WWE NXT Results (September 25th, 2019): Riddle and Dain brawl for a title shot, Walter makes an impact

Adam Cole's title reign may be in jeopardy
Adam Cole's title reign may be in jeopardy

The second live episode of NXT was just as exciting as the first, as the opening hour on the USA Network featured two hellacious brawls between four of the brand's most dominant competitors.


Killian Dain and Matt Riddle have been at each other's throats for months now. Tonight, they finally settled the score in a street fight, with the winner moving on to face Adam Cole for the NXT Championship next week during the first two-hour episode on USA. After multiple no-contest and double count-out brawls, the Hound of Ulster and the King of Bros had something to fight for; gold.

After finally ending the Dream during last week's NXT, Roderick Strong captured the NXT North American Championship. Tonight, the Undisputed Era stood above the commentary desk holding every championship on the brand. A good seat for the opening match of the night. In a series that's only found one decisive victory, fans were expecting a slobber knocker between Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic tonight. With the record at 1-0-1 (Dijakovic-Lee-Draw), Lee needed a victory here.


Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic

The kaiju of NXT circled the ring, ready to finish up their three-match series. Lee nearly decapitated Dijakovic with a leaping spinning back kick, but the big man avoided it. Dijakovic dodged another attack in the corner and was sent into the ropes, where he rebounded into a crossbody from the Limitless One.

Lee sent Dijakovic over the ropes with a massive Pounce. Luckily for Dijakovic, he held onto the ropes and avoided a serious crash and burn onto the floor outside. On the apron, they blocked suplex attempts, with Dijakovic stunning Lee via knee to the dome. Lee responded with a headbutt and made his way to the apron, crossing through the ropes.


Dijakovic's chokeslam was blocked at first, but a kick to the gut allowed him to connect, driving him spine first on the apron as we went to commercial.

Back from the break, Lee had recovered and was absolutely mauling Dijakovic, battering him with massive punches and a devastating one-handed spinebuster. In the corner, Dijakovic responded by driving Lee's face into the turnbuckle. However, Dijakovic's bragging came back to bite him, with Lee immediately recovering and smashing Dijakovic into the turnbuckle, sending him outside and leaping onto him with a corkscrew plancha.


Back inside the ring, Dijakovic countered Lee with a guillotine. Lee attempted to pick him up for a suplex but fell to the ground, nearly getting rolled up in the process. Luckily he found himself near the ropes. Back to their feet, a punching/spinning back elbow combination was capped off by a stiff headbutt. Following that, Lee hit a picture perfect 340lb moonsault from the second rope.


Somehow Dijakovic was able to kick out. Lee brought him to the top rope, looking for a Spanish Fly. Dijakovic battered Lee's neck with elbow strikes and went over with a second rope Canadian Destroyer. However, it wasn't enough to put away his long-time rival.


He followed up with a moonsault of his own, but Lee sat up following the splash, holding Dijakovic in his arms. Rolling through, Lee drove him nearly through the mat with a Big Bang Catastrophe.

Results: Keith Lee defeated Dominik Dijakovic via pinfall.

With that, the record in NXT sits at 1-1-1, with one match ending in double count-out. Where we go from here is unknown, but it's clear that there's more left in this titanic rivalry.

The Captain of Team Kick has returned!
The Captain of Team Kick has returned!

The Street Profits addressed the Undisputed Era a week out from their NXT Tag Team Championship match on the October 2nd edition of NXT. Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins look to become two-time champions, putting an end to the dominance of the Era early.


Dakota Kai vs Taynara

Taynara clapped the returning Dakota Kai across the face, leading to a huge pump kick from the Captain of Team Kick, laying her out. However, as Kai moved to the top rope, Taynara knocked her back down to the mat after a kick of her own.


A judo toss of sorts sent Kai onto her back. Kai ducked a kick but was met with a spinning back kick to the back of her head. She kicked out of the pinfall, though, and tripped up Taynara, allowing her to hit a boot on her opponent who was draped across the apron. Back inside the ring, a scissor kick and a series of kicks to the face set up for a rounding running boot in the corner.


