's two big matches were set up last week, with a North American Championship and a battle between Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair. However, just before the show started, General Manager William Regal made a huge announcement.


Tonight, the Kabuki Warriors would be given new No.1 contenders for their WWE Women's Tag Team Titles. Team Kick, Dakota Kai, and Tegan Nox, would face off against Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke for a chance at glory.

Our main event featured Roderick Strong defending his North American Championship against both Keith Lee and Dominic Dijakovic. Strong interrupted their last match last week, hoping to weasel out of a title match. However, that forced Regal's hand, putting Roderick Strong in a seemingly unwinnable situation.


We started off the night with Rhea Ripley vs Bianca Belair. Ripley has her eyes on Shayna Baszler's NXT Women's Championship, but that road goes through the Est. of NXT, Bianca Belair, who's latest win streak has nearly pushed her back into title contention.

Rhea Ripley vs Bianca Belair

A slugfest kicks off this week's NXT
A slugfest kicks off this week's NXT

Ripley and Belair lock up, with both powerhouses looking for an advantage early on. Belair was the first to bring it to blows, catching Ripley with a boot to the gut and driving her into the corner for a series of shoulder thrusts.


Belair was sent flying across the ring after taunting the former NXT UK Women's Champion, with Ripley connecting with a pair of boots to the chest. Ripley broke out of a waist lock and caught Belair with a superkick. The Est. of NXT responded by sending her into the turnbuckle, but as she attempted a suplex, Ripley countered with one of her own.

As Ripley ascended the turnbuckle, she was sent crashing to the mat by Belair. A delayed vertical suplex earned her a one-count. Ripley was then trapped in an abdominal stretch, but powered out of it and dumped Belair onto her back with a hip toss. Both competitors met in the middle of the ring with a double facebuster.


Belair walked Ripley around the ring, bouncing her off all four corners. Ripley trapped Belair's foot for a moment when she was taking some hip attacks to the back. However, another boot to Ripley's jaw forced her to let go. In the corner, Belair was ripped off of Ripley by the referee following a hammering assault. As she turned around, Ripley kicked her in the chest and made her way out to the middle of the ring.


Belair bounced off the ropes but was met with a massive boot to the sternum. Ripley snapped her overhead and conected with a seated clothesline. A few short-arm lariats followed up by a ripcord clothesline left Belair struggling.

Ripley locked in her modified cloverleaf, but Belair escaped to the ropes. A cannonball off the apron sent Belair crashing to the floor. As Ripley sent her inside the ring, Io Shirai ran down the ring, rocking Ripley with a apron sliding 619.


Inside the ring, Belair took advantage with a spear. Ripley broke out, shocking both Shirai and Belair. Candice LeRae rushed her former ally and took her off the apron, allowing Ripley to catch Belair in the Riptide.

Results: Rhea Ripley defeated Bianca Belair via pinfall.

Tyler Bate was seen walking the area with Pete Dunne by Cathy Kelly prior to the show. Kelly asked what Dunne thought about his match with Damian Priest and how Killian Dain may begin to target him next. The Bruiserweight made no excuses for himself as far as the Archer of Infamy goes. As far Dain, he doesn't care about him.

Matt Riddle faced one of his toughest challenges in NXT so far
Matt Riddle faced one of his toughest challenges in NXT so far

Tyler Bate was seated ringside for the upcoming match. As Matt Riddle made his entrance, he fist-bumped the first ever UK Champion.


Matt Riddle vs Cameron Grimes


Grimes leaped up for the Cave In immediately. Riddle rolled through and shot for the Final Flash knee strike, forcing Grimes to escape to the corner. Riddle trapped Grimes in the middle of the ring with a waist lock, picking him up and slamming him twice. Grimes broke out and attempted a roll-up. Riddle kicked out easily and transitioned into the Bromission.

Grimes blocked, forcing Riddle to adjust and lock in an armbar. Grimes turned Riddle over for a pinfall. Riddle kicked out and battered Grimes with a series of kicks, running elbows in the corner, and an exploder suplex. Grimes avoided a penalty kick and a standing moonsault, leading to the Broton and another penalty kick, this time connecting.


A Jackhammer to Grimes gave Riddle a nearfall. A few kicks to Grimes' chest left him gasping on the mat. Grimes avoided another penalty kick and rolled Riddle up. When Riddle broke out and ducked a kick, Grimes flipped over and caught him for a deadlift German suplex. Riddle kicked out at two as we went to commercial.

Back from the break, Riddle lit lup Grimes with more kicks. A ripcord knee set up for the Bro to Sleep. A German suplex with a bridge only earned the Original Bro a two-count. Riddle hit another Broton, and after taking an upward kick from a downed opponent, responded with another penalty kick. He set up for the Bro Derek, but Grimes countered, hitting a spin-out powerslam for a near fall.


Grimes broke out of a pinfall following a superplex, and put his knees up to stop the Floating Bro. A series of elbow strikes and kicks gave Grimes another nearfall. However, following a powerbomb, the Final Flash knee strike finally landed, allowing Riddle to finish him with the Bro Derek.

