Breezango enthralled the NXT crowd tonight with yet another incredible entrance. This time, the duo gave a little nod to Top Gun, with both men being waved down the ramp wearing aviators and all.
Breezango w/Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs The Forgotten Sons
Breeze was shoved into the corner by Ryker, leading to Scott tagging in. Scott tried to wrap up the big man, but was launched back into his corner as well, leading to a tag from Fandango. Fandango tore off his shirt and jumped at Ryker but...well...third verse, same as the second and first.
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Ryker brought Fandango to the Sons' corner, tagging in Steve Cutler. Cutler tried to bring Fandango down with a sunset flip, but he managed to catch himself, punching Cutler and hitting a leaping leg drop. We went to break as the Sons regrouped outside.
Back from commercial, Ryker was battering Breeze again. Blake tagged in but allowed Ryker to tear into Prince Pretty some more and bounce him off the ropes for a suplex. Blake got a nearfall. Breeze was then locked in a side headlock.
Blake cut off Breeze's breakaway with an eye rake, bringing him back to the Sons' corner and tagging back in their leader. A polish hammer knocked the wind out of Breeze. However, as Cutler tagged in, Breeze dodged an attack from Ryker in the corner and dumped Cutler outside. Breeze made it to Fandango just as Blake was tagged in.
Blake was lit up by Fandango with a series of chops and clotheslines. A snap powerslam sent him rolling outside, but he'd tagged in Cutler before coming off the ropes, allowing Cutler to take him down with a backbreaker. Fandango managed to tag Swerve, who was taken up then sent off the top rope with a super hurricanrana. A pair of flying headbutts from Blake and Ryker would've ended it, but Breezango broke up the pin.
Scott dropped Cutler with a flatliner and sent Blake over the ropes. Ryker tagged himself in just in time, and attempted to superplex Scott to the outside. Scott fought him off and left him on the apron, using him as a springboard to hit Blake and Cutler on the outside with a moonsault.
Back inside the ring, Scott pelted Ryker with a series of kicks. Fandango tagged in and Breezango took out Ryker with a pair of superkicks. The Forgotten Sons broke up the pin. Fandango lit up Ryker, who was tagged out by Cutler. Scott tagged in as well, and after a leaping back kick to the neck, picked up his first win in the WWE.
Results: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and Breezango defeated the Forgotten Sons.