NXT Women's Title Match: Nia Jax vs. Asuka
Nia Jax enters the ring followed by Asuka.
The match begins with Asuka getting Jax in a guillotine but Jax breaks it and counters with a suplex. Jax manges to bear hug Asuka but she manages to squirm out of it. Asuka attempts a knee bar but Jax drags herself to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jax tries to attack back but misses the leg drop. She tries to trash talk but gets kicked by Asuka.
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Asuka attacks and tried for a pin but fails. Jax powerbombs Asuka but later out of nowhere Asuka catches Jax with an arm bar. Jax manges herself up but gets kicked, followed by another kick. She gets hit by a third kick followed by a running shot. Asuka secures a pin and wins the match.