Results: Matt Riddle defeated Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

Grimes denied the fist bump following the match, which was then given to Tyler Bate again. When Bate tried to fist bump Grimes, he was shoved almost onto his back. Grimes turned and grabbed his hat, and when he walked back down the steps, was caught by a left jab from the Big Strong Boi, leaving him out cold on the floor.


Breezango were set to face off against the Forgotten Sons next. Originally Kushida was going to team with them in the six-man tag, but he unfortunately suffered an injury. Tyler Breeze and Fandango had only a short time to find a new partner. Who would they bring in to even the odds?

Breezango soared into Full Sail to battle the Sons
Breezango soared into Full Sail to battle the Sons

Breezango enthralled the NXT crowd tonight with yet another incredible entrance. This time, the duo gave a little nod to Top Gun, with both men being waved down the ramp wearing aviators and all.


Breezango w/Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs The Forgotten Sons

Breeze was shoved into the corner by Ryker, leading to Scott tagging in. Scott tried to wrap up the big man, but was launched back into his corner as well, leading to a tag from Fandango. Fandango tore off his shirt and jumped at Ryker but...well...third verse, same as the second and first.


Ryker brought Fandango to the Sons' corner, tagging in Steve Cutler. Cutler tried to bring Fandango down with a sunset flip, but he managed to catch himself, punching Cutler and hitting a leaping leg drop. We went to break as the Sons regrouped outside.

Back from commercial, Ryker was battering Breeze again. Blake tagged in but allowed Ryker to tear into Prince Pretty some more and bounce him off the ropes for a suplex. Blake got a nearfall. Breeze was then locked in a side headlock.


Blake cut off Breeze's breakaway with an eye rake, bringing him back to the Sons' corner and tagging back in their leader. A polish hammer knocked the wind out of Breeze. However, as Cutler tagged in, Breeze dodged an attack from Ryker in the corner and dumped Cutler outside. Breeze made it to Fandango just as Blake was tagged in.

Blake was lit up by Fandango with a series of chops and clotheslines. A snap powerslam sent him rolling outside, but he'd tagged in Cutler before coming off the ropes, allowing Cutler to take him down with a backbreaker. Fandango managed to tag Swerve, who was taken up then sent off the top rope with a super hurricanrana. A pair of flying headbutts from Blake and Ryker would've ended it, but Breezango broke up the pin.


Scott dropped Cutler with a flatliner and sent Blake over the ropes. Ryker tagged himself in just in time, and attempted to superplex Scott to the outside. Scott fought him off and left him on the apron, using him as a springboard to hit Blake and Cutler on the outside with a moonsault.


Back inside the ring, Scott pelted Ryker with a series of kicks. Fandango tagged in and Breezango took out Ryker with a pair of superkicks. The Forgotten Sons broke up the pin. Fandango lit up Ryker, who was tagged out by Cutler. Scott tagged in as well, and after a leaping back kick to the neck, picked up his first win in the WWE.

Results: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and Breezango defeated the Forgotten Sons.

The 24-year-old piece of gold keeping his eyes on his prize
The 24-year-old piece of gold keeping his eyes on his prize

New Cruiserweight Champion Lio Rush entered the arena to a huge pop from the crowd and Full Sail chanting his name. The Man of the Hour sat with commentary to check out the competition tonight.


Angel Garza vs Jack Gallagher

Garza disrespected Gallagher early on, taking his opponent for granted. Gallagher was able to counter everything Garza threw at him when it came to the ground game, even forcing the NXT Breakout Superstar to shake his hand via wrist lock.


Gallagher tried to hold Garza back from bouncing off the ropes but ended up tearing off his opponent's pants instead, allowing Garza to connect with a running dropkick. A rebounding reverse suplex from Garza was followed up by a dropkick to Gallagher's head. Gallagher managed to catch Angel with a few strikes and hit a stalling suplex.


Garza was trapped in an armbar, but made his way to the ropes to break it. Gallagher was sent over the ropes, and Garza took him out with a feint dive, sliding to the apron instead to slap Gallagher's back. Back on the inside, Gallagher hit the Glasgow Kiss, but missed his corner single leg dropkick. Garza bounced him head first off the mat and hit a second rope moonsault for the victory.


Results: Angel Garza defeated Jack Gallagher via pinfall.

Garza stared down Lio Rush who raised the title over his head. It looks like we'll be getting this exciting match up sooner rather than later.

Team Kick has arrived
Team Kick has arrived

Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai vs Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke

Duke rocked Kai with a kick early, earning a near fall. Shafir tagged in and the duo assaulted Kai in their corner. Two knee strikes and a judo throw left Kai vulnerable for some more tandem offense from the Horsewomen. A gutbuster from Shafir and a dropkick to Kai's head from Duke earned them another near fall.


Shafir tagged in and tried to block Kai's tag to Tegan Nox. However, a scorpion kick to her face sent her into Duke, who tagged herself in just as Nox did the same. Nox dropped both of her opponents with a pair of chokeslams.


