North American Championship Match: Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic vs Roderick Strong (c)
Strong rolled outside the ring in hopes that the two giants would wear themselves out. Dijakovic and Lee followed. Strong rushed back inside and kept Dijakovic at bay, but was bounced off the mighty Keith Lee's body, forcing him to roll out again.
Dijakovic rolled in and battered Lee in the corner with elbows. Lee ran out as Dijakovic set up for a running strike, popping him up for a sky-high chokeslam. Strong poked the bear, only to get laid out with a strong right elbow strike. Lee set his sights back on Dijakovic, and both men traded heavy blows in the corner. Dijakovic left Lee on one knee with a knee to the gut and a facebuster. A boot to Strong knocked him off the apron while Dijakovic continued hammering Lee.
Lee blocked a suplex attempt, leading to another trade of strikes between the behemoths of Black & Gold. Strong again tried to get involved, leading to Lee tossing him across the ring. As Lee moved up top for Dijakovic, Strong knocked him to the floor below. A superplex to Dijakovic gave the champion a near fall.
Dijakovic set up Strong for a suplex and caught a returning Lee in the jaw with a superkick. Another knee strike was avoided, with Strong crashing into Lee in the corner. Strong was knocked to the mat where Dijakovic suplexed Lee onto him. Dijakovic moved up for a moonsault but the North American Champion rolled away. Dijakovic moved to the apron to target Lee, who caught him diving and set up a powerbomb.
A wrecking ball dropkick to Dijakovic's back sent Lee to the ground. Dijakovicchased Strong back inside the ring and continued to pelt Strong with sledging blows. Up top, Dijakovic looked for the superplex. Lee came in at the last second, turning it into a Spirit Bomb/stalling suplex. Strong rolled all the way across the ring in pain while Dijakovic was left crumbled on the mat. Lee stumbled and found himself hanging halfway outside the ring as we went to the final commercial break.
Back from the break, Lee countered a double suplex, dumping both Dijakovic and Strong on their heads. All three men got back to their feet, leading to a three -way brawl. Strong dropped Dijakovic with a backbreaker and lit up Lee with a series of running punches. An Olympic Slam gave Strong a two-count.
Keith Lee crushed Strong with two palms to his chest. However, Lee was dumped outside. Both he and Dijakovic caught Strong going for the wrecking ball dropkick, with Lee letting Dijakovic end Strong with the Feast Your Eyes. They both decided to enter the ring and finish this right.
Lee won the striking duel thanks to a massive headbutt. Dijakovic followed him to the top rope. Though Lee pushed him off, Dijakovic landed on his feet and hit the Limitless One with a superkick and a running big boot. An Avalanche Chokebomb from the top only garnered a two count, as Lee fought on. Lee rolled out to bait Dijakovic, who launched himself over the ropes with a Fosbury flop. Lee then rolled inside, allowing Dijakovic to hit Strong.
With Dijakovic struggling to make it to his feet, Lee bounced off the ropes and dropped his entire weight upon his rival with a tope con hilo. Back inside, Lee brought Dijakovic to the top one more time. The big man set up for a super Spirit Bomb. Dijakovic was unable to break away and was spiked by Lee. However, as he hit the mat, Strong delivered a running single leg dropkick to Lee's jaw, retaining his title.
Results: Roderick Strong defeated Keith Lee via pinfall.
The Undisputed Era rushed the ring to celebrate with their North American Champion. Of course, immediately after they attacked Keith Lee. Fish and O'Reilly took him out with the High Low combination.
Tommaso Ciampa's music hit, and the Blackhearted One slowly made his way to the ring with his crutch in his hand. The Era backed up to the other side of the ring, but stood their ground when Ciampa entered. A "Daddy's home" chant broke out.
Ciampa wasn't by himself, however, as Johnny Gargano soon accompanied his former best friend. Gargano entered the ring, at first, staring down Ciampa. However, they then decided to face off against the Era instead. Finn Balor was next, as the former Universal Champion strolled down the ramp. Now in a 3-on-4 situation, things were getting interesting. With Balor by their side, Ciampa and Gargano stood against the Undisputed Era, or so they thought.
Balor dropped Gargano with a pele kick while the Era jumped Ciampa. Ciampa was held in place while the NXT Champion hit the Last Shot. Balor rolled out and drove Gargano through the barricade with a shotgun dropkick. The Heart of NXT was then dragged to the ramp where he was spiked with the 1916.
The Undisputed Era stood in the ring hitting their classic pose. Balor teased it, but in the end walked away, leaving Johnny Gargano to question where things went wrong.