WWE NXT was set to kick off with the Tag Team Turmoil match, and Ava was in the parking lot with security to make sure nothing went wrong.
New Catch Republic was out first to start the match with Enofe and Blade as we headed for the opening match.
WWE NXT Results (June 25, 2024) :
- Chase U won the Tag Team Turmoil Match
- Wes Lee def Joe Coffey
- Tony D'Angelo def. Nathan Frazer to retain the Heritage Cup
- Roxanne Perez def. Karmen Petrovic
- Tavion Heights def. Damon Kemp
- Sol Ruca def. Arianna Grace
- Shawn Spears def. Trick Williams
WWE NXT Results: Tag Team Turmoil match
Enofe and Bate kicked off the match, and Blade tagged in early on before hitting a double blockbuster. Dunne was in trouble in the ring, but Tyler came in and took Edris down with the Birminghammer before getting the first pin of the match.
New Catch Republic eliminated Edris Enofe and Malik Blade
Legado Del Fantasma was out for round two of the match, and they took control for a bit before Bate took Berto out with a Frankensteiner. Angel broke up the pin before getting a backbreaker, and this time, Dunne broke up the pin.
Angel had things in control in the ring, but a distraction from Apollo Crews allowed Bate to hit the Tyler Driver '97 for the win.
New Catch Republic eliminated Legado Del Fantasma
The O.C. was out next and got some big double-team moves before Tyler hit Anderson with the Airplane Spin. Gallows came in and took the Bop and Bang before the Republic tried to lift him, only for Anderson to interfere.
The O.C. tried for the Magic Killer, but Bate came in with a dive and broke it up. Dunne rolled Gallows up with the inside cradle and picked up yet another pinfall.
New Catch Republic eliminated The O.C.
Chase U were in next, and Dunne got the Beats of the Bodhran on Andre before Hudson was tagged in and hit some massive powerbombs. Tyler tagged in and took a big slam but managed to kick out of it.
Bate lifted Duke and hit a vertical suplex before Dunne got a sunset flip powerbomb and went after snapped Hudson's fingers. Bate went for the Tyler Driver '97, but it was reversed before Ridge Holland interfered and caught a dive to save Chase.
Andre came back off the distraction and hit a big diving crossbody on Dunne for the win.
Result: Chase U won the Tag Team Turmoil Match
Grade: B+
Ethan Page was out next and was still not happy with the Battle Royal results. Page said that he was never eliminated and demanded that he be added to the title match against Trick Williams at Heatwave.
He called Ava out, and although the General Manager didn't like his attitude, she agreed that it was unfair to Page.
Shawn Spears came out and said that Page was following in his footsteps but he was going to defeat Trick tonight. NXT Champion Trick Williams came out and said that he didn't care who he was facing. He could face both Je'Von Evans and Page at the same time and win.
Page and Spears teamed up like last week, attacked Trick, and sent him into the corner before Je'Von ran in and made the save. Page and Spears retreated, and officials separated the two duos as NXT continued.
WWE NXT Results: Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey
Lee was in control early on and hit a big kick and a DDT before getting a takedown and unloading on Joe. Coffey rolled out to the corner before Mark Coffey got on the apron and got taken out with a knee from Wes.
The distraction allowed Joe to take control of the match and get a near fall. Lee was sent into the corner but blocked a superplex before getting the Cardiac Kick for the easy win.
Result: Wes Lee def Joe Coffey
Grade: B
Backstage on NXT, Duke Hudson received an envelope with photos of last week's match, and the rest of Chase U showed up moments later to celebrate their win.
Ridge Holland took the envelope and hid it so that the rest of the group couldn't see it, seemingly protecting Duke or himself.
WWE NXT Results: Tony D'Angelo (c) vs. Nathan Frazer - Heritage Cup match
Frazer got a quick rollup and his first pin in under 40 seconds of Round 1. Round 2 kicked off with Tony D getting a takedown and tossing Frazer around the ring to get some payback. Tony got the spinebuster and picked up the next pinfall, tying the score.
In Round 3, Tony hit a spear right off the bat and was sent outside. However, Frazer caught him off the dive and tossed him into the steel steps. We headed for a break, and when we returned to NXT, they were already up to Round 4 with the score still tied.