A cannonball in the corner crushed Duke, who was then taken out by a high angle crossbody from the top. Kai brawled with Shafir, taking her outside while Nox knocked Duke's block off with the Shiniest Wizard.

Results: Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai defeated Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir.

Following the match, The Kabuki Warriors cut a promo on them on the tron.

Roderick Strong has a huge mountain to climb tonight
Roderick Strong has a huge mountain to climb tonight

North American Championship Match: Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic vs Roderick Strong (c)

Strong rolled outside the ring in hopes that the two giants would wear themselves out. Dijakovic and Lee followed. Strong rushed back inside and kept Dijakovic at bay, but was bounced off the mighty Keith Lee's body, forcing him to roll out again.


Dijakovic rolled in and battered Lee in the corner with elbows. Lee ran out as Dijakovic set up for a running strike, popping him up for a sky-high chokeslam. Strong poked the bear, only to get laid out with a strong right elbow strike. Lee set his sights back on Dijakovic, and both men traded heavy blows in the corner. Dijakovic left Lee on one knee with a knee to the gut and a facebuster. A boot to Strong knocked him off the apron while Dijakovic continued hammering Lee.


Lee blocked a suplex attempt, leading to another trade of strikes between the behemoths of Black & Gold. Strong again tried to get involved, leading to Lee tossing him across the ring. As Lee moved up top for Dijakovic, Strong knocked him to the floor below. A superplex to Dijakovic gave the champion a near fall.

Dijakovic set up Strong for a suplex and caught a returning Lee in the jaw with a superkick. Another knee strike was avoided, with Strong crashing into Lee in the corner. Strong was knocked to the mat where Dijakovic suplexed Lee onto him. Dijakovic moved up for a moonsault but the North American Champion rolled away. Dijakovic moved to the apron to target Lee, who caught him diving and set up a powerbomb.


A wrecking ball dropkick to Dijakovic's back sent Lee to the ground. Dijakovicchased Strong back inside the ring and continued to pelt Strong with sledging blows. Up top, Dijakovic looked for the superplex. Lee came in at the last second, turning it into a Spirit Bomb/stalling suplex. Strong rolled all the way across the ring in pain while Dijakovic was left crumbled on the mat. Lee stumbled and found himself hanging halfway outside the ring as we went to the final commercial break.


Back from the break, Lee countered a double suplex, dumping both Dijakovic and Strong on their heads. All three men got back to their feet, leading to a three -way brawl. Strong dropped Dijakovic with a backbreaker and lit up Lee with a series of running punches. An Olympic Slam gave Strong a two-count.

Keith Lee crushed Strong with two palms to his chest. However, Lee was dumped outside. Both he and Dijakovic caught Strong going for the wrecking ball dropkick, with Lee letting Dijakovic end Strong with the Feast Your Eyes. They both decided to enter the ring and finish this right.


Lee won the striking duel thanks to a massive headbutt. Dijakovic followed him to the top rope. Though Lee pushed him off, Dijakovic landed on his feet and hit the Limitless One with a superkick and a running big boot. An Avalanche Chokebomb from the top only garnered a two count, as Lee fought on. Lee rolled out to bait Dijakovic, who launched himself over the ropes with a Fosbury flop. Lee then rolled inside, allowing Dijakovic to hit Strong.


With Dijakovic struggling to make it to his feet, Lee bounced off the ropes and dropped his entire weight upon his rival with a tope con hilo. Back inside, Lee brought Dijakovic to the top one more time. The big man set up for a super Spirit Bomb. Dijakovic was unable to break away and was spiked by Lee. However, as he hit the mat, Strong delivered a running single leg dropkick to Lee's jaw, retaining his title.


Results: Roderick Strong defeated Keith Lee via pinfall.

The Undisputed Era rushed the ring to celebrate with their North American Champion. Of course, immediately after they attacked Keith Lee. Fish and O'Reilly took him out with the High Low combination.

Tommaso Ciampa's music hit, and the Blackhearted One slowly made his way to the ring with his crutch in his hand. The Era backed up to the other side of the ring, but stood their ground when Ciampa entered. A "Daddy's home" chant broke out.


Ciampa wasn't by himself, however, as Johnny Gargano soon accompanied his former best friend. Gargano entered the ring, at first, staring down Ciampa. However, they then decided to face off against the Era instead. Finn Balor was next, as the former Universal Champion strolled down the ramp. Now in a 3-on-4 situation, things were getting interesting. With Balor by their side, Ciampa and Gargano stood against the Undisputed Era, or so they thought.


Balor dropped Gargano with a pele kick while the Era jumped Ciampa. Ciampa was held in place while the NXT Champion hit the Last Shot. Balor rolled out and drove Gargano through the barricade with a shotgun dropkick. The Heart of NXT was then dragged to the ramp where he was spiked with the 1916.

The Undisputed Era stood in the ring hitting their classic pose. Balor teased it, but in the end walked away, leaving Johnny Gargano to question where things went wrong.

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Edited by Alan John
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