The GTK, Go To Kick, put Taynara to sleep, giving Kai a win in her return to NXT.


Results: Dakota Kai defeated Taynara via pinfall.

Following the match, Cathy Kelly revealed that three members of NXT UK's Imperium would battle Kushida and two men of his choosing during the second hour of NXT.

This epic rivalry exploded in an absolutely brutal street fight
This epic rivalry exploded in an absolutely brutal street fight

#1 Contender's Street Fight: Matt Riddle vs Killian Dain


Dain challenged Riddle, leading to a few flush shots landing on the beast's jaw. Dain responded with a few punches of his own. Riddle was dumped to the outside but rushed back in before Dain could realize what happened, getting brought to the mat with a double leg takedown followed by an armbar.


Dain easily escaped and booted Riddle in the gut. However, Riddle escaped a fireman's carry maneuver and rocked him with a back kick followed by a German suplex. Dain kicked out and rolled to the outside where he was met by a Superman forearm off the steel steps. We went to commercial as Riddle continued to batter the Beast of Belfast.

Back from the break, Riddle was crushed in the corner with a running body splash. Dain followed up the pressure with a boot to his throat as we were treated to footage from the past few minutes. Riddle had introduced a kendo stick much like last week but was knocked to his back by a running dropkick from the big man.


Riddle recovered from the body splash and sent Dain over with a suplex, following up with a Broton. A penalty kick gave the King of Bros a nearfall. Riddle moved to the top where he was caught in the Electric Chair position by Dain. He rolled through, attempting a pinfall. Dain kicked out and dropped him with a Wasteland followed by a senton of his own. A powerbomb and a leaping elbow drop gave him a two count.


Another powerbomb attempt was blocked as Riddle reversed it into an Alabama Slam. This time, he made it to the top without any trouble, and fell onto Dain with the Floating Bro corkscrew senton. As Dain made it to his feet, he sidestepped Riddle who attempted a running shoulder tackle, sending him over the ropes. Dain followed up with a suicide dive, then brought out a steel chair. The chair was sent off the side of the head as it was shot through the air by the Hound of Ulster.


Riddle took another shot from the chair, but as he was taken over the barricade, recovered and battered Dain with chops and kicks. A series of chest kicks to a seated Dain allowed him to connect with a chair shot of his own. Dain cut him off with an eye rake and sent him headfirst into an equipment box. He taunted Riddle for his UFC history, which lead to Riddle pelting him with more punches. Dain shoved him off and drove him through the wall with a running crossbody as we moved to the final commercial break on USA Network.


As we returned to Full Sail, Riddle laid Dain out on a table in the crowd, delivering a vicious Broton through it. Dain was forced back near ring side, taking heavy kicks all along the path. Inside the ring, a springboard leg drop saw Riddle crash onto the chest of the monstrous Dain. However, Dain recovered following a pinfall attempt, driving a chair Riddle had picked up into him with another running crossbody.


Three Vader Bombs almost left an indention in the mat, but Riddle was still able to break the pinfall before three. Dain placed the chair across his chest and bashed it with the kendo stick. Another Vader Bomb, this time with a chair across Riddle's chest, looked to be the final call for Riddle. However, he made it to his feet before Dain could crash to the mat, driving him down with a powerbomb and tossing him a chair for a Final Flash knee.


Riddle battered Dain with kendo stick shots before mounting him for a series of right hands. The Bromission was blocked, and Dain made it to his feet. However, another chair shot left Dain on his knees where a chopping combination stunned him. Dain responded with a punch to the gut, but a Fujiwara Armbar left Dain in a pretty poor position. With nowhere to go, he finally tapped out.

Results: Matt Riddle defeated Killian Dain via submission.


Adam Cole strolled down to the ring to rub his title in the face of Matt Riddle, who he believed was too exhausted from his brawl with Dain to respond. However, Riddle locked him in a Fujiwara Armbar as well, forcing him to tap before the Undisputed Era were able to rush the ring.

