The NXT before WrestleMania kicked off with Imperium making their entrance but LA Knight and MSK attacked them on the ramp. Fabian Aichner and Knight headed to the ring as the brawl continued and the first match of the night started right away.
WWE NXT Results (March 29th, 2022): LA Knight & MSK vs. Imperium
LA Knight and MSK isolated Fabian Aichner early on, but once Marcel Barthel and Gunther came in, Knight was the one taking a beating. Aichner was back in and Knight got the tag off a counter before MSK cleared the ring with superkicks before hitting a dive on Gunther to the outside.
After a break on NXT, Nash Carter tagged in and got a dropkick before Gunther dropped him from the apron. Knight went after Gunther and the two were brawling outside while Aichner got a massive clothesline on Carter in the ring and picked up the win.
Result: Imperium def. LA Knight & MSK
Grade: B
Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray were backstage and they both agreed that they would beat each other down if need be to win the NXT Women's Championship at Stand & Deliver.
Dakota Kai was looking for Wendy Choo backstage but she was nowhere to be seen. Kai found Choo's pillow and slippers on the ground and it looked like she was attacked and/or abducted.
Ivy Nile vs. Tiffany Stratton on NXT
Tiffany Stratton got some good hits early on and locked in a submission but Ivy Nile seemed to take no damage. Nile got up and sent her in the corner for a Superman Punch and a huge kick.
Nile locked in the surfboard submission before Stratton rolled out of the ring. Nile brought her back in the ring but Stratton hit a clothesline, taking her down.
Sarray showed up at ringside and the distraction allowed Nile to counter the finisher and win the victory with a submission move.
Result: Ivy Nile def. Tiffany Stratton
Grade: B-
Tommaso Ciampa was in a backstage promo talking about how the fans have been with him through every step of his life. He said that it was all going to end at NXT Stand and Deliver. He got up and left us with a chair with the dates of his first and seemingly last appearance on NXT.
We got short video promos from Dolph Ziggler and Cora Jade talking about their upcoming title matches at NXT Stand and Deliver.
Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen vs. Legado del Fantasma on NXT
Brooks Jensen had control early in the match against Joaquin Wilde in the ring. Tags were made and Josh Briggs locked in a bearhug on Raul Mendoza before tagging Jensen back in. Mendoza sent Jensen outside and tagged in Wilde, who hit a plank elbow drop on the outside.
Wilde got a big dropkick from the ropes before Fallon Henley attacked Elektra Lopez on the outside. Wilde went for the 450 splash but he was caught before Briggs and Jensen hit their combined finisher before picking up the win.
Result: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen def. Legado del Fantasma
Grade: B+
Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta were backstage on NXT and decided to settle their differences on WrestleMania weekend.
Toxic Attraction were out next on NXT and Mandy Rose said that she wasn't scared but her face said otherwise. Rose added that she will become the greatest NXT Women's Champion by beating Shirai, KLR, and Jade.
Rose then talked about Choo and Kai who failed them by losing to Shirai and Kay Lee Ray. They brought out some of Wendy Choo's stuff like her drink cup and tossed them out in the ring, revealing that they indeed attack her earlier.
The Toxic trio were about to walk out but then Dakota Kai attacked them as revenge. Raquel Gonzalez was out next and the duo took out Toxic Attraction before she and Kai hugged it out before posing with the women's tag titles in the ring.
Von Wagner vs. Bodhi Hayward on NXT
The match went outside early on and Von Wagner was sent into the steel steps before he sent the newcomer back in the ring. Wagner got a big suplex before Bodhi Hayward got a sunset flip for a near fall.
Jacket Time were on commentary and Ikemen Jiro was more interested in a hot girl that was in the front row. Wagner sent Hayward into the corner before the latter tried for a powerslam but Wagner countered it into his Attitude Adjustment finisher and picked up the win.
Result: Von Wagner def. Bodhi Hayward
After the match, Wagner attacked Jacket Time before tossing Jiro in the ring and hitting him with the Angle Slam. He then took off Jiro's jacket and ripped it in two before walking out.
Grade: B
Draco Anthony vs. Joe Gacy on NXT
Joe Gacy got the first takedown but Draco Anthony came back with a kick and took control of the match. Gacy hung upside down in the corner before coming back and peppering Anthony with kicks.
Anthony was caught in a submission move before he broke out and got some strikes before Gacy took a splash in the corner. Draco Anthony took a slam before getting a near fall.
Anthony got a diving elbow drop in the corner before Gacy tried for a rollup. Gacy got a cartwheel lariat and picked up the win.
Result: Joe Gacy def. Draco Anthony
Grade: B-
Bron Breakker was in a promo and said that this WrestleMania week was a big deal for The Steiners and he wasn't going to let Dolph Ziggler walk away with the title.
Nikkita Lyons vs. Sloane Jacobs on NXT
Nikkita Lyons was in a squash match with a newcomer Sloane Jacobs. Lyons got some big moves early on before getting a near fall. She picked up Jacobs but the latter managed to break free.
Lyons dodged a big kick before hitting a Samoan drop. She got some big kicks in before getting the pin with the split cover.
Result: Nikkita Lyons def. Sloane Jacobs
Grade: C
Diamond Mine were backstage and said that after tonight, they were going to secure both the NA Championship and the Tag titles.
Cameron Grimes vs. Roderick Strong vs. A-Kid on NXT
The match devolved into chaos daily quick before A-Kid hit dropkicks on both opponents to take them down. Roderick Strong was in control but A-Kid leaped over Cameron Grimes and hit a big dive on Strong.
Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams joined the commentary team before A-Kid hit a big dive to the outside on Strong and dropped Grimes on the apron. Solo Sikoa showed up on the ramp to watch the match before we headed for a break.
Back on NXT, all three men went down in the ring as Santos Escobar and Grayson Waller showed up to watch the match as well. Grimes got some big kicks on the apron and hit a top rope crossbody before getting the cave in on Kid for a near fall.
Kid got a DDT before Roderick hit him with a big knee strike. Grimes got the cave in and picked up the win.
Result: Cameron Grimes def. Roderick Strong & A-Kid
After the match, Melo and Trick headed to the ring before Sikoa, Escobar, and Waller joined them and a brawl broke out as the show went off the air.
Grade: A
Episode grade: B+
We got a great episode of NXT before WrestleMania with a big reunion from Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai, while Imperium got a big win in the opening match. Cameron Grimes secured his place in the North American Title match on tonight's NXT while Tommaso Ciampa cut a very memorable promo about his future in NXT.