#1 Contender's Street Fight: Matt Riddle vs Killian Dain
Dain challenged Riddle, leading to a few flush shots landing on the beast's jaw. Dain responded with a few punches of his own. Riddle was dumped to the outside but rushed back in before Dain could realize what happened, getting brought to the mat with a double leg takedown followed by an armbar.
Dain easily escaped and booted Riddle in the gut. However, Riddle escaped a fireman's carry maneuver and rocked him with a back kick followed by a German suplex. Dain kicked out and rolled to the outside where he was met by a Superman forearm off the steel steps. We went to commercial as Riddle continued to batter the Beast of Belfast.
Back from the break, Riddle was crushed in the corner with a running body splash. Dain followed up the pressure with a boot to his throat as we were treated to footage from the past few minutes. Riddle had introduced a kendo stick much like last week but was knocked to his back by a running dropkick from the big man.
Riddle recovered from the body splash and sent Dain over with a suplex, following up with a Broton. A penalty kick gave the King of Bros a nearfall. Riddle moved to the top where he was caught in the Electric Chair position by Dain. He rolled through, attempting a pinfall. Dain kicked out and dropped him with a Wasteland followed by a senton of his own. A powerbomb and a leaping elbow drop gave him a two count.
Another powerbomb attempt was blocked as Riddle reversed it into an Alabama Slam. This time, he made it to the top without any trouble, and fell onto Dain with the Floating Bro corkscrew senton. As Dain made it to his feet, he sidestepped Riddle who attempted a running shoulder tackle, sending him over the ropes. Dain followed up with a suicide dive, then brought out a steel chair. The chair was sent off the side of the head as it was shot through the air by the Hound of Ulster.
Riddle took another shot from the chair, but as he was taken over the barricade, recovered and battered Dain with chops and kicks. A series of chest kicks to a seated Dain allowed him to connect with a chair shot of his own. Dain cut him off with an eye rake and sent him headfirst into an equipment box. He taunted Riddle for his UFC history, which lead to Riddle pelting him with more punches. Dain shoved him off and drove him through the wall with a running crossbody as we moved to the final commercial break on USA Network.
As we returned to Full Sail, Riddle laid Dain out on a table in the crowd, delivering a vicious Broton through it. Dain was forced back near ring side, taking heavy kicks all along the path. Inside the ring, a springboard leg drop saw Riddle crash onto the chest of the monstrous Dain. However, Dain recovered following a pinfall attempt, driving a chair Riddle had picked up into him with another running crossbody.
Three Vader Bombs almost left an indention in the mat, but Riddle was still able to break the pinfall before three. Dain placed the chair across his chest and bashed it with the kendo stick. Another Vader Bomb, this time with a chair across Riddle's chest, looked to be the final call for Riddle. However, he made it to his feet before Dain could crash to the mat, driving him down with a powerbomb and tossing him a chair for a Final Flash knee.
Riddle battered Dain with kendo stick shots before mounting him for a series of right hands. The Bromission was blocked, and Dain made it to his feet. However, another chair shot left Dain on his knees where a chopping combination stunned him. Dain responded with a punch to the gut, but a Fujiwara Armbar left Dain in a pretty poor position. With nowhere to go, he finally tapped out.
Results: Matt Riddle defeated Killian Dain via submission.
Adam Cole strolled down to the ring to rub his title in the face of Matt Riddle, who he believed was too exhausted from his brawl with Dain to respond. However, Riddle locked him in a Fujiwara Armbar as well, forcing him to tap before the Undisputed Era were able to rush the ring.
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