Kayden Carter was the unfortunate recipient of Rhea Ripley's Brutality
Kayden Carter was the unfortunate recipient of Rhea Ripley's Brutality

Over on the WWE Network, the Era was still talking over what had happened to Adam Cole on the USA Network. With Riddle as his new #1 contender, challenging for the NXT Championship next week, Cole will have to come up with a game plan for the Original Bro, and fast.


Rhea Ripley vs Kayden Carter

Carter started fast, rushing the inaugural NXT UK Women's Champion. However, a running dropkick sent Carter to the ground. In the corner, she was battered with heavy forearm shots to the back. A delayed vertical suplex gave Ripley a near fall.


Ripley attempted to stomp the life out of her opponent. Carter avoided and sent her into the corner with a pop-up hurricanrana. Using the ropes, a springboard hurricanrana sent Ripley to the ground. A springboard victory roll followed by a kick to the jaw nearly gave her the upset victory. Ripley responded with a Riptide, though, ending Carter's night after a surprising flurry.


Results: Rhea Ripley defeated Kayden Carter via pinfall.

Ripley not only stood up to Shayna Baszler on her debut with NXT, but left the Queen of Spades shaken. With a dominant performance like she had tonight, the NXT Women's Champion might be overlooking her title defense next week, fearing what may happen once she has to face Ripley again.

1-2 is on a hot streak!
1-2 is on a hot streak!

Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan earned an impressive victory already this week, defeating Tony Nese and Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak on 205 Live.


1-2 (Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch) vs Ever-Rise (Chase Parker & Matt Martel)

Lorcan started the bout with Martel, wrapping up in the middle of the ring. Martel brought Lorcan to a knee with an arm wrench. Lorcan had trouble breaking away but managed to eventually turn the hold around, tagging in the Guvnor. A double chop from 1-2 left Martel's chest red. However, he was able to break away and tag in Parker, who was immediately taken to the mat with a side headlock.


Parker shot Burch off and attempted a flying knee. Burch brought him down with a leg pick instead, but Martel broke up the submission attempt. Lorcan tagged in only to be tossed out by Martel who then tagged himself in. Lorcan was battered by Martel following a full mount. He then sent the Star Destroyer into Parker's boot in the corner of Ever-Rise. A suplex earned Parker a near fall.


Martel tagged back in for a pendulum backbreaker, leaving Lorcan grasping at his spine. Parker came in for a tag team maneuver which saw Martel hit another backbreaker and Parker delivering a high impact knee to the jaw. In Ever-Rise's corner, the two men continued to work over the Boston Butcher. Lorcan sent Martel into Parker's boot, though, and finally tagged in Burch.

Burch cleaned house, leveling both men with massive strikes. Clotheslines, enziguris, european uppercuts and a second rope dropkick left him on fire in the middle of the ring. A headbutt left Martel knocked out on the outside while 1-2 picked up Parker for the elevated DDT.


Results: 1-2 defeated Ever-Rise via pinfall.

In the crowd, Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green were seen. The two newest additions to the NXT roster will surely be a force to be reckoned with as we move closer to 2020.

Grimes had a bit of trouble with his opponent this week
Grimes had a bit of trouble with his opponent this week

Last week, Grimes shocked the world with an incredible short match. One double foot stomp was all it took for Grimes to make a huge impression on the WWE Universe and the USA Network. Tonight, he looked for a similar victory, though he got a little more than he bargained for with the always impressive Raul Mendoza.


Cameron Grimes vs Raul Mendoza


Mendoza avoided the same spot that left Sean Maluta out cold in less than five-second last week, ducking the double foot stomp. Grimes was trapped in an arm wrench, with Mendoza putting some serious torque on his wrist. Both men traded pinfalls here, and when they got back to their feet, Mendoza sent Grimes to his back with a hurricanrana.


A springboard side takeover brought Grimes down to the mat. The NXT Breakout Superstar attempted to break away and finally escaped a side headlock as he made it to his feet. A running crossbody from Mendoza was turned into a Spanish Fly of sorts in mid-air by Grimes.

Mendoza was launched spine first into the corner, then placed in an armbar. Grimes prevented him from getting to his feet by applying some heavy pressure to the shoulder. Mendoza did manage to break free and rolled Grimes up with a crucifix pinfall. Grimes broke out, rocking Mendoza with a strong shot to the jaw.