Tony got a near fall off a spinebuster before missing a spear and taking a missile dropkick. Round 5 began, and Frazer got a near fall off a superkick before taking another spinebuster. Frazer countered the Fuggetaboutit and sent him outside before dropkicking him into the steel steps.
Back in the ring, Frazer hit Coast to Coast and went for the Phoenix Splash, but the timer ran out before he could get the pin. In the Final Round, the two traded rollups before The Don hit a top rope suplex and the spinebuster for the win.
Result: Tony D'Angelo def. Nathan Frazer to retain the Heritage Cup
Grade: A
WWE NXT Results: Roxanne Perez vs. Karmen Petrovic
Karmen got the first takedown, but Perez sent her into the corner and took her down with the leg sweep. Lola Vice was on commentary and trash-talked Roxanne before Petrovic fought out of a submission hold.
Petrovic got a discus clothesline and kick, but Perez came back with some kicks of her own and hit PopRox for the win on NXT.
Result: Roxanne Perez def. Karmen Petrovic
Lola Vice got in the ring after the match, and Roxanne tried to get her with the back fist once more, but Vice blocked it and took her out with a back fist of her own before walking away with Perez's title belt.
Grade: C
Meta-Four were backstage, and Noam told them over a call that Page had injured his leg and that he was going to be out for a while. Oro Mensah shared a story of how his dad had an accident, which led to Oro and his brother being in foster care in Switzerland.
Mensah said that he never felt like he belonged somewhere until he joined Meta-Four so he would get revenge on Page for injuring Dar.
The O.C. attacked OTM backstage before Michin came in and took Jaida Parker out.
Lola Vice walked into Ava's office and laid down the NXT Women's Championship, telling her to book a title match at Heatwave against Roxanne.
WWE NXT Results: Damon Kemp vs. Tavion Heights
Kemp hurt his shoulder early on but came back with a big slam on the floor before unloading on Tavion in the ring. Kemp got a German Suplex and followed up with the Angle Slam.
Heights countered the next slam and hit some big slams of his own before getting the pin.
Result: Tavion Heights def. Damon Kemp
Grade: C
Backstage on NXT, Jaida Parker challenged Michin to a Street Fight next week.
Enofe and Blade were getting a pep talk from Brinley Reece before Izzi Dame came in and called them 'delulu' for being so positive.
WWE NXT Results: Sol Ruca vs. Arianna Grace
Sol Ruca got the X-Factor early and went for the surfboard before Grace sent her into the corner. Ruca was sent outside, but Grace dragged her back inside the ring, giving her a big vertical suplex.
Grace hit an elbow drop for a near fall before Ruca hit the Sol Snatcher for the win on NXT.
Result: Sol Ruca def. Arianna Grace
Grade: C
Roxanne was furious about her title being stolen and blamed Ava for it. Ava told her she would face Lola at Heatwave for the title, and Perez stormed off.
Fallon Henley joined Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx backstage and complained about being overlooked, while newcomers like Kelani and Ruca got all the opportunities.
WWE NXT Results: Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears
Ethan Page was at ringside for the match, and the champ sent Spears outside the ring early on before getting a big chop against the barricades. Back in the ring, Trick continued the beatdown before they took each other out with big boots. Oro Mensah attacked Ethan Page at ringside, and a brawl broke out as we headed for a break on NXT.
Back to the match, Spears was in control and got some strikes on the champ before hitting a superkick and a knee drop for a near fall. Spears got a jumping knee but took a uranage before someone in a black hoodie tried to get in the ring.
Officials and security came in to drag the perpetrator away, but he grabbed the cover off the announce desk and hit Trick in the head with it.
Vic Joseph and Booker T mentioned nothing about the assailant on commentary, making it seem like an unscripted attack from an audience member. Spears used the distraction to hit the C4 in the ring and picked up the win on NXT.
Results: Shawn Spears def. Trick Williams
Grade: B+
Ava was backstage wondering what she should do about the NXT Championship match at Heatwave before deciding to book a Fatal Four-Way between Williams, Evans, Page, and Spears.