A vignette aired in which Tegan Nox spoke about the change in Candice LeRae's demeanor. Nox said that she is ready to sit down to work on the issues between herself and LeRae. The video package ended, and a singles match between Candice LeRae and Kacy Catanzaro was up next on NXT.
#2 Candice LeRae vs. Kacy Catanzaro (w/ Kayden Carter) on NXT
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LeRae and Catanzaro jockeyed for position in the early goings of the match. They exchanged stiff elbows before Catanzaro showcased her athleticism.
LeRae stunned Kacy with a brutal neck breaker. She followed it with a dropkick, which sent Kacy to the outside. Carter gave Kacy some words of encouragement, and the action resumed.
Catanzaro rolled up LeRae for a two-count. LeRae weathered the storm and sent Catanzaro into the corner. She hit a running back attack and got a two-count. Catanzaro fought back and connected with a flurry of strikes in the corner.
She hit LeRae with an acrobatic flip heel kick to the back, which got her a near fall. LeRae, however, was the superior wrestler as she locked Catanzaro in a standing surfboard submission. LeRae then stomped Kacy's face straight into the mat and that was enough to get her the pinfall on NXT.
Results: Candice LeRae def. Kacy Catanzaro
Grade: C -
LeRae took the microphone after the NXT match and addressed her tensions with Tegan. She said that the dynamic between Carter and Catanzaro reminded her of her friendship with Tegan. LeRae admitted that she wanted to hash things out with Tegan Nox before inviting the latter to her house for dinner.