An arm tied chin lock left Mendoza in the middle of the ring attempting to get to the ropes. He would escape, and deliver a vicious running step up enziguri, leaving Grimes absolutely stunned on the mat. Mendoza followed up with chops, sending Grimes into the corner.


Another running step-up enziguri in the corner set Grimes up to take a missile dropkick. A third enziguri was stopped with a back elbow from Grimes, but as he moved to the top, a handspring enziguri and a top rope frankensteiner sent Grimes across the mat. Grimes broke out and rolled Mendoza up, and when Mendoza broke out, he was driven into the mat with the double foot stomp.


Results: Cameron Grimes defeated Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

The Time Splitter has his eyes set on Walter and Imperium
The Time Splitter has his eyes set on Walter and Imperium

Earlier on, it was revealed that Kushida would take on three members of Imperium (Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel) after picking two partners of his choosing. Imperium invaded NXT last week, taking away Kushida's valued time. The Time Splitter took on all four members of the group, including UK Champion WALTER, before making his escape.


Tonight, Imperium looked to put an end to Kushida's uprising. Who would be willing to help Kushida battle a group that had torn apart British Strong Style over the summer? Well, maybe a duo that's had some experience taking on villainous factions...and men with terrible style?

Imperium (Wolfe, Aichner, Barthel) vs Kushida & Breezango

Kushida kicked off the match with Aichner, who tossed him clear across the ring in a waist lock mat slam. Aichner was taken down by an arm drag, though, and immediately pelted with a handspring dropkick. Imperium still managed to take over, tagging in each other and taking turns delivering some powerful slams, including a deadlift German suplex from Wolfe.


Wolfe attempted a Canadian backbreaker but Kushida escaped, tagging in Fandango. Dango delivered a dynamite dropkick before driving Wolfe's mid-section into the ropes. Breeze came in next, and both members of Breezango caught Wolfe with a pair of kicks to the head.

Wolfe forced Breeze into Imperium's corner, and though Breeze stunned Aichner with a superkick, a distraction from Barthel allowed Aichner and Wolfe to take him out. Outside, a horrendously vicious running uppercut bulldozed Prince Pretty. Wolfe tagged back in, trapping Breeze inside the ring with a rear chin lock. Breeze battled back but was spiked on Wolfe's knee with a neckbreaker.


Breeze was left in a tree of woe as Marcel tagged in, with he and Aichner delivering a pair of running dropkicks to Breeze. Barthel stood on the right wrist of Breeze, inflicting any small amount of pain he wished to the man who dared to step to Imperium.


Wolfe and Aichner tagged in, pelting and scraping at Breeze's face. Marcel went at Breeze again with a double foot wash to his face followed by a running european uppercut to a seated Breeze. Breeze did manage to fight out of Imperium's corner, even sending Barthel over the ropes with a back body drop. Barthel rushed back inside but couldn't stop Breeze from getting to his corner.

Luckily for him, Aichner and Wolfe yanked Kushida and Fandango off the apron, allowing Imperium to bring Breeze back to their corner for more punishment. However, as he was brought back to the middle of the ring, an enziguri to Aichner allowed him to tag in Fandango, who came in like a house on fire.


Fandango delivered a series of chops to Wolfe and Aichner, the latter of whom was dropped on his back with a Falcon Arrow. A kick up DDT sent all three members of Imperium outside where they were taken out with a tope con hilo. Kushida had tagged in before the dive and spiked Barthel with a DDT as he was rolled back inside.


Imperium broke up the pinfall, with Aichner and Wolfe taking Breezango outside. As they made it back to the apron, Kushida knocked them off with a handspring double kick. Though Barthel countered another handspring maneuver with a back elbow, Kushida was ultimately able to catch him with a roll-up.

Results: Kushida & Breezango defeated Imperium via pinfall.


Kushida wasn't able to celebrate for long as Walter ambushed Kushida with a massive big boot, leaving him unconscious on the ramp. The Ring General, backed by Aichner, Barthel, and Wolfe, seemed unstoppable.

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Edited by Kevin Christopher Sullivan
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