We got some great matches tonight on the WWE NXT before Vengeance Day. We got new #1 Contenders for the NXT Tag Championship while a Fatal-Four-Way title match was announced for Vengeance Day.
WWE NXT Results (February 11, 2025):
- Cora Jade def. Bayley
- Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura def. Hank & Tank and No Quarter Catch Crew
- Lexis King def. JDC to retain the Heritage Cup
- Zaria def. Nikkita Lyons
- Tony D’Angelo def. Ridge Holland to retain the NXT North American Championship
Brock Lesnar changed major Royal Rumble plans? More details HERE.
WWE NXT Results: Bayley vs. Cora Jade
Bayley got some strikes early on and Jade fled to ringside before Bayley chased and drove her into the barricades. Bayley got Cora's kendo stick but then tossed it aside before heading back to the ring.
Jade took a stunner and the Bayley-to-Belly suplex before Bayley headed up top for the elbow drop. Roxanne distracted her by playing Bayley's old music and showing up dressed like her old gimmick.
Bayley got the elbow drop but then went to yell at Roxanne. Jade used the distraction to get a couple of DDTs before picking up the win.
Result: Cora Jade def. Bayley
Ava congratulated Cora for the win and added her to the title match at Vengeance Day. Bayley attacked Perez and took her out with the Bayley to Belly suplex before NXT moved on.
Grade: B
Oba Femi came out to talk about his upcoming title match before he was interrupted by A-Town Down Under. Waller and Theory hyped each other up but it was clear that they both wanted the title.
Oba asked if both of them intended to be champions simultaneously, and Waller said he would do anything to win the title.
Theory realized that Waller was willing to betray him and the two started bickering before Austin said that he too would do anything to become the NXT Champ. Waller was on his way out but Theory dragged him back and it looked like they would fight but instead, they teamed up against the champ.
Oba took finishers from both challengers before he was knocked out. Waller and Theory held the title up in the ring as NXT moved on.
Je'von Evans was backstage with Ava who told him it would be risky for him to compete at Vengeance Day. Evans said that he would take the chance and do it anyway. Ava warned him once but then had him sign a waiver to make sure WWE can't be held liable if something happens to the Young OG.
WWE NXT Results: Hank & Tank vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura vs. No Quarter Catch Crew
Hank and Inamura were in the ring early on before Tavion tagged himself in, and NQCC took control of the match. Inamura and Briggs took control next and got some big moves on Myles before clearing the apron.
Briggs got a big slam and a stomp on Tavion before all three teams came in for a quick sequence of moves. Briggs got a dropkick and a big boot before getting a near fall off a powerbomb on Hank.
Hank headed up top and hit a dive to the floor before getting a near fall on Briggs in the ring. Briggs and Inamura came back with some takedowns, and Yoshiki hit a big springboard splash before getting the win.
Result: Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura def. Hank & Tank and No Quarter Catch Crew
Fraxiom showed up on the balcony and said that now that they had earned the title match, they should get ready for the real fight.
Grade: B+
Tony D and the gang were backstage, and Stacks apologized to The Don about not being on the same page. The Don said 'forget about it' before walking off.
WWE NXT Results: Lexis King (c) vs. JDC - Heritage Cup Match
The two traded strikes and holds early on before JDC tried to take advantage of a distracted King by trying to roll him up from behind. King took control and got some kicks in before getting a near fall.
Lexis dodged a missile dropkick and tried for a half crab before turning it into a pin. After a bit of back and forth, King hit a big dive to the outside before coming back and hitting the coronation for the win.
Result: Lexis King def. JDC to retain the Heritage Cup
Grade: B
WWE NXT Results: Zaria vs. Nikkita Lyons
Lyons got a near fall off a big slam before locking in the camel clutch. Zaria lifted Lyons on her back and dropped her in the ring.
Lyons missed her finisher before Zaria got a spear and hit her spinning finisher before getting the win.
Result: Zaria def. Nikkita Lyons
Grade: C
Eddy Thorpe had challenged Trick Williams to a strap match earlier on and Trick Williams accepted the match before we headed for the main event on NXT.
We got the arrival of Ricky Starks on NXT and he said that he was there to revolutionize the show and take us into the future of the brand.
Andre Chase was backstage with a couple of his old students who tried to cheer him up.
WWE NXT Results: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Ridge Holland - Steel Cage match for the NXT North American Championship
Tony had the early advantage and got some right hooks in early on before getting a big suplex for a near fall. Ridge jabbed the champ in the eye to get the advantage but was sent into the steel cage wall.
Tony missed a tackle and ran into the chain link wall of the cage himself before Ridge unloaded on him.
Holland got some big suplexes before getting headlock in. Tony dodged a big move before tossing Ridge into a cage wall and hitting a series of belly-to-belly suplexes.
A crowbar came into play and Holland tried to use it against the champ but Tony countered into a spinebuster for the win.
Result: Tony D’Angelo def. Ridge Holland to retain the NXT North American Championship
Grade: B+
After the match, Izzi Dame turned on Tony and hit him with the crowbar. Shawn Spears and his friends had shown up and they cornered The Don in the ring before attacking him with a steel chair.
Spears hit a big slam from the middle rope onto the chair before the show went